White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.

He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.

Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.

You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped byh BBC in the Big House too?

lol, you sick fuck

You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?

You're even stupider than I thought.

Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.

I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.

I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

Not relevant. This case is about a woman who had a car accident, sought help, was was murdered.

Hey einstein. The shooting occurred 3 hours after her drunken crash.!!!!Whatever she was doing on the man's porch had nothing to do with seeking help.
No, it isn't obvious. Because nobody
Jo is right in that such threats are possible, but the home owner ALREADY admitted to making a mistake and not intending to shoot the girl.
Wow. To me the man doing that much puts him in a class by himself. How many other people in this world had it in them to come forward? Sadly not enough in my opinion.

God bless you and the man always!!!


It's called an attempted legal defense. Duh!
What did you expect, he would admit he opened the door so he could shoot her in the face??

Didn't you say a day or so ago here that you were done looking at anything that I have to say here? :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

[ Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Of course it's about race, you moron. With pathological racist obozo in the WH, everything is about race nowadays.
[ Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Of course it's about race, you moron. With pathological racist obozo in the WH, everything is about race nowadays.

See what I mean? Not only is he a racist, he wants to blame O'bama. Can't even take responsibility for his own faults.
Apparently he's some kind of robot, controlled by a mad scientist in the White House.

Not relevant. This case is about a woman who had a car accident, sought help, was was murdered.

Hey einstein. The shooting occurred 3 hours after her drunken crash.!!!!Whatever she was doing on the man's porch had nothing to do with seeking help.

You know that .... how? Were you there? Had she already gone home and come back out to... just wander the streets?

What were the effects of the accident on her? You must know that too, right?
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.

He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.

Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.

You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped byh BBC in the Big House too?

lol, you sick fuck

You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?

You're even stupider than I thought.

Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.

I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.

I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.

Dishonest hack.
No, it isn't obvious. Because nobody
Jo is right in that such threats are possible, but the home owner ALREADY admitted to making a mistake and not intending to shoot the girl.
Wow. To me the man doing that much puts him in a class by himself. How many other people in this world had it in them to come forward? Sadly not enough in my opinion.

God bless you and the man always!!!


It's called an attempted legal defense. Duh!
What did you expect, he would admit he opened the door so he could shoot her in the face??


He admitted it was a mistake when he could have done any number of things to try to cover up the crime.

But since he is a white guy who shot a black person, he must be a racist and guilty of wanting to bring back slavery and Death Camps, you fucking idiot.

If you say so, smegmabreath. Ain't my issue. Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Oh nos! a THREE WEEK OLD story, kind of like EVERY SSTORY you libtards fixate on being old as dry white dog shit by the time your PR campaign has gotten off.

Dafuck does that mean?
Are you drunk again?
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.

He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.

Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.

You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped byh BBC in the Big House too?

lol, you sick fuck

You don't think kids go out at night when they're nineteen years of age? What planet are you from?
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.

He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.

Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.

You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped byh BBC in the Big House too?

lol, you sick fuck

You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?

You're even stupider than I thought.

Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.

I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.

I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.

Dishonest hack.

Notice how he talks out of both sides of his mouth?
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.

He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.

Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.

You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped byh BBC in the Big House too?

lol, you sick fuck

You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?

You're even stupider than I thought.

Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.

I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.

I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.

Dishonest hack.

Notice how he talks out of both sides of his mouth?

He's always had this problem. Long as I've been here anyway.
It boggles the mind that these asshats think they can post directly contrary to fact and not figure out that it's right there on the record.

A less ethical mind would be tempted to conclude that all conservatives are just plain fuckin' stupid. I mean, since the drivel above lets us know that the world is divided into two wolf packs that each march in lockstep... it's tempting to get in the stupid hole and conclude that.

I'm not quite there. Givin' 'em one more chance.
No, it isn't obvious. Because nobody
Jo is right in that such threats are possible, but the home owner ALREADY admitted to making a mistake and not intending to shoot the girl.
Wow. To me the man doing that much puts him in a class by himself. How many other people in this world had it in them to come forward? Sadly not enough in my opinion.

God bless you and the man always!!!


It's called an attempted legal defense. Duh!
What did you expect, he would admit he opened the door so he could shoot her in the face??


He admitted it was a mistake when he could have done any number of things to try to cover up the crime.

But since he is a white guy who shot a black person, he must be a racist and guilty of wanting to bring back slavery and Death Camps, you fucking idiot.

If you say so, smegmabreath. Ain't my issue. Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Oh nos! a THREE WEEK OLD story, kind of like EVERY SSTORY you libtards fixate on being old as dry white dog shit by the time your PR campaign has gotten off.

Dafuck does that mean?

You stupid shit, how old was the Ferguson story while the media kept covering it 24/7? They sTILL are covering it.

And how long after GZ killed that punk did it take to make that the national news for weeks and weeks?

You are a stupid ass if you cant remember that shit, fucktard.

Are you drunk again?

Unfortunately no, I read your bullshit with nothing to ease the PAIN.
No, it isn't obvious. Because nobody
Jo is right in that such threats are possible, but the home owner ALREADY admitted to making a mistake and not intending to shoot the girl.
Wow. To me the man doing that much puts him in a class by himself. How many other people in this world had it in them to come forward? Sadly not enough in my opinion.

God bless you and the man always!!!


It's called an attempted legal defense. Duh!
What did you expect, he would admit he opened the door so he could shoot her in the face??


He admitted it was a mistake when he could have done any number of things to try to cover up the crime.

But since he is a white guy who shot a black person, he must be a racist and guilty of wanting to bring back slavery and Death Camps, you fucking idiot.

If you say so, smegmabreath. Ain't my issue. Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Oh nos! a THREE WEEK OLD story, kind of like EVERY SSTORY you libtards fixate on being old as dry white dog shit by the time your PR campaign has gotten off.

Dafuck does that mean?

You stupid shit, how old was the Ferguson story while the media kept covering it 24/7? They sTILL are covering it.

And how long after GZ killed that punk did it take to make that the national news for weeks and weeks?

You are a stupid ass if you cant remember that shit, fucktard.

Are you drunk again?

Unfortunately no, I read your bullshit with nothing to ease the PAIN.

That's still an ongoing investigation, dummy.
That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.
He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.​
Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.
You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped by BBC in the Big House too?
lol, you sick fuck
You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?
You're even stupider than I thought.
Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.
I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.
I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

(Carla Danger stated)
YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.
Dishonest hack.Notice how he talks out of both sides of his mouth?
Lol, you stupid bitch, anyone can look through the attributions and see that I did not call her a child.

I color coded it just to help your feeble mind. Blue for me, red for the liar Pogo, purple for Ashtara, and shit brown for you, stupid ass.

He's always had this problem. Long as I've been here anyway.

You attributed to me what Ashtara said about this victim being a man, that was your stupid fuck up, you god damned illiterate whore, you cant even read. roflmao

It boggles the mind that these asshats think they can post directly contrary to fact and not figure out that it's right there on the record.

Lol, yes, it sure is, your idiocy here in all its stupidity.

A less ethical mind would be tempted to conclude that all conservatives are just plain fuckin' stupid.

lol, you fuck up, blame me and then pat yourself on the back for not having a less ethical mind, BWQAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

You are a Certified Stupid Ass and I am book marking this post for EVER.

I mean, since the drivel above lets us know that the world is divided into two wolf packs that each march in lockstep... it's tempting to get in the stupid hole and conclude that.

lolololol, this is so freaking hilarious. Pogo the NoGo demonstrates he cant read, cant think and then blames other people for HIS screw ups, then twists his arms patting himself on the back, lolololololol

Ahhhh, you just cant make this stupid shit up; only libtards can stumble into it on a daily basis.

I'm not quite there. Givin' 'em one more chance.

Go fuck yourself, shit-for-brains. You fell into the Grande Stupidity Hole about five days after you were born and you haven't surfaced yet accept to eat, shit and get more stupid.
Last edited:
No, it isn't obvious. Because nobody
Jo is right in that such threats are possible, but the home owner ALREADY admitted to making a mistake and not intending to shoot the girl.
Wow. To me the man doing that much puts him in a class by himself. How many other people in this world had it in them to come forward? Sadly not enough in my opinion.

God bless you and the man always!!!


It's called an attempted legal defense. Duh!
What did you expect, he would admit he opened the door so he could shoot her in the face??


He admitted it was a mistake when he could have done any number of things to try to cover up the crime.

But since he is a white guy who shot a black person, he must be a racist and guilty of wanting to bring back slavery and Death Camps, you fucking idiot.

If you say so, smegmabreath. Ain't my issue. Talk to the racist OP. He's the one who set up a three-week old story in terms of race.

Oh nos! a THREE WEEK OLD story, kind of like EVERY SSTORY you libtards fixate on being old as dry white dog shit by the time your PR campaign has gotten off.

Dafuck does that mean?

You stupid shit, how old was the Ferguson story while the media kept covering it 24/7? They sTILL are covering it.

And how long after GZ killed that punk did it take to make that the national news for weeks and weeks?

You are a stupid ass if you cant remember that shit, fucktard.

I don't know. I didn't follow either of those.
That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.
He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.​
Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.
You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped by BBC in the Big House too?
lol, you sick fuck
You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?
You're even stupider than I thought.
Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.
I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.
I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

(Carla Danger stated)
YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.
Dishonest hack.Notice how he talks out of both sides of his mouth?
Lol, you stupid bitch, anyone can look through the attributions and see that I did not call her a child.

I color coded it just to help your feeble mind. Blue for me, red for the liar Pogo, purple for Ashtara, and shit brown for you, stupid ass.

Yes, they can. And mine says "girl", not "child". I pumped it up real big so even your dumbfuck ass can see it. Maybe.

He's always had this problem. Long as I've been here anyway.

You attributed to me what Ashtara said about this victim being a man, that was your stupid fuck up, you god damned illiterate whore, you cant even read. roflmao

No, I attributed "child" to you. Not just as a description but as a quote. And I just blew it up into light blue so even your sorry ass can't miss it. See if you can spot it. It's like the kiddie puzzles they have where you eat at Chuck E Cheese's.

It boggles the mind that these asshats think they can post directly contrary to fact and not figure out that it's right there on the record.

Lol, yes, it sure is, your idiocy here in all its stupidity.

A less ethical mind would be tempted to conclude that all conservatives are just plain fuckin' stupid.

lol, you fuck up, blame me and then pat yourself on the back for not having a less ethical mind, BWQAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

You are a Certified Stupid Ass and I am book marking this post for EVER.

I mean, since the drivel above lets us know that the world is divided into two wolf packs that each march in lockstep... it's tempting to get in the stupid hole and conclude that.

lolololol, this is so freaking hilarious. Pogo the NoGo demonstrates he cant read, cant think and then blames other people for HIS screw ups, then twists his arms patting himself on the back, lolololololol

Ahhhh, you just cant make this stupid shit up; only libtards can stumble into it on a daily basis.

I'm not quite there. Givin' 'em one more chance.

Go fuck yourself, shit-for-brains. You fell into the Grande Stupidity Hole about five days after you were born and you haven't surfaced yet accept to eat, shit and get more stupid.

Last edited:

What childish behavior is on display here.

YOU in all your stupidity and magnified by Carla Danger and catalyzed by Pogo the No Go

When you feel treatened, you resort to name calling, frequently saying using words like "stupid" and "fucktard" in attempt to "attack" other humans.

That is easy to do online.

Not so easy in real life.

Lol, I do it in real life too, stupid shit.

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