White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM

That ain't gonna look good in prison when people find out that he's in for murdering a black man.
He can expect loads of BIG BLACK COCK for years to come.​
Black girl actually. A teenager.

Bullshit. Plenty of teenagers are large for their age, and this woman was drunk out in the middle of the night and just woke the dude up causing a ruckus. That is NOT something most people would expect a child to be doing at 4 am, idiot.
You just like Ashtara, just cant stop thinking about some white guy getting raped by BBC in the Big House too?
lol, you sick fuck
You're telling us that a 19-year-old is not a teenager? And that you don't know the difference between "man" and "girl"?
You're even stupider than I thought.
Again, your prison fantasies -- that's your projection. Why don't you go whack off to pictures of Glenn Beck.
I said it is a stretch to call them a child and pretend that it was plainly obvious to the guy woken up at 4 am, you fucking liar.
I am glad to see you like so much though. It totally discredits you to anyone that has a single smidgeon of honesty. The rest are libtards like you anyway and already lost.

(Carla Danger stated)
YOU said "child" ya lying fuck. I said "teenager". That makes me right and you WRONG.
Dishonest hack.Notice how he talks out of both sides of his mouth?
Lol, you stupid bitch, anyone can look through the attributions and see that I did not call her a child.

I color coded it just to help your feeble mind. Blue for me, red for the liar Pogo, purple for Ashtara, and shit brown for you, stupid ass.

Yes, they can. And it says "girl", not "child". I pumped it up real big so even your dumbfuck ass can see it. Maybe.

I was not directing the word 'child' at the victim, as I do not consider her a child, so I never called her a child nor a man, like Ashtara did and you thought I said it because you are an imbecile. The use of the word 'a' means I was speaking of a 'singular noun when the referent is unspecified.'

Lol, you stupid DUMB JACK ASS.

What childish behavior is on display here.

YOU in all your stupidity and magnified by Carla Danger and catalyzed by Pogo the No Go

When you feel treatened, you resort to name calling, frequently saying using words like "stupid" and "fucktard" in attempt to "attack" other humans.

That is easy to do online.

Not so easy in real life.

Lol, I do it in real life too, stupid shit.

He has no friends. Sad.

What childish behavior is on display here.

YOU in all your stupidity and magnified by Carla Danger and catalyzed by Pogo the No Go

When you feel treatened, you resort to name calling, frequently saying using words like "stupid" and "fucktard" in attempt to "attack" other humans.

That is easy to do online.

Not so easy in real life.

Lol, I do it in real life too, stupid shit.

Of course you do. This is the internets, where everything is "true". :itsok:
This is as crazy as it gets. Whites are never allowed to defend themselves when attacked by crazy blacks.

Theodore Wafer sentenced to 17 years in prison for shooting dead Renisha McBride Mail Online

sep 2 2014
A white homeowner who gunned down an unarmed 19-year-old black woman on his porch last year has been sentenced to at least 17 years in prison.

Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in August for killing Renisha McBride outside his home in Dearborn Heights in Detroit, Michigan home in the early hours of November 2.

Wafer was convicted last month after a nine-day trial that centered on whether he had a reasonable and honest belief that his safety was in peril.

He testified that he was awakened by pounding on his doors and shot McBride - who was found to be extremely drunk - because he feared for his life. But a jury rejected his claim of self-defense.

Why do you lie, Speedy?

Your thread title is a total lie.

Speedy, the race-baiter is at it again. You and your friends at Stormfront are creeps and bigots.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

This is unsurprisingly idiotic.

One isn't going to do his family any good in prison.

Arm yourself, position yourself a safe distance from the front door, if someone indeed breaks in, lawfully neutralize the threat with your firearm.

This isn't rocket science, it has nothing to do with '20/20 hindsight,' it's basic common sense – and those who fail to follow their common sense usually end up in prison.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

This is unsurprisingly idiotic.

One isn't going to do his family any good in prison.

Arm yourself, position yourself a safe distance from the front door, if someone indeed breaks in, lawfully neutralize the threat with your firearm.

This isn't rocket science, it has nothing to do with '20/20 hindsight,' it's basic common sense – and those who fail to follow their common sense usually end up in prison.

You missed the story s0n.......he shot him through the door. :2up:

As I said........guy comes into your house in that state and you blow his brains out, no charges filed. Its called common sense.

Gawd......some people definitely should not be parents!!:itsok:

What childish behavior is on display here.

YOU in all your stupidity and magnified by Carla Danger and catalyzed by Pogo the No Go

When you feel treatened, you resort to name calling, frequently saying using words like "stupid" and "fucktard" in attempt to "attack" other humans.

That is easy to do online.

Not so easy in real life.

Lol, I do it in real life too, stupid shit.

Of course you do. This is the internets, where everything is "true". :itsok:

Ah, you finally figured out what you error was, and like a true libtard you change the topic.


And yes, I cuss like a sailor, WORSE than a sailor, and around the people I know unless they tell me I offend them, then I stop.

Of course, were you to tell me that I would have to step it up. Liars like you deserve no less.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

This is unsurprisingly idiotic.

One isn't going to do his family any good in prison.

Arm yourself, position yourself a safe distance from the front door, if someone indeed breaks in, lawfully neutralize the threat with your firearm.

This isn't rocket science, it has nothing to do with '20/20 hindsight,' it's basic common sense – and those who fail to follow their common sense usually end up in prison.

Do you have even the slightest notion of what a freaking idiot you are?
He should have just called the police. If she actually entered his house then the shooting would be justified. That was probably the point of contention here.

He should have demanded a change in venue....no way a black jury is going to let him walk in Detroit (my hometown). The problem is state law....some states define your home to include your porch, driveway, and garage. Others say the intruder must be allowed to leave INSIDE if you encounter them. Shoot that creep in the back and you're going to prison. It's everybody's duty to know the law where you live....my creed is and will always be; "better tried by 12 than carried by 6".
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

This is unsurprisingly idiotic.

One isn't going to do his family any good in prison.

Arm yourself, position yourself a safe distance from the front door, if someone indeed breaks in, lawfully neutralize the threat with your firearm.

This isn't rocket science, it has nothing to do with '20/20 hindsight,' it's basic common sense – and those who fail to follow their common sense usually end up in prison.

You missed the story s0n.......he shot him through the door. :2up:

As I said........guy comes into your house in that state and you blow his brains out, no charges filed. Its called common sense.

Gawd......some people definitely should not be parents!!:itsok:


Never got past the thread title, huh?
Deep Thinker strikes again.
Guess it wasn't enough to morph her into "child" -- now we're changing her gender too. Better "fear the big scary black man" story that way.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

This is unsurprisingly idiotic.

One isn't going to do his family any good in prison.

Arm yourself, position yourself a safe distance from the front door, if someone indeed breaks in, lawfully neutralize the threat with your firearm.

This isn't rocket science, it has nothing to do with '20/20 hindsight,' it's basic common sense – and those who fail to follow their common sense usually end up in prison.

Or the cemetery like you would....most home invasions go down with both the front and rear door being kicked down. They will be armed and high or drunk....they will have the element of surprise and adrenaline. With your plan you're caught in a crossfire and either shoot a family member running across your range of fire....or you'll FREEZE which is my bet. :doubt:
Or the cemetery like you would....most home invasions go down with both the front and rear door being kicked down. They will be armed and high or drunk....they will have the element of surprise and adrenaline. With your plan you're caught in a crossfire and either shoot a family member running across your range of fire....or you'll FREEZE which is my bet. :doubt:

That's what liberals can't understand. They wail about "it was an unarmed woman!!!". But the homeowner doesn't know that. He figures it's a gang and they're gonna be coming thru the windows any second.
Or the cemetery like you would....most home invasions go down with both the front and rear door being kicked down. They will be armed and high or drunk....they will have the element of surprise and adrenaline. With your plan you're caught in a crossfire and either shoot a family member running across your range of fire....or you'll FREEZE which is my bet. :doubt:

That's what liberals can't understand. They wail about "it was an unarmed woman!!!". But the homeowner doesn't know that. He figures it's a gang and they're gonna be coming thru the windows any second.

Self defense laws don't allow for "figuring"

you actually have to be in fear of your safety.

This guy could have you know just kept his door closed.
Guy shoulda just waited behind the door with the firestick......called the police. If he barges through the door in any kind of deranged state ( the homeowner wont know dick about alcohol.......lefties are experts when you have the benefit of 20-20 hindsight :biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )......you go for a headshot with zero remorse. Fuck the drunken dummy......you have a duty to protect your family.

He should told the police there was a whole gang of people breaking in and he just got one of them and then the others fled. Remember, the shooting happened THREE HOURS after the drunk crashed her car and all this talk about her seeking help is a lie.

That's what liberals can't understand. They wail about "it was an unarmed woman!!!". But the homeowner doesn't know that. He figures it's a gang and they're gonna be coming thru the windows any second.

Self defense laws don't allow for "figuring"

you actually have to be in fear of your safety.

This guy could have you know just kept his door closed.

And suppose the gang breaks down the door and maybe they got guns too. Now what's he gonna do? THINK

That's what liberals can't understand. They wail about "it was an unarmed woman!!!". But the homeowner doesn't know that. He figures it's a gang and they're gonna be coming thru the windows any second.

Self defense laws don't allow for "figuring"

you actually have to be in fear of your safety.

This guy could have you know just kept his door closed.

And suppose the gang breaks down the door and maybe they got guns too. Now what's he gonna do? THINK


IF that happens, then you can start shooting.

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