White man shoots innocent black teen....

Thank you for admitting you are committed to dishonesty and fantasy.

I will remember that the next time you interject yourself into a discussion about politics or current events.

Do you honestly believe I give a shit what you think :lmao:

Well that seems to be your entire focus when it comes to reviewing evidence...not the evidence itself, but what people THINK.

I guess you don't really care what people really think after all. You just care about your own fabricated storyline.
Reminds me of dick tuck and his embellishment of what happened.
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

Well god damn where is your fucking source? This is the second thread you posted that without a source.
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

Where did they get the sample of Trayvon's voice? They would have needed one to get that high of an accuracy level.
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

Where did they get the sample of Trayvon's voice? They would have needed one to get that high of an accuracy level.

He's talking about those two experts.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEDBqvEauYU]Trayvon Martin was punching Neighborhood Watchman when he was shot.flv - YouTube.flv - YouTube[/ame]
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

The FBI is checking Zimmerman's 5 previous 911 tapes to see if he was only calling in black suspects in order to tell if he is a racist.

The fact is the voice print software only works on one word if that same "HELP" word is yelled by Zimmerman as a control. In order for it to compare different words it must measure timing between words, rate, rhythm, cadence, disfluency, pronunciation, dialect, inflection, pitch, etc. It can't determine any of this with just one word. Those two crackpots they showed on CNN are misrepresenting the technology used by the FBI.
This Martin / Zimmerman voice comparison has anything but controlled conditions or good samples. As I read their test, it is not even close to accurate. Any lawyer will impeach their voice print analysis. It is such a poor analysis that doubtful IMHO that it will even warrant an arrest.

Steve Cain: One of the nation's leading experts on voiceprint technology.
If you distort your natural speaking voice to the point that you're not giving parallel voice samples you're really not comparing apples and apples. You're comparing apples and oranges. An experienced operator would notice this immediately. If I see this I won't stand for it and I will tell the court I will not accept such a sample and often they'll throw the defendant in jail for failing to comply with the district attorney's request for a natural, undisguised sample."Cain says that it's essential that speech samples contain exactly the same words and phrases as those in the questioned sample, because only identical speech sounds are used for comparison. He says the suspect should not be allowed to read the phrases from a transcript but should repeat each phrase after it is spoken by someone else. To avoid an unnatural response, the suspect should repeat the first phrase and proceed in the same manner with each successive phrase. What are the limits of the accuracy of voiceprints?' The limits," says Cain, "generally are the quality of the evidence it self. It's like any other pattern-matching skill, such as handwriting. You have to have good samples."
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

Where did they get the sample of Trayvon's voice? They would have needed one to get that high of an accuracy level.

Why don't you call them and ask them where they got their evidence on an ongoing investigation?
There have been reports on the news this afternoon that the FBI took the voice recording and put it through some of their machines.

Guess what? It's 99 percent certain according to the reports that it was Trayvon yelling for help.

It's probably gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

Where did they get the sample of Trayvon's voice? They would have needed one to get that high of an accuracy level.

Why don't you call them and ask them where they got their evidence on an ongoing investigation?
You know that Zimmerman doesn't have to do shit to assist any cop or any DA in the investigation, right?
And having the CCL, he would have had to know the law on using force.

That was my initial reaction. I do believe that Trayvon struck Zimmerman, although I don't believe anyone can say for sure how it started. So it's possible that Zimmerman was yelling, but IMO it was Trayvon.

Oh ... something else in that CNN link. At the end of the video report, a "senior law enforcement instructor" addresses the timeline and the police report, and that the maximum amount of time Zimmerman could have been treated by EMS was about 8 minutes.

Thing is, Em.... it doesn't matter who 'believes' what. The only thing that matters is what evidence can prove or disprove.

Can't argue with that. I just think after this length of time, if they haven't been able to answer all these questions, they probably won't. Only two people know what really happened that night, and one of them is dead.

Martin's parents are going to go to their graves believing they heard their son screaming for his life before he was murdered.

Zimmerman's are going to go to theirs believing their son was unfairly accused and harassed.

Thing is, Em, we don't know that they haven't answered those questions. All we know is that they are not releasing all the information and evidence they have.... and that is standard police procedure. We are not entitled to know. There is no reason for them to release all the details - and there are valid reasons why they do not release it.

Seems to me, on the evidence we have available... it appears that, at some time during the altercation, Martin was on top of Zimmerman.... that does not mean Martin attacked Zimmerman.... we don't know what happened before the witnesses happened upon the incident.

Seriously... we do not know enough to rationally judge anything. Which is why I defend only the process.... not Zimmerman, not Martin.

Who's the dude on the right? It's not kid who was killed.

Yea. It is. Do your homework instead of giving me negative rep marks for telling the truth. That pic is from Traaaayyvoon's twitter account.

No, it is not Martin.

March 26: Fake photos of Trayvon. Almost since the mass calls for the arrest of George Zimmerman began, so did an effort to smear Trayvon. New photos began popping up, including one of him shirtless and giving the camera the middle finger. It turned out not to be Trayvon. But it was too late for the Web.
Who's the man on the right? The implication: It was Trayvon Martin. The online rumor was that this photo was "pulled from Facebook." But on Sunday, the Twitter aggregator (yes, we've come to that point) Twitchy, which tracks viral content, retracted a post about the photo. "The photo on the right is not Trayvon Martin," editors wrote.
But he was tweeting a different tune at 1:03 p.m., when he wrote, “Mixed up Drudge photo of Trayvon w Michelle Malkin’s. Malkin’s is an admitted fake. Drudge? Don’t know. Sorry.” That tweet was immediately followed by another saying, “Malkin apologized for fake #Trayvon photo. I apologize for mixing up her photo with one Drudge used.”
Malkin’s site, twitchy.com, ran a photo it said was Martin shirtless and giving two middle fingers to the camera and said it was a photo the mainstream media was refusing to show. But it was not the same photo Rosenberg objected to on Drudge, so it was unclear how he confused the two. Malkin’s apology was also more unequivocal than Rosenberg’s.
“We made a mistake,” the site said in a post that later ran beneath the photo. “The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.”

Why #TeamDueProcess is important for justice; Correction and update: Twitchy issues apology for fake Trayvon Martin photo | Twitchy

Correction, 8:56 pm ET March 25, 2012: We made a mistake. The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.

Who's the dude on the right? It's not kid who was killed.

Yea. It is. Do your homework instead of giving me negative rep marks for telling the truth. That pic is from Traaaayyvoon's twitter account.

No it isn't. That's another kid. Already been proved - more than once.

Even if it was him... which I do not believe it is... what difference does it make? Does it prove him guilty of anything? No. It proves only that 17 year old kids goof around in front of cameras. Hardly earth-shattering news. Most of us have pictures from our teenage years that we would cringe at as grown ups. I know I do.
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