White men are passive aggressive

It's always a race bait thread when somebody says something about whites. Yet we have thousands of pages and hundreds of threads in this place where whites race bait at will.
Until white people are allowed into the racial conversation as representatives of our own interests, you will continue to lose the argument against any white person advocating for their own interests.

Check your privilege, asshole.

Why is it that whenever women of all races seek to enter conversations about issues that affect our own interests, we are labeled "feminazis" and refused a voice and intelligent dialogue? The same concept applies. Actually, I'd like to hear what white interests actually are. I've never felt particularly deprived, and I've been very white all my life.
You have monopolies on the conversation of gender and sexism as a woman, moron. People literally think “misandry” is a parody of misogyny because of bitches like you, or indeed don’t even know the word exists at all.

You are called “feminazis” because you refuse to hear out men with valid and often irrefutable arguments on behalf of men against both the current legal system and the goals of “feminists” who claim to be fighting for everyone’s rights, all the while you are whining about non-existent “glass ceilings”.

White interests are the same as any other race’s interests.

If we have "monopolies" on such conversations, why are we nvnot being allowed to speak openly and get feedback. If you folks have "valid" or "irrefutable" arguments, where are you stating them? The existence of the "glass ceiling" was established years ago, with men making comments like there should be no women in a certain position, women should not be hired because they might get pregnant, catty comments about women's appearance, etc. I myself once had a conversation with a guy who told me that he would never hire another woman because he hired a woman once and had to fire her. When I asked him how many men he had had to fire, he gave me a number, and I asked him why he was still hiring men. Crickets.

I find the concept of racial interests ridiculous unless one is of a race that has suffered race-based discrimination.
Because the “feedback” is made through laws....
How many innocent men’s lives were destroyed by sluts in college who accused them of raping them after a break up fight because of Obama’s(feminists’) “It’s On Us” initiative/guidance? How many men’s sports have been destroyed by title IX?

As for the arguments that men have against the legal system, I am sure you have heard most of them. Child custody laws are stacked against fathers for instance. It shouldn’t take a mother being declared “unfit” as a parent for the father to win a custody battle after a divorce.

Just because a minority of men think women can’t do things and consequently vote against women in power, that doesn’t constitute a “glass ceiling”. There are far more women who will never vote for a man anyway.

Your anecdotes are just like my mother’s. She whines about these hypotheticals and claims she knows a guy who said he won’t pay women as much or won’t hire them because they get pregnant(which is a biological reality btw), but yet she acts like it is no big deal that I am paid the same as a woman for doing demonstrably more work and much more physical work at that.

My diminutive female boss literally says things like “it is nice for men to do all the heavy lifting” in a supposedly professional, anti-discriminatory, egalitarian corporate environment regularly, even after taking over for a male boss who did most of the physical work because his male boss made him, but yet you feminists think it is beyond the pale for a man to simply explain to you that he is forced to treat you differently due to actual biological differences. You really don’t understand how much shit men actually put up with.

How do you define “oppressed” races?
You tell me how many "innocent" men's lives were destroyed (since you apparently know). Please also compare this to the number of women's whose lives have been destroyed by sexual attacks carried out by men who later denied doing so.
Child-custody laws are designed to prevent a parent with a history of non-involvement with his child to swoop and try and take the child from its mother. Go to court prepared with your history of "hands-on" involvement with your child. Children need to be fed, bathed, clothed, and cuddled every day, so be prepared to testify about that. Also come with a knowledge of such things as your child's medical history, doctors, and appointment, and your history of attending parent-teacher conferences.

Men who think that women can’t do things and consequently vote against women in power are erecting a “glass ceiling” as they judge all women as a group, instead of judging individual merit.

If you have a problem with your pay, the law provides a fix for that, but do consider that people who can't provide the physical labor that you provide just might perform valuable services for the employer in other ways, and I don't mean sexual services.

The fact that women can get pregnant should not act to effectively exclude us from participation in the economy. We need to eat and wear clothes, live somewhere, and have transportation, too, you know. And it depends on what kind of work a person does or wants to do. Someone who is pregnant is perfectly capable of sitting behind a desk, going to meetings, initiating improvements. It is ridiculous to have a society that excludes anyone on the basis of their biological functions. Everyone on the planet, including you and I, is here because somebody tossed them around inside her abdomen for nine months, sometimes very painfully. A society that disrespects and excludes people who procreate isn't going to be around long.

Men who think that women can’t do things and consequently vote against women in power are erecting a “glass ceiling” as they judge all women as a group, instead of judging individual merit.

Say what now?
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.

Eat a dick you racist fuck!

Men who think that women can’t do things and consequently vote against women in power are erecting a “glass ceiling” as they judge all women as a group, instead of judging individual merit.

Say what now?

Just what I said. Such men are trying to block women from attaining certain jobs based on their judgment of an entire group of people. They are not judging by individual merit.

Men who think that women can’t do things and consequently vote against women in power are erecting a “glass ceiling” as they judge all women as a group, instead of judging individual merit.

Say what now?

Just what I said. Such men are trying to block women from attaining certain jobs based on their judgment of an entire group of people. They are not judging by individual merit.

Who? Who is doing this?
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
I get what you are saying.

when I see blacks and browns calling each other ****** at work, I get a little annoyed since I have to watch every word I say.

but don't worry, intelligent blacks are leaving you morons in the gutter, to rot.
That's because you're white and white people have a naturally bond with each other.......... and also probably because they wanna fk you too.
Considering the owner of the company I work for is a black male, as well as a couple of engineers, mangers and support staff, I should have said BLACK and white, but it doesn't seem you'd understand so its best I left that part out. As I said, these are also "honorable" men....another concept you wouldn't quite understand.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
I get what you are saying.

when I see blacks and browns calling each other ****** at work, I get a little annoyed since I have to watch every word I say.

but don't worry, intelligent blacks are leaving you morons in the gutter, to rot.
Blacks dont call each other ******. Thats a word white boys are angry they cant use. Blacks and browns say "nigga" which is a totally different word and meaning.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He mentioned that he has no proof to the contrary so he goes with the belief all are white supremacists. I can understand that. I would think the exact same had not some whites proved they were willing to die for me.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He mentioned that he has no proof to the contrary so he goes with the belief all are white supremacists. I can understand that. I would think the exact same had not some whites proved they were willing to die for me.
There is no proof of God but people believe
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He mentioned that he has no proof to the contrary so he goes with the belief all are white supremacists. I can understand that. I would think the exact same had not some whites proved they were willing to die for me.
There is no proof of God but people believe
God isnt white. Big difference between believing in God and believing white people love me. We have all kinds of proof whites hate Blacks.
He has said all white people are white supremacists, so he will never accept anything white people have to say as truth.
Yes. I believe all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

So until there is list of who is and is not a white supremacist then I suspect that all whites are white supremacists

likewise, all blacks are criminals to me until black nonfelons ID themselves. It is a good bet to assume a black man is a criminal, black men commit violent crime at over 5 times the rate of white men. Jesse himself admitted it

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps...then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved

-Jesse Jackson
You can say the same about any race.
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He mentioned that he has no proof to the contrary so he goes with the belief all are white supremacists. I can understand that. I would think the exact same had not some whites proved they were willing to die for me.
There is no proof of God but people believe
God isnt white. Big difference between believing in God and believing white people love me. We have all kinds of proof whites hate Blacks.

no i just hate blacks like you, unfortunately most think like you, it isn't your skin, it your assinine attitudes and lies
Not other race has the historical documentation of racist actions and no other race has gone to the lengths whites have trying to prove they are superior.
He believes ALL whites are white supremacist. I do not think I am superior, nor do I try to prove I am.
He mentioned that he has no proof to the contrary so he goes with the belief all are white supremacists. I can understand that. I would think the exact same had not some whites proved they were willing to die for me.
There is no proof of God but people believe
God isnt white. Big difference between believing in God and believing white people love me. We have all kinds of proof whites hate Blacks.

no i just hate blacks like you, unfortunately most think like you, it isn't your skin, it your assinine attitudes and lies
None of my business who you hate you recessive pink monkey. I was just making the point to Molly that whites have a documented history which makes them the last people I would trust not to be racist.
God isnt white. Big difference between believing in God and believing white people love me. We have all kinds of proof whites hate Blacks.

I really don't think that is as much true with anyone under 30 or so .... I know when I was growing up in a 50/50 area, I was terrified of blacks. Not because I thought they were killers or criminals, but because they seemed to have no fear at all.......
God isnt white. Big difference between believing in God and believing white people love me. We have all kinds of proof whites hate Blacks.

I really don't think that is as much true with anyone under 30 or so .... I know when I was growing up in a 50/50 area, I was terrified of blacks. Not because I thought they were killers or criminals, but because they seemed to have no fear at all.......
How old is Dylan Roof?

James Alex Fields?
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