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White Men: The Kulaks of the 21st Century

If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks.
It is dishonest of you to edit out the time it took to escalate his war on kulaks to the point where executions began happening. Comparing the beginning of the war on whites to the end war on kulaks is an intentional fallacy meant to dishonestly hide the merits of the comparison that the article is about. Your dishonest commie tactics only support the article even more.
1. It is cold comfort, I know, but Caucasian males are going to be sorely missed when their numbers drop to an insignificant number in the coming decades.

2. The great-grandchildren of today's anti-Caucasian activists are going to bitterly regret what the latter did in 2021 to demonize Caucasian people in general.

3. Some "liberals" claim that the United States of America is on the road to Utopia as the demographics change so dramatically. In fact, it is on the road to a nightmare of corruption, violence, and disorganization. Just look at how certain cities today (no need to name them) are "governed" by the new majority!
Wow! What a great article!

The Left is Turning White Men into Modern Day Kulaks
As Stalin solidified his hold on the Soviet Union and began his industrialization policies, one of the first groups he targeted was the “kulak” class of peasants. Before his regime, that term was used only sparingly and toward the end of the Russian Empire and was meant to describe peasants with over 8 acres of land. In other words, it wasn’t a real distinction. There were peasants and slightly more prosperous peasants, but they weren’t anymore a class than the manager of a gas station is of a different social class than his employees.

But to Stalin and his cronies, as with most socialists, the facts were no reason to throw away a possible path to more power. He transformed what “kulak” meant, turning the term from a sparsely used one denoting slightly more material wealth than was typical of a peasant to “a vague reference to property ownership among peasants who were considered “hesitant” allies of the revolution.”

That change let Stalin embark on some of his greatest horrors. Before the term was changed, the peasants were united as a group. They suffered together, lived together, and helped each other. After Stalin’s war on the kulaks began, the Russian people broke. Neighbor accused neighbor, friend accused friend, even family members accused each other of being the most evil of all things: a kulak.

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Stalin executed million of Kulaks. Executed is like "DEAD". If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks. You need to get out more. Where you typing from, Russia?

Still believing in the MSM Russian Conspiracy theory I see. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You mean like all intelligence services and every congressional investigation Democrat and Republican found, even when trump was in office? Yep.
If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks.
It is dishonest of you to edit out the time it took to escalate his war on kulaks to the point where executions began happening. Comparing the beginning of the war on whites to the end war on kulaks is an intentional fallacy meant to dishonestly hide the merits of the comparison that the article is about. Your dishonest commie tactics only support the article even more.
It was years before I was born and I had to look it up, to see what Stalin's war on the Kulaks was. What I read bore little or no resemblance. It was was more about exterminating millions of them. No genocide over here and won't be. Get a life.
If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks.
It is dishonest of you to edit out the time it took to escalate his war on kulaks to the point where executions began happening. Comparing the beginning of the war on whites to the end war on kulaks is an intentional fallacy meant to dishonestly hide the merits of the comparison that the article is about. Your dishonest commie tactics only support the article even more.
It was years before I was born and I had to look it up, to see what Stalin's war on the Kulaks was. What I read bore little or no resemblance. It was was more about exterminating millions of them. No genocide over here and won't be. Get a life.
An objective read of the entire article that this thread is about will yield an interesting comparison. A subjective read of the article is as useless as the subjective search you did to find a way to discredit it.
Wow! What a great article!

The Left is Turning White Men into Modern Day Kulaks
As Stalin solidified his hold on the Soviet Union and began his industrialization policies, one of the first groups he targeted was the “kulak” class of peasants. Before his regime, that term was used only sparingly and toward the end of the Russian Empire and was meant to describe peasants with over 8 acres of land. In other words, it wasn’t a real distinction. There were peasants and slightly more prosperous peasants, but they weren’t anymore a class than the manager of a gas station is of a different social class than his employees.

But to Stalin and his cronies, as with most socialists, the facts were no reason to throw away a possible path to more power. He transformed what “kulak” meant, turning the term from a sparsely used one denoting slightly more material wealth than was typical of a peasant to “a vague reference to property ownership among peasants who were considered “hesitant” allies of the revolution.”

That change let Stalin embark on some of his greatest horrors. Before the term was changed, the peasants were united as a group. They suffered together, lived together, and helped each other. After Stalin’s war on the kulaks began, the Russian people broke. Neighbor accused neighbor, friend accused friend, even family members accused each other of being the most evil of all things: a kulak.

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i feel sorry for only the white males that go along with the lefts evil out of fear ...in other words i feel sorry for weak white democrats.
We can see who the REAL weak ones are, sweetie....:heehee:
If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks.
It is dishonest of you to edit out the time it took to escalate his war on kulaks to the point where executions began happening. Comparing the beginning of the war on whites to the end war on kulaks is an intentional fallacy meant to dishonestly hide the merits of the comparison that the article is about. Your dishonest commie tactics only support the article even more.
It was years before I was born and I had to look it up, to see what Stalin's war on the Kulaks was. What I read bore little or no resemblance. It was was more about exterminating millions of them. No genocide over here and won't be. Get a life.
An objective read of the entire article that this thread is about will yield an interesting comparison. A subjective read of the article is as useless as the subjective search you did to find a way to discredit it.
What you consider interesting to support your theories of parallels is just bullsh#t.
"[I have] returned from Germany bringing ... peace for our time."

- Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

"[White supremacy] is the biggest chunk of our racially motivated violent extremism."

- Trump-appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray
Very bizarre view of history. Nobody is attacking all white males just for existing. Unfortunately, the US has a history of white supremacy and male supremacy based on identity politics that a percentage of white males are trying to extend rather than cooperating with others in friendship to build a free, just, and comfortable society for all of us. These are the only ones who are being criticized.
Interesting that it is only the lefties who are denying the premise of the article, and that the article specifies that lefties are the attackers.
Wow! What a great article!

The Left is Turning White Men into Modern Day Kulaks
As Stalin solidified his hold on the Soviet Union and began his industrialization policies, one of the first groups he targeted was the “kulak” class of peasants. Before his regime, that term was used only sparingly and toward the end of the Russian Empire and was meant to describe peasants with over 8 acres of land. In other words, it wasn’t a real distinction. There were peasants and slightly more prosperous peasants, but they weren’t anymore a class than the manager of a gas station is of a different social class than his employees.

But to Stalin and his cronies, as with most socialists, the facts were no reason to throw away a possible path to more power. He transformed what “kulak” meant, turning the term from a sparsely used one denoting slightly more material wealth than was typical of a peasant to “a vague reference to property ownership among peasants who were considered “hesitant” allies of the revolution.”

That change let Stalin embark on some of his greatest horrors. Before the term was changed, the peasants were united as a group. They suffered together, lived together, and helped each other. After Stalin’s war on the kulaks began, the Russian people broke. Neighbor accused neighbor, friend accused friend, even family members accused each other of being the most evil of all things: a kulak.

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Stalin executed million of Kulaks. Executed is like "DEAD". If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks. You need to get out more. Where you typing from, Russia?

Still believing in the MSM Russian Conspiracy theory I see. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You mean like all intelligence services and every congressional investigation Democrat and Republican found, even when trump was in office? Yep.

More like you believe everything the MSM tells you. :auiqs.jpg:

From the article:

Lionize Robert E Lee, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, and any other great men that worked to make the West a better place.

Of the four men mentioned, only one, Churchill, could be described as being a "great man" who worked to make the West a better place, and that is due to his leadership efforts in WWII. Robert E. Lee certainly is no hero. He led an army against our republic while knowing that he was fighting to perpetuate slavery and human subjugation. Reagan and trump did nothing but endanger the rights and health of their fellow Americans. instead of nation-building.

This claim that somehow "masculinity" is being compromised raises the question of just what the people who advance it are being prevented from doing that they want to do. It is incomprehensible. And what's a "soy boy"?

The crazed author of this piece even refers to Victorian England as having been "the peak of Western civilization" and a "model of an ideal society," when it clearly was not. Millions were subjugated, marginalized, deprived of human rights, and infantized, among other things, during this rather bleak period in history. Whatever anyone thinks of Cardi B, she cannot be accused of wanting a "post-morality hellhole" (assuming that this is a reference only to sexual morality) because there never was any standard "morality" in the first place. From the fornication and adultery of British kings and noblemen, to Civil War generals complaining about syphilis in their ranks, French postcards, the consistent survival of the practice of prostitution, "gentlemen's clubs," Playboy and the other "men's" magazines, the big-breasted, bikini-clad models who appear on so many internet ads, and the obviously acceptable sexual shenanigans of trump, and more, there has never been a universal morality that has been imposed with penalties. He's just pissed at Cardi B because she's acting as a free agent.

Nothing in this article supports the proposition that all white men are being attacked just because of their race and sex.
Wow! What a great article!

The Left is Turning White Men into Modern Day Kulaks
As Stalin solidified his hold on the Soviet Union and began his industrialization policies, one of the first groups he targeted was the “kulak” class of peasants. Before his regime, that term was used only sparingly and toward the end of the Russian Empire and was meant to describe peasants with over 8 acres of land. In other words, it wasn’t a real distinction. There were peasants and slightly more prosperous peasants, but they weren’t anymore a class than the manager of a gas station is of a different social class than his employees.

But to Stalin and his cronies, as with most socialists, the facts were no reason to throw away a possible path to more power. He transformed what “kulak” meant, turning the term from a sparsely used one denoting slightly more material wealth than was typical of a peasant to “a vague reference to property ownership among peasants who were considered “hesitant” allies of the revolution.”

That change let Stalin embark on some of his greatest horrors. Before the term was changed, the peasants were united as a group. They suffered together, lived together, and helped each other. After Stalin’s war on the kulaks began, the Russian people broke. Neighbor accused neighbor, friend accused friend, even family members accused each other of being the most evil of all things: a kulak.

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Stalin executed million of Kulaks. Executed is like "DEAD". If it is like the Stalin attacks on the Kulaks, how come I cannot read of the executions? Maybe because their aren't any. That would mean, nothing like the attacks on the Kulaks. You need to get out more. Where you typing from, Russia?

Still believing in the MSM Russian Conspiracy theory I see. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You mean like all intelligence services and every congressional investigation Democrat and Republican found, even when trump was in office? Yep.

More like you believe everything the MSM tells you. :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 473746
Dude, what Stalin did to the Kulaks is in all the history books and nobody talking about it mainstream. I'm 66 an it was 20 something years before I was born and was about killing millions.
If Biden is doing this, show me the bodies.
you may be white but make no mistake you are definitely no man ..... the truth of the matter is this . you go along with the left because you are a weakling.

Say the pouting cultists through their endless very manly torrents of loser-tears.

So, were you Trump cultists attracted to the Trump cult because you were already eunuchs, or were you castrated as part of the initiation ceremony?

If you Trump cultists are going to claim you do have gonads, then why is it that every Trump cultist is such a helpless flailing pajama boi? Even the most passive beta males look macho in comparison to Trump cultists.

Now, go on. Give us some more manly tears concerning the plight of the white man. Just understand that no, that will not impress women.
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As a white man, I apologize for whiny little bitches like the OP. His snivelling is not representative of how most white men think, and he is a great embarrassment to all white men.
Most of us who are not white understand this and realize those like you are unfairly stained by idiots.
Wow! What a great article!

The Left is Turning White Men into Modern Day Kulaks
As Stalin solidified his hold on the Soviet Union and began his industrialization policies, one of the first groups he targeted was the “kulak” class of peasants. Before his regime, that term was used only sparingly and toward the end of the Russian Empire and was meant to describe peasants with over 8 acres of land. In other words, it wasn’t a real distinction. There were peasants and slightly more prosperous peasants, but they weren’t anymore a class than the manager of a gas station is of a different social class than his employees.

But to Stalin and his cronies, as with most socialists, the facts were no reason to throw away a possible path to more power. He transformed what “kulak” meant, turning the term from a sparsely used one denoting slightly more material wealth than was typical of a peasant to “a vague reference to property ownership among peasants who were considered “hesitant” allies of the revolution.”

That change let Stalin embark on some of his greatest horrors. Before the term was changed, the peasants were united as a group. They suffered together, lived together, and helped each other. After Stalin’s war on the kulaks began, the Russian people broke. Neighbor accused neighbor, friend accused friend, even family members accused each other of being the most evil of all things: a kulak.

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This is not happening to white men.

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