White Nationalist Corey Stewart, who narrowly lost Virgina governor primary, announces US senate bid

Because he's a lunatic, and he'll get less than 40% of the vote.

How is he a lunatic? I see no evidence that he is actually a white nationalist, when has he called for a seperate nation for whites?
He's a Confederate apologist and outspoken alt-righty. He represents the worst of this country. Virginia will never send him to the Senate.

He's a confederate apologist because he doesn't want memorials to confederate war dead taken down? People don't want those taken down by and large because they see it for what it is, SJW post modern neo-Marxist censorship and they see where it ends, today it's memorials to confederate war dead, because; racism, tomorrow it's the Vietnam war memorial, because; Imperialism, the next it's Monticello, because; slavery, next it's the US flag, because; all of the above, and on and on it goes. We know what your end game is and we drew a line.
Soldiers who fought in Vietnam did not fight in the name of treason and slavery. It's an insult for you to compare them to that. And most fought because they were forced to. Don't piss on them like that again.

Like I said today it's slavery, tomorrow it's imperialism, and we see it for what it is, a systematic and progressive attempt by the left at censorship, we know your game and we've seen it play out time and time again.
What game? Are you on drugs? Your wild hypotheticals don't make any sense. In 160 years maybe around 5 traitor confederate monuments have been taken down out of hundreds, probably thousands.
Are you on drugs?



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