White nationalist leader, Cantwell, denied bail

~shrug~ "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
Pepper spray is not a crime in self defense. Remember that next time you're walking alone in the Detroit 'hood late at night.

I don't even walk alone in Alaska at night. We have bear spray up here, but 45's are a far better defense against a Grizzly, black, moose, wolf, lynx, or humans.
If the justice system can deny bail for this white racist, national socialist...why can't they deny bail for criminals who use guns illegally? You know.....criminals who are actually killing people?

"They" can, usually if the person or persons have prior offenses for the same type of crime.
Cry me river. You are not fooling anyone. I understand how much you support the KKK, NAZIS, WHITE SUPREMACIST, Alt right and other hate groups. We went to WW2 and Civil War because of your friends. GTFOH.

Fuck you dumb ass......you asswipes accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist, nazi or any other thing you think will smear them.

The only ones supporting racists are you assholes who support antifa and black lives matter, actual racists....I have posted for years about national socialists and how they murdered millions of people.....you asswipes are the ones who support even bigger mass murderers, the marxist communists....both groups are anti semitic, and since morons like you hate Israel, you fall right along with both groups of racists....

You can't debate honestly, so you smear innocent people as racists....you are a vile, disgusting asshole...
Hey, silly little lying cocksuck, you have been defending the Nazis the whole time on this board. We know what you are from your posts.

Keep lying.....the only ones supporting racist, socialist anti-semites is you and those who support antifa, and black lives matter.....the national socialists don't have anyone supporting them.

Really? And a racist piece of garbage like you support the KKK, Nazis, white supremacist. That's nice.

You keep calling me a racist as if saying it over and over is going to make it true.....you actually do support antifa and black lives matter...two actual, honest to goodness racist groups which also happen to be marxist, and anti-semitic......you are the supporter of racists, not me....asshole.

Really? I mean REALLY? I blasted you several times about your racism from different threads. Idiot. That is on top of your lies.
The reason and only reason those antifa and black lives matter born and existed is to fight people against you.
Anyone that fight against racism, bigotry and hatred like the KKK, Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups are the heroes.
We cannot allow them to run around in this country spreading their killing propaganda.

Yes...people like me.....someone who stands against marxist communism and their mass murder....I also stand against the other socialists...the white racist nationalists....the opposite side of the same coin as antifa and black lives matter...

antifa, black lives matter, and white nationalists are enemies of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and individual liberty.....they are supporters of racism, hate and violence....and would easily start filling mass graves with their enemies if they gain power...

So yes...they are against me.....the guy who stands up to them.

Cry me river. You are not fooling anyone. I understand how much you support the KKK, NAZIS, WHITE SUPREMACIST, Alt right and other hate groups. We went to WW2 and Civil War because of your friends. GTFOH.

Fuck you dumb ass......you asswipes accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist, nazi or any other thing you think will smear them.

The only ones supporting racists are you assholes who support antifa and black lives matter, actual racists....I have posted for years about national socialists and how they murdered millions of people.....you asswipes are the ones who support even bigger mass murderers, the marxist communists....both groups are anti semitic, and since morons like you hate Israel, you fall right along with both groups of racists....

You can't debate honestly, so you smear innocent people as racists....you are a vile, disgusting asshole...
Hey, silly little lying cocksuck, you have been defending the Nazis the whole time on this board. We know what you are from your posts.

You guys keep posting that over and over....it is a lie, yet you think by saying it over and over you will make it the truth. I have never supported racists, white, black, hispanic, asian, and I have never supported socialism....national or international socialism...

Now you shit heads.....you support the democrat party, the party of racism...of all colors....you support antifa and black lives matter, more racists.....you support marxist socialists, a group that murdered close to 100 million innocent men, women and children around the world....

you are racists, and marxists....and typical of your breed, you lie about me and what I believe and support....


And you are a supporter of NAZIS, KKK and the rest of animal hate groups.
Are you any better?
Yes...people like me.....someone who stands against marxist communism and their mass murder....I also stand against the other socialists...the white racist nationalists....the opposite side of the same coin as antifa and black lives matter...

antifa, black lives matter, and white nationalists are enemies of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and individual liberty.....they are supporters of racism, hate and violence....and would easily start filling mass graves with their enemies if they gain power...

So yes...they are against me.....the guy who stands up to them.

Cry me river. You are not fooling anyone. I understand how much you support the KKK, NAZIS, WHITE SUPREMACIST, Alt right and other hate groups. We went to WW2 and Civil War because of your friends. GTFOH.

Fuck you dumb ass......you asswipes accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist, nazi or any other thing you think will smear them.

The only ones supporting racists are you assholes who support antifa and black lives matter, actual racists....I have posted for years about national socialists and how they murdered millions of people.....you asswipes are the ones who support even bigger mass murderers, the marxist communists....both groups are anti semitic, and since morons like you hate Israel, you fall right along with both groups of racists....

You can't debate honestly, so you smear innocent people as racists....you are a vile, disgusting asshole...
Hey, silly little lying cocksuck, you have been defending the Nazis the whole time on this board. We know what you are from your posts.

You guys keep posting that over and over....it is a lie, yet you think by saying it over and over you will make it the truth. I have never supported racists, white, black, hispanic, asian, and I have never supported socialism....national or international socialism...

Now you shit heads.....you support the democrat party, the party of racism...of all colors....you support antifa and black lives matter, more racists.....you support marxist socialists, a group that murdered close to 100 million innocent men, women and children around the world....

you are racists, and marxists....and typical of your breed, you lie about me and what I believe and support....


And you are a supporter of NAZIS, KKK and the rest of animal hate groups.
Are you any better?

You shit heads keep lying about me and the national socialists........telling the same lie over and over will not make it true. I have been posting against socialism in all it's forms since I started posting n the internet......and as for the klan......they are democrats...I am a conservative Americanwho votes republican......the exact opposite of a klansman....

As for you.....you support antifa and black lives matter...they actually are racist, Marxist and anti-Semitic.......the Marxist socialists murdered close to 100 million innocent men, women and children.....the national socialists about 12 million outside of the war dead.......so you support socialism........a belief system that murdered close to 100 million people, including those mirdered by the national socialists......you support black lives matter...an actual racist group.....and both antifa and black lives matter hate Jewish people.....

You are the one who needs help.....you support racists, socialists and anti-semites.....then you lie about me.....

You are one sick puppy.......

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