White nationalist leader kicked out of CPAC

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Richard Spencer kicked out of CPAC .. good riddance.

White nationalist leader kicked out of CPAC

Richard Spencer, a leader of the white nationalist movement, said he was “glad” that disgraced Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after he made controversial statements on pedophilia, while leaving the conservative conference Thursday after his own credentials had been revoked.

"I totally reject Milo and I’m glad that he was disinvited," Spencer said about Yiannopoulos, who resigned from Breitbart this week after remarks surfaced in which he praised pedophilia. The right-wing journalist was slated to be keynote speaker at CPAC but was disinvited earlier this week because of the controversy.
Whoa Nelly! don't be putting my name on your meter! :D
How did he get invited in the first place? Oh right, because Republicans does not embrace racists! Weee!:spinner:

Spencer, who purchased his own tickets to CPAC, was ejected after a CPAC staffer spotted him and revoked his credentials. Defiant, Spencer flashed his empty lanyard to reporters as he left the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just outside D.C., where the conservative confab is taking place over the next few days.

"They threw me out, it's pathetic," he said on his way out, saying that he wanted to have conversations inside on identity politics.

“I guess that they just discovered who I was, because the truth is that people want to talk to me, not to other conservatives.”

A CPAC spokesperson told NBC that the group ejected Spencer because it finds his views “repugnant.”

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told POLITICO that it was the group's right to revoke Spencer's credentials. “You are welcome to come down here, we will have civil conservation about things we disagree with but there are boundaries, one of those boundaries is having respect for people, people’s heritage, people’s race, and the alt-right is not a voice in the conservative movement," Schlapp said.

But Spencer fired back: "CPAC cannot host a speech where they denounce the alt-right by name and then expect me not to come. They're children. I mean, look, adults will engage in dialogue particularly when you're going to denounce someone. They're not even engaging in dialogue."
Richard Spencer kicked out of CPAC .. good riddance.

White nationalist leader kicked out of CPAC

Richard Spencer, a leader of the white nationalist movement, said he was “glad” that disgraced Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after he made controversial statements on pedophilia, while leaving the conservative conference Thursday after his own credentials had been revoked.

"I totally reject Milo and I’m glad that he was disinvited," Spencer said about Yiannopoulos, who resigned from Breitbart this week after remarks surfaced in which he praised pedophilia. The right-wing journalist was slated to be keynote speaker at CPAC but was disinvited earlier this week because of the controversy.

Ha! Trump and GOP got their votes, now they're happy to kick them to the curb.
Richard Spencer kicked out of CPAC .. good riddance.

White nationalist leader kicked out of CPAC

Richard Spencer, a leader of the white nationalist movement, said he was “glad” that disgraced Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after he made controversial statements on pedophilia, while leaving the conservative conference Thursday after his own credentials had been revoked.

"I totally reject Milo and I’m glad that he was disinvited," Spencer said about Yiannopoulos, who resigned from Breitbart this week after remarks surfaced in which he praised pedophilia. The right-wing journalist was slated to be keynote speaker at CPAC but was disinvited earlier this week because of the controversy.
Spender is a racist jack ass.

The world would be better off if he would just go suck his left big toe and leave the rest of society alone.
How did he get invited in the first place? Oh right, because Republicans does not embrace racists! Weee!:spinner:

Spencer, who purchased his own tickets to CPAC, was ejected after a CPAC staffer spotted him and revoked his credentials. Defiant, Spencer flashed his empty lanyard to reporters as he left the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just outside D.C., where the conservative confab is taking place over the next few days.

"They threw me out, it's pathetic," he said on his way out, saying that he wanted to have conversations inside on identity politics.

“I guess that they just discovered who I was, because the truth is that people want to talk to me, not to other conservatives.”

A CPAC spokesperson told NBC that the group ejected Spencer because it finds his views “repugnant.”

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told POLITICO that it was the group's right to revoke Spencer's credentials. “You are welcome to come down here, we will have civil conservation about things we disagree with but there are boundaries, one of those boundaries is having respect for people, people’s heritage, people’s race, and the alt-right is not a voice in the conservative movement," Schlapp said.

But Spencer fired back: "CPAC cannot host a speech where they denounce the alt-right by name and then expect me not to come. They're children. I mean, look, adults will engage in dialogue particularly when you're going to denounce someone. They're not even engaging in dialogue."
There is no point to discussing things with people who place the sole value to human life in a persons genetic heritage. IT is just too freaking stupid to discuss.

Spencer needs to go swim the Pacific Ocean from Bolivia to New Guinea.

What an idiot.
From the article:
American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told POLITICO .... “You are welcome to come down here, we will have civil conservation about things we disagree with but there are boundaries, one of those boundaries is having respect for people, people’s heritage, people’s race, and the alt-right is not a voice in the conservative movement.
What I want to know is why Schlapp is the first conservative of note whom I've seen make such an unequivocal denouncement of the hateful notions espoused by some factions within the GOP. It's about time that someone in the conservative movement recognizes and has publicly asserted that while one is free to spew whatever sh*t they want while standing on their own soapbox, the same is not so using the one belonging to "us," in this case conservatives who are sane, respectful of others, don't view hate as a virtue, and who will instantly and loudly rebuke anyone whose views to that effect impinges on achieving positive solutions for our common concerns.
I thought all Republicans were "white nationalists", that's what the Assclown Brigade around here repeats every day.

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