White Nationalist Media (KKK, AltRight, Skinheads) Cheers Trump’s Immigration Speech

I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

His speech was racist.

In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.

Read the comments the racist assholes posted in this thread. They seem to think that people of color have some emotional need to be around whites.

Get rid of 65, go back to 28 - really?

We need to shut these dumbfucks up.

Let it be known from this point forward:

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.
I did not hear him say he was going to close the borders completely, except to Syria and Libya. I know he has supporters with other agendas and I'd love to shut those dumbfucks up too, but you are confusing their policies with Donald's.
And he said in his speech, and clarified strongly again this morning (or last night--I heard it this morning) that he is going to build a wall, focus on getting criminal illegals out of here, and THEN, years down the road, we will look at what to do with illegal immigrants that are quietly contributing to our society.
If I misunderstood him, then I don't agree with him.
Trump claimed that they all must go. So now, some must go. His message has nothing to do with any policy he may decide to follow if he is elected. This new Donald Trump immigration plan is just a ploy to attract college graduates which has been his weak spot. If it doesn't work, he'll go back to the all must go line.

Trump's "new plan" won't win Latino voters and certain won't lose the racist core of his support.
In the spirit of socialism, maybe you can borrow some debate skills and visit me soon. Maybe we can agree to some type of quota system to help with your inequalities.
Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation?

America is literally built on immigration. We're ALL immigrants here, except the Native Indians. Take your anti-American authoritarian rhetoric and piss off.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Go away.

You sure do love trying to tell people what to do, don't you? You have the strongest authoritarian streak I've seen in quite some time.

I already told you once, I don't repeat myself.

And I already told you -- I don't take orders from right wing scum with an IQ of a grapefruit. Especially from fascist clowns who lie about putting me on ignore.

I'm new here, but how is this not in violation of this forum's rules? Nothing in it touches the thread subject matter. It's just a flame.
We need to shut these dumbfucks up.
Are you recommending censorship? Book burning maybe?
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.
You are good at the tactics of Alinsky, aren't you?
* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

So, marginalizing political opponents in hoping to discredit them, huh?
In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants,
So, basically you support lawlessness. You encouraging people to disrespect existing laws. You are an anarchist.
I think the point of suggesting all illegals may face deportation is to force honesty upon them to show they have been good citizens since arriving. No crimes committed, holding employment and paying their own way, let them stay.
We claim to be a nation of laws. When government refuses to enforce those laws, it looses its right to govern by default. All Trump is doing is supporting the Constitution. Illegal immigration is a crime. Period.
I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

Nothing The Donald has ever stated has been racist, he's angry, he has a right to be angry, tens of millions of people are also angry and The Donald's anger has resonated with those people, none of whom are racist.

The Alt-Left just needs to get used to this and deal with it, they also need to consider their mega collective Safe Space, because The Donald is going to be America's next President, regardless of what the Alt-Left Hillarybots want to think.

"Bigoted" is prolly a better term, since "Mexican" and "Muslim" and "women" are not races although Native American is.

The Donald is going to be America's next President, regardless of what the Alt-Left Hillarybots want to think.

:lol: America's next president of fake wrestling perhaps. :rofl:

If this a reference Wrestlemania where Donald Trump totally humiliated the billionaire Vincent Kennedy McMahon, whose wife was running for United States Senate on a Republican ticket?

If it is, then you must a cultured and educated individual who looks down on entertainment which openly advertises itself as entertainment.

You must be fan of opera, classical music, regular visitor of museums, art galleries, dine in the finest restaurants and fly your own plane. In other words, a phony person whose connection to regular people is slim or non-existent.

Bugs you to no end that Donald Trump resonates with decent hard working folks, doesn't?
It is the colored people that want to live with whites

What color? Orange?

Not sure, what about Terracotta?

We can also decide on another colour, for instance here's a good colour scheme chart, what do you think?


Here's the color chart they prefer


Please note, their is no black or white in it.

Neither is BROWN, the most obvious color that the rainbow people should see upon extraction from one hole and insertion in the other.
I think the point of suggesting all illegals may face deportation is to force honesty upon them to show they have been good citizens since arriving. No crimes committed, holding employment and paying their own way, let them stay.
Most illegal immigrants are paying their own way and haven't been committing crimes since arriving in the US. Despite Trump's claims about rapist and murders from Mexico, there are no statistics that clearly support his contention of a crime wave of illegal immigrants.

Most of the claims about violent illegal immigrants comes from federal court court cases in which a disproportion number illegal immigrant cases are handled. Undocumented immigrants accounted for 9.2% of federal murder convictions in 2013, but that represents a grand total of eight murder cases. When you consider that the FBI estimates there were 14,196 murders in the U.S. in 2013, those few cases handled by the federal court system don’t quite register as a reliable sample set.

Most illegal immigrants maintain a low profile because they don't want to be picked up by the police. Even if they are not deported they can end up in jail or held in federal custody which means separation from family and lose of employment. In general, illegal immigrants are much more afraid of the police than US citizens because being picked by police in Mexican usually means jail.
I think the point of suggesting all illegals may face deportation is to force honesty upon them to show they have been good citizens since arriving. No crimes committed, holding employment and paying their own way, let them stay.
Most illegal immigrants are paying their own way and haven't been committing crimes since arriving in the US. Despite Trump's claims about rapist and murders from Mexico, there are no statistics that clearly support his contention of a crime wave of illegal immigrants.

Most of the claims about violent illegal immigrants comes from federal court court cases in which a disproportion number illegal immigrant cases are handled. Undocumented immigrants accounted for 9.2% of federal murder convictions in 2013, but that represents a grand total of eight murder cases. When you consider that the FBI estimates there were 14,196 murders in the U.S. in 2013, those few cases handled by the federal court system don’t quite register as a reliable sample set.

Most illegal immigrants maintain a low profile because they don't want to be picked up by the police. Even if they are not deported they can end up in jail or held in federal custody which means separation from family and lose of employment. In general, illegal immigrants are much more afraid of the police than US citizens because being picked by police in Mexican usually means jail.

...and if legal immigration had been upheld by Obama, we may have had eight less murders.
As a former member of white nationalism I can tell you with out a doubt Trump is a white nationalist as his policies play within that community. Yes, you're a racist if you vote for Trump as you'll be voting for someone that will single out groups only because they're a different color.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
White Nationalist Media Cheers Trump’s “Almost Perfect” Immigration Speech

Donald Trump’s August 31 immigration speech was an angry, hateful rant that sought to fearmonger over the purported dangers immigrants pose to the United States. Trump’s white nationalist media supporters loved it.

Trump’s disturbing courtship with and widespread support from white nationalists is unprecedented for a major party nominee in recent history. Stephen Bannon, the chief executive of the "alt-right" publication Breitbart News, recently became chief executive of Trump's campaign.

During and after Trump’s speech, white nationalists weighed in with glowing testimonials.

Jared Taylor, publisher of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance:

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These sickos are so un-American. It's a joke that they think they are patriots. Not even close.

So what did you disagree with in Trumps speech?
It is outright crazy how much the things Trump says resonates with the #AltRight and the racist voters. Just crazy. I've lived a while and don't recall an election like this one that so clearly had so many racist overtones. Just crazy.

Bullshit, regressives pull out the race card every election, this is nothing new.
I think the point of suggesting all illegals may face deportation is to force honesty upon them to show they have been good citizens since arriving. No crimes committed, holding employment and paying their own way, let them stay.
Most illegal immigrants are paying their own way and haven't been committing crimes since arriving in the US. Despite Trump's claims about rapist and murders from Mexico, there are no statistics that clearly support his contention of a crime wave of illegal immigrants.

Most of the claims about violent illegal immigrants comes from federal court court cases in which a disproportion number illegal immigrant cases are handled. Undocumented immigrants accounted for 9.2% of federal murder convictions in 2013, but that represents a grand total of eight murder cases. When you consider that the FBI estimates there were 14,196 murders in the U.S. in 2013, those few cases handled by the federal court system don’t quite register as a reliable sample set.

Most illegal immigrants maintain a low profile because they don't want to be picked up by the police. Even if they are not deported they can end up in jail or held in federal custody which means separation from family and lose of employment. In general, illegal immigrants are much more afraid of the police than US citizens because being picked by police in Mexican usually means jail.

...and if legal immigration had been upheld by Obama, we may have had eight less murders.
Maybe, maybe not. When people are deported they are usually apprehended at their workplace which means picking up people that are actually contributing to the community. Of the 8 murders in 2013, all but 3 were drifters or unemployed.

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