White Nationalist Media (KKK, AltRight, Skinheads) Cheers Trump’s Immigration Speech

Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation?

America is literally built on immigration. We're ALL immigrants here, except the Native Indians. Take your anti-American authoritarian rhetoric and piss off.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
Lots of convicted felons support Hillary Clinton, what is the point of this thread?

The point of the thread is that Hazlnut is all hot and bothered again, they need to calm down, I'm getting worried that they might have a seizure soon.
This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard I guess....

There is no "alt-left". It's not like genders where the presence of one demands the existence of the other (which is why "God" cannot be male, but I digress).... "alt-right" is that group's own term for the hypernativist hypernational hyperjingoist fringe that's bubbled up when it heard a human creamsicle speaking for it.

The opposition to "alt-right" isn't an "alt-left" --- it's literally everybody else who's not on that fringe.

Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?

Nope. It's anti-jingoism. It's a recognition that mob mentality leads to nothing good.
Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation?

America is literally built on immigration. We're ALL immigrants here, except the Native Indians. Take your anti-American authoritarian rhetoric and piss off.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

That's all very nice and true.

Were there laws on the books in those days limiting the number of immigrants?

a system in place to vet them?

or do you actually believe things are the same now as they were 200 years ago?
Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation?

America is literally built on immigration. We're ALL immigrants here, except the Native Indians. Take your anti-American authoritarian rhetoric and piss off.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

That's all very nice and true.

Were there laws on the books in those days limiting the number of immigrants?

a system in place to vet them?

or do you actually believe things are the same now as they were 200 years ago?

The Leftist Extremists across the world want unlimited and uncontrolled immigration, most of it is illegal, most of this crowd who are crossing borders are illegal.
You wrote skinheads in the title.

Now look at you backpedal...

Where are Michael Jordan and Shaq????
I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

His speech was racist.

In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.

Read the comments the racist assholes posted in this thread. They seem to think that people of color have some emotional need to be around whites.

Get rid of 65, go back to 28 - really?

We need to shut these dumbfucks up.

Let it be known from this point forward:

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

His speech was racist.

In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.

Read the comments the racist assholes posted in this thread. They seem to think that people of color have some emotional need to be around whites.

Get rid of 65, go back to 28 - really?

We need to shut these dumbfucks up.

Let it be known from this point forward:

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.

Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.

Good way to decrease illegal immigration, and control legal immigration.

a vote for Trump is a vote for white supremacists?


... do you actually believe things are the same now as they were 200 years ago?

Okay, this is nearly funny.

Constitutional law - is it static or is it fluid?

It can't be both.

And the right wing has spent years supporting the NRA's position on gun ownership, so precedent has been set.


You have to live with it, lol.
... do you actually believe things are the same now as they were 200 years ago?

Okay, this is nearly funny.

Constitutional law - is it static or is it fluid?

It can't be both.

And the right wing has spent years supporting the NRA's position on gun ownership, so precedent has been set.


You have to live with it, lol.

How many laws regarding gun ownership, use etc have been implemented over the years.

What part of the Constitution covers illegal aliens?
I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

His speech was racist.

In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.

Read the comments the racist assholes posted in this thread. They seem to think that people of color have some emotional need to be around whites.

Get rid of 65, go back to 28 - really?

We need to shut these dumbfucks up.

Let it be known from this point forward:

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.
I did not hear him say he was going to close the borders completely, except to Syria and Libya. I know he has supporters with other agendas and I'd love to shut those dumbfucks up too, but you are confusing their policies with Donald's.
And he said in his speech, and clarified strongly again this morning (or last night--I heard it this morning) that he is going to build a wall, focus on getting criminal illegals out of here, and THEN, years down the road, we will look at what to do with illegal immigrants that are quietly contributing to our society.
If I misunderstood him, then I don't agree with him.
Yet blacks and Hispanics risk their lives to live with white people

You make a good point, across the world white people aren't charging across borders demanding to live in African nations or Middle Eastern nations.

In America, white people aren't charging across your border to demand to live in Mexico and Central American nations.

This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation? Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?
Only Trump is claiming Mexicans are racing across the boarders. Illegal boarder crossings have hit a 20 year low. Trump makes outrageous claims he can't back up and doesn't try. Trump is a a P.T. Barnum with a message of bitterness and hate.
I'm always a bit slow picking up on "code" but I think a lot of Trump's argument is sound, not racist. The speech was presented in an angry tone, and Trump using those individual incidents of murder by illegal immigrants was cheap theater. I'm not opposed to everything he suggests though, and I'm certainly not a racist.
What to do, what to do?

His speech was racist.

In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.

Read the comments the racist assholes posted in this thread. They seem to think that people of color have some emotional need to be around whites.

Get rid of 65, go back to 28 - really?

We need to shut these dumbfucks up.

Let it be known from this point forward:

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for white supremacists. Nothing more, nothing less.
When someone breaks the law, they must face legal consequences.

Exceptions for liberal pols and illegals who vote D.
Nope. It's anti-jingoism. It's a recognition that mob mentality leads to nothing good.
Pogster, if you did not notice, it is the alt-left who wants war. So sitting during the national anthem is not anti-jingoism it is spitting on the people of a country who made possible for those anti-American scumbags to make an exceptionally good living. It is the alt-left who wants mob rule with democracy. This is a Constitutional Republic.
Try to go back to France and burn the French flag...see what happens.You hate the U.S. Why don't you go back, you could submit your anti-American columns on the internetz.
Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation?

America is literally built on immigration. We're ALL immigrants here, except the Native Indians. Take your anti-American authoritarian rhetoric and piss off.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Yep, they assimilated too. Did we label everything in English and German during those migrations? America IS the authority in the United States moron. Legal immigrants I might add.
Get back on topic folks and stop trying to derail the thread.
In a nutshell he wants to deport all illegal immigrants, which is a bad idea, but not the worst thing a candidate has come up with.
Where it gets clearly racist is where he says he wants to close the borders completely.
If immigration is totally stopped, the US will retain its white majority.
So, the plan is to change the demographics of the U.S.? The cat is out of the bag. Eliminating Western Civilization...wow...
Uh.. isn't that racist against the white population? So, you screech "racist" to cover up your racism and who shouts louder is always right according to the alt-left.
lol, you're doing it again! You just can't help yourself, can you? I can just imagine how hilarious your life is constantly telling people what to do, yet no one listens.

Why imagine, just look at your life, you do the same thing.

If I am not mistaken, Mr. Trump currently seeks to kick out illegals who have committed crimes in the US. Far different than what the OP and a poster or two here is suggesting.

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