White Nationalist Media (KKK, AltRight, Skinheads) Cheers Trump’s Immigration Speech

White nationalist media LOL
There isn't anything this OP won't post.
The vast conspiracy chasing Clinton,the editors?
OMG, Lucy. See, this is why it's hard for me to say I agree with a tough illegal immigration stance. It gets rolled into a ball with ultra nationalists and I don't rub elbows with them.

I don't think it's a good idea to deport EVERYONE but it's a great idea to shut down sanctuary city funds, increase border security and ICE and get the criminals back home where they belong. Everyone who's been living and working here peaceably NEEDS to be legal so they can start paying taxes, for heavens sake.

I've never agreed with his stance on refugees and I never will.

So tell me, who is the worse offender, the guy who is caught at the border and immediately sent home, or one that has avoided detection and broken the law every day they remain in the country and yet another law every day they go to work?
When David duke is backing you and there's a dozen page thread on stormfront saying that Trump made the perfect immigration speech = hard to dispute.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
soften his language? what was it before, did he say he was going to invade mexico and slaughter all the sub-humans? sucks for you because i don't really have as much hatred as you, and it's just not possible for me to lend you any of my hatred or you would have double the amount to project. all i can tell you is that the accusation of racism is bunk, or that everyone and no one are simultaneously always and never racist. so much of your calculus is dysfunction, where to begin? please, please show the infallible periodic table of political beliefs, would be helpful to know. which is the appropriate label to wear today, shillary?
This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard I guess....

There is no "alt-left". It's not like genders where the presence of one demands the existence of the other (which is why "God" cannot be male, but I digress).... "alt-right" is that group's own term for the hypernativist hypernational hyperjingoist fringe that's bubbled up when it heard a human creamsicle speaking for it.

The opposition to "alt-right" isn't an "alt-left" --- it's literally everybody else who's not on that fringe.

Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?

Nope. It's anti-jingoism. It's a recognition that mob mentality leads to nothing good.

That's really funny, all Trump said was we will enforce our laws. Only true fucking idiots would have a problem with that.
As a former member of white nationalism I can tell you with out a doubt Trump is a white nationalist as his policies play within that community. Yes, you're a racist if you vote for Trump as you'll be voting for someone that will single out groups only because they're a different color.

Matthew, with all due respect your comments are near-hysterical, some people seem to think that when The Donald becomes American President, his Inauguration Parade is going to look like this.

The first picture is from the KKK Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1928.


This second picture I'm not sure if it's from the same 1928 parade, or if it's a different one.

white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
Please answer yes or no:
Do you support lawlessness and encouraging disobeying existing laws?
Are you in favor of anarchy and anarchist movements?
This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard I guess....

There is no "alt-left". It's not like genders where the presence of one demands the existence of the other (which is why "God" cannot be male, but I digress).... "alt-right" is that group's own term for the hypernativist hypernational hyperjingoist fringe that's bubbled up when it heard a human creamsicle speaking for it.

The opposition to "alt-right" isn't an "alt-left" --- it's literally everybody else who's not on that fringe.

Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?

Nope. It's anti-jingoism. It's a recognition that mob mentality leads to nothing good.

That's really funny, all Trump said was we will enforce our laws. Only true fucking idiots would have a problem with that.

The Leftist Extremists are against laws that are designed to protect the native population, the Leftist Extremists are waging a war on native populations, whilst at the same time giving special protection laws to Third World illegal immigrants to have carte blanche to charge across the Western Worlds borders and come to our nations to claim welfare and a roof over their heads and healthcare etc all at the expense of the native populations and if we don't like this, well then we're just racist bigots who are one step away from donning a white pointy hood and burning 20 foot crosses on peoples' lawns :rolleyes-41:

We don't matter anymore, except we are expected to foot the bill and pay for the upkeep of the Leftist Extremists new Third World pets.
As a former member of white nationalism I can tell you with out a doubt Trump is a white nationalist as his policies play within that community. Yes, you're a racist if you vote for Trump as you'll be voting for someone that will single out groups only because they're a different color.

Matthew, with all due respect your comments are near-hysterical, some people seem to think that when The Donald becomes American President, his Inauguration Parade is going to look like this.

The first picture is from the KKK Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1928.


This second picture I'm not sure if it's from the same 1928 parade, or if it's a different one.


Those are the same march, yes.

You're right that if Rump were to be elected the parade would not look like that. Today we have color photography; in 1928 they were limited to black and white.

But I do wonder if they'd all dress up in "orange-face"... :eusa_think:
As a former member of white nationalism I can tell you with out a doubt Trump is a white nationalist as his policies play within that community. Yes, you're a racist if you vote for Trump as you'll be voting for someone that will single out groups only because they're a different color.

Matthew, with all due respect your comments are near-hysterical, some people seem to think that when The Donald becomes American President, his Inauguration Parade is going to look like this.

The first picture is from the KKK Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1928.


This second picture I'm not sure if it's from the same 1928 parade, or if it's a different one.


Those are the same march, yes.

You're right that if Rump were to be elected the parade would not look like that. Today we have color photography.

But I do wonder if they'd all dress up in "orange-face"... :eusa_think:

As a former member of white nationalism I can tell you with out a doubt Trump is a white nationalist as his policies play within that community. Yes, you're a racist if you vote for Trump as you'll be voting for someone that will single out groups only because they're a different color.

So we can expect complete honesty from a supposed former white nationalist? Forgive me if I think your definition of a racist may be a bit off. Trump would be in the Executive Office making sure ALL laws were enforced, not writing them.
Some people were missing classes during civic studies (do we still have those in schools?) The do not know that laws are written by Congress. They support the current president's executive orders in violation of the Constitution and automatically apply the same to the next president.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
soften his language? what was it before, did he say he was going to invade mexico and slaughter all the sub-humans? sucks for you because i don't really have as much hatred as you, and it's just not possible for me to lend you any of my hatred or you would have double the amount to project. all i can tell you is that the accusation of racism is bunk, or that everyone and no one are simultaneously always and never racist. so much of your calculus is dysfunction, where to begin? please, please show the infallible periodic table of political beliefs, would be helpful to know. which is the appropriate label to wear today, shillary?
According to the polls about 99% of voting blacks are not going to vote for Trump and nearly every white supremacist organization is supporting him should give you a pretty good idea of just where Trump stands on the racist scale.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
Please answer yes or no:
Do you support lawlessness and encouraging disobeying existing laws?
Are you in favor of anarchy and anarchist movements?
Nope, I'm not supporting Trump.
white nationalist philosophy doesn't really sound like what trump said, ''assimilation, an important word. integration and upward mobility.'' he could have said, ''apartheid, an important word. segregation and racial caste limitations,'' then maybe the accusation of white nationalism would make more sense.
The only reason Trump is softening his stand on immigration, if you want to call it that is to appeal to more educated voters who are horrified by his racist remarks. Filling his speech with racist language would be counter productive.

He can afford to soften his language because there is nothing he can say that will cause him to lose his base. They either consider Hillary the incarnation of all that is evil or Trump's racist remarks so appealing that they could never desert him.
Please answer yes or no:
Do you support lawlessness and encouraging disobeying existing laws?
Are you in favor of anarchy and anarchist movements?
Nope, I'm not supporting Trump.
Deflection is the answer. You leftists are always trying to find a way to weasel yourself out of responsibility.
One more time:
Do you support lawlessness and disobeying existing laws?
Are you in favor of anarchy and anarchist movements?
This shouldn't be hard even for a bot..an imbecile..an idiot... just yes or no...easy..
This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard I guess....

There is no "alt-left". It's not like genders where the presence of one demands the existence of the other (which is why "God" cannot be male, but I digress).... "alt-right" is that group's own term for the hypernativist hypernational hyperjingoist fringe that's bubbled up when it heard a human creamsicle speaking for it.

The opposition to "alt-right" isn't an "alt-left" --- it's literally everybody else who's not on that fringe.

Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?

Nope. It's anti-jingoism. It's a recognition that mob mentality leads to nothing good.

That's really funny, all Trump said was we will enforce our laws. Only true fucking idiots would have a problem with that.

The Leftist Extremists are against laws that are designed to protect the native population, the Leftist Extremists are waging a war on native populations, whilst at the same time giving special protection laws to Third World illegal immigrants to have carte blanche to charge across the Western Worlds borders and come to our nations to claim welfare and a roof over their heads and healthcare etc all at the expense of the native populations and if we don't like this, well then we're just racist bigots who are one step away from donning a white pointy hood and burning 20 foot crosses on peoples' lawns :rolleyes-41:

We don't matter anymore, except we are expected to foot the bill and pay for the upkeep of the Leftist Extremists new Third World pets.

You need to change your vernacular, substituting "citizen" for "native", nobody is native to the American continents, nobody. Every one or their precedents came form somewhere else. Other than that I agree.
So tell me, who is the worse offender, the guy who is caught at the border and immediately sent home, or one that has avoided detection and broken the law every day they remain in the country and yet another law every day they go to work?[/QUOTE]
I'm apparently not looking at the problem through your glasses. I don't really know what you mean.
Yet blacks and Hispanics risk their lives to live with white people

You make a good point, across the world white people aren't charging across borders demanding to live in African nations or Middle Eastern nations.

In America, white people aren't charging across your border to demand to live in Mexico and Central American nations.

This is something that the Alt-Left cannot understand, the Alt-Left do not agree with either borders or even individual nations anymore, they think that it should be One World, One People and then they talk about what is and what isn't Patriotism and who is and who isn't Patriotic.

Is it Patriotic to want to dismantle America and American Western values by allowing the Third World to charge into your nation? Is it Patriotic to not sing the American National Anthem? Is is Patriotic to blame your nation for most of the world's ills? Is it Patriotic to cheer those who burn and urinate on the American flag?

Well, is it?

Kwame Kirkpatrick likes Hillary. He is in prison for corruption, so what does that mean?

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