White Nationalist with many weapons arrested outside WH in advance of protest.

Indeed total FBI/ AntiFa false flag operation! :lol:

View attachment 538982
LOL. Could he draw any more swatistikas? If anyone out there is in a neo-nazi group, do you all go drawing swastikas all over the place? Looks like some moron who wanted to make sure he was identified as a white supremacist. Hopefully there is a way to keep tabs on this clown after the arrest. Whole thing looks fake.
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Which begs the question....

Who would do that?

Who would WANT to be arrested with all that shit? Who would WANT to feed a bullshit narrative?
He did. Said he was on patrol. There are some real straaaaangers out there. Look at the idiots that stormed the capital. They thought they would be supported breaking our laws, as if they were too stupid to know any better and as if nobody would care.
He did. Said he was on patrol. There are some real straaaaangers out there. Look at the idiots that stormed the capital. They thought they would be supported breaking our laws, as if they were too stupid to know any better and as if nobody would care.

How about those Negro and Communists idiots that burned, looted, murdered in over 200 American cities.
He did. Said he was on patrol. There are some real straaaaangers out there. Look at the idiots that stormed the capital. They thought they would be supported breaking our laws, as if they were too stupid to know any better and as if nobody would care.
The leaders of the January 6 attack on the Capitol were FBI agents and snitches.

What kind of idiot would show up 4 days before the rally on the 18th flaunting swastikas in preparation for the rally on the 18th? This guy is the king of the idiots or he's a plant.. or both.
I'm not whatever action. I don't advocate for or support violence.

I don't want the police to shoot people.

I'm hoping that the day will be peaceful.

If it's not, I don't want people to be hurt. No matter who they are.
I hope it does not become necessary, also, but I never paid anybody to take an ass whipping they didn't deserve, just because they were charged with doing their duty to protect and defend against violent attack. The Capital Police have my support as they protect the Capital of my country and the structures and facilities of our democracy against attacks, foreign and in this case domestic. Those that might attack, can choose a camping trip with their kids, somewhere else, instead. The Officers, are there, because that is what we pay them to do and deserve our respect and compliance with the laws and regulations of the land as they go about their duties, in our service.
It would hurt mine.

These are human beings. It doesn't matter if they are horrible human beings.

We don't have to become like them.
I don't have your sensitivities and have not since early in my military days.
The leaders of the January 6 attack on the Capitol were FBI agents and snitches.

What kind of idiot would show up 4 days before the rally on the 18th flaunting swastikas in preparation for the rally on the 18th? This guy is the king of the idiots or he's a plant.. or both.
BS. Prove it. There ain't no secrets anymore, dude. If two people know, that's one too many. How do you think trump kept getting caught? Those were genuine anarchist nut balls leading on Jan 6.

I figure this guy was the king of idiots. There are some straaaangers out there, and this guy was from California. You really think there are no nut balls in California?

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