White people in NY are told not to attempt to get monoclonal antibody treatment from doctors because Gov. Hochul has prioritized it for non-whites

Is that how you think arguments work? You did just counter my facts with the phrase full of shit, so I guess I accept your defeat.
I suggest that you quit while you are behind unless you want to be savaged further.....I've read where some people like that type of thing. ;)
I suggest that you quit while you are behind unless you want to be savaged further.....I've read where some people like that type of thing. ;)
Buddy, you failed the opening premise of your thread. Nowhere does it say whites can't be considered high risk. You've retreated so far into stupid that you're arguing against my facts of disparities in health between white and black communities with "not uh". You're a moron and a public failure.
Buddy, you failed the opening premise of your thread. Nowhere does it say whites can't be considered high risk. You've retreated so far into stupid that you're arguing against my facts of disparities in health between white and black communities with "not uh". You're a moron and a public failure.

Well the fact that you used the word anymore should be your first friggin clue. But I gave an example already. Take something like the wealth disparity which would have an effect on the sort of meals and groceries you can afford, healthy food being more expensive. Less healthy food results in poor diets and poorer over all health.
Wealth disparity ? What laws are keeping these people poor ? I've meet people on welfare they get the funds to eat just fine, they just choose not to.
Wealth disparity ?
You do know there is a wealth disparity between blacks and whites in America yes?
What laws are keeping these people poor ?
The wealth disparity wasn't created today, it was created over centuries of slavery, segregation, red-lining, housing and labor discrimination... do you also deny these basic facts? How are we to have a reasonable conversation when you can't even acknowledge reality?
Why do white people continue to live in New York. At least create a white city, with a white hospital and white doctors.
If everything keeps going in the direction's that it keeps going, (i.e. with the CRT and all the other bull crap), then who knows, we just might actually see something like that in the near future come forth once again, otherwise as a challenge to all the bull crap.

It's unbelievable what has been taking place in this country for quite sometime now.

This crazy attack's on a new generation of white's, and it being based upon their skin color, and the attempt at making them feel bad because they are white with this CRT bull crap isn't going to fly for very long....

Then there is this claim that it's because the white's are so called privileged (in which they aren't), and so what if they are if they earned it honestly because they are hard worker's, tolerant of other's, many are Christian's etc ??? It has become the ultimate betrayal now that is being found in these attacks or new workings that are being orchestrated by bad people who are surprisingly white and black in color who are united in such things... Sadly it's all about attempting to form a power shift, and it is an attempt of robbing people of their wealth in order to shift the paradigm.

Many Americans having a consciousness or awareness about the black struggle's, and their plight in America over the years, should definitely continue to honor the sacrifices that many white's and black's have made for the black struggle over the years.. Yes it has got to be honored and respected. If not, then it will be seen as a betrayal suggesting that all sacrifices were for nothing, otherwise as if they are now forgotten with these new attacks, and the support for them.

The black's need to honor the fact that white's died for them in a war against other white's to gain for them their freedom in America, and so they (if the shoe fits), need to stop with their latest insane attack's on white people as a white race, and on conservative black people as a race, otherwise if that is what's happening.

They should stop attacking in the forms of (CRT etc), in which they are using to attack white people and conservative black people with these things these days, because all white's aren't bad just like all black's aren't bad.

Ok, now with all that said, are certain black's themselves solely responsible or is it these evil leftist white's who are the underlying force behind it all ??? Malcolm x spoke that it was the liberal white's that are the most dangerous individuals in the universe. He may have been exactly right.

That definitely needs to be studied, and then dealt with if that is the case. It's time to bring out the true evil one's who are responsible, and quit misreading the situations by giving those white's a pass if they are guilty of causing strife between the white and black population's in America, and especially if they are teaming up with the wrong black's for the purpose of gaining power, but a corrupt power at that.

Black people, please separate yourselves from the white liberal, because they are poison unto you. Many of you have, but there is still huge work to be done.

White's like me and other's don't want a white society only, but we do want unity with like minded fellow human beings that are in search of the same good things in life that most human beings are in search of in life.... We want humans that are peaceful human beings in life for whom can unite in cause if a cause should arise. That's what we want for America as a continuation of. Biden lied about uniting the country, and is to entrenched in globalism to really give a dam. The liberals draw their strength from globalism, and not nationalism. If challenged, they take their show on the world stage in order to trash their own.

Trade with the world is ok as long as it's fair, but what we've seen over time was anything but fair. The results are not to be ignored, and a solution must be found.

Being friend's with world citizen's and their government's is ok, just as long as it's not one sided, and we keep sacred our own souls in the process.

Not sure what will happen next. Find Jesus if don't know him, because to go forward without him is folly.
You do know there is a wealth disparity between blacks and whites in America yes?

The wealth disparity wasn't created today, it was created over centuries of slavery, segregation, red-lining, housing and labor discrimination... do you also deny these basic facts? How are we to have a reasonable conversation when you can't even acknowledge reality?
But none of that exist today and is illegal, most for decades. There are no laws responsible, in fact there are policies in place that favor minorities. I ask again what is causing this disparity ?
You do know there is a wealth disparity between blacks and whites in America yes?

The wealth disparity wasn't created today, it was created over centuries of slavery, segregation, red-lining, housing and labor discrimination... do you also deny these basic facts? How are we to have a reasonable conversation when you can't even acknowledge reality?
Why be so dumb as to suggest a link between disparities of yesteryear's, and ignore the huge progress that all but eliminated those disparities over time, except for those who choose a path in life that creates their modern day problem's in which has nothing to do with those things that you've mentioned in the past. You lefties need to quit playing your damned game's, because people aren't that stupid anymore.
But none of that exist today and is illegal, most for decades. There are no laws responsible, in fact there are policies in place that favor minorities. I ask again what is causing this disparity ?
What they can't seem to control, is that in America everyone is free to do as they please regardless of the consequences, yet they try to force blame when the crap hits the fan. Pride and arrogance is a major problem among those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions in life. So much pride and arrogance that it's everyone else's fault, and never their own. We've seen this blow up in society lately, and people aren't so stupid that they don't know what's driving it all.
Why be so dumb as to suggest a link between disparities of yesteryear's, and ignore the huge progress that all but eliminated those disparities over time, except for those who choose a path in life that creates their modern day problem's in which has nothing to do with those things that you've mentioned in the past. You lefties need to quit playing your damned game's, because people aren't that stupid anymore.
Prove the wealth disparity has been eliminated.
Prove the wealth disparity has been eliminated.
It's proven by choices made, and everything the damned government has spent wrecklacely for decades and decades now, but yet we still have entrenched poverty, mental unstable individual's, and excuses for that poverty and mental break down by the thousand's.

When you dig down into most cases you'll find the reasoning, and it has nothing to do with any of the bull crap you've mentioned, but everything to do with what Martin Luther King emphasized about "character" whether it be in the carrier who was taught right or taught wrong in life..

If were abused by their parental situation early on in life, and if it is found that the parent's were the abuser's of the young person's life early on because they were abused, then the cycle of destruction just keeps rolling on for generation's if society doesn't promote things that are supposed to set a better tempo/example that would be more peaceful, lucrative and decent to follow.

Right now we have huge issues and systemic parental abuses going on in which people use their children to get back at society for their own failure's in life. It's really sickening. Then we have the faux parenting coming out of hollyweird that is brainwashing the weak and the young because their parent's are either absent or they are actually believer's in the lifestyle's and messages coming out of the entertainment industry. What we are seeing is the wolf in the chicken pen, and a bunch of famers sitting around ringing their hands thinking what to do, what to do?

Oh yeah and one more thing, wealth disparities aren't the same, where as they can change in reasons for such things, but the go to race card seems to be the most powerful one to use during a Democrat government who is dishonest about it all to the American people, and so it uses race baiting and the card even when it doesn't apply at all, otherwise in order to keep the pot stirred for their twisted logic and reasoning in order to hold onto power in which it doesn't deserve.
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It's proven by choices made, and everything the damned government has spent wrecklacely for decades and decades now, but yet we still have entrenched poverty, mental unstable individual's, and excuses for that poverty and mental break down by the thousand's.
Wait, let's back up, because first you said the wealth disparity between Blacks and whites doesn't exist and now you are arguing it does exist but is due to personal choices. So what is your actual argument?
When you dig down into most cases you'll find the reasoning, and it has nothing to do with any of the bull crap you've mentioned, but everything to do with what Martin Luther King emphasized about "character" whether it be in the carrier who was taught right or taught wrong in life..
Then dig down to it with reason. Let's see if you have the capability.
Wait, let's back up, because first you said the wealth disparity between Blacks and whites doesn't exist and now you are arguing it does exist but is due to personal choices. So what is your actual argument?

Then dig down to it with reason. Let's see if you have the capability.
Entertaining the ignorant is not my favorite pass time, so try and do better or you won't get a direct debate or conversation with me, but I will continue to trash your nonsense post with rational common sense without entertaining your idiocy and stupid irrational questions.

You know the reasoning, but you act ignorant because you can't tell the truth about it all without ruffling your leftist cult's feather's.
Entertaining the ignorant is not my favorite pass time, so try and do better or you won't get a direct debate or conversation with me, but I will continue to trash your nonsense post with rational common sense without entertaining your idiocy and stupid irrational questions.
Except you didn't trash anything. You first claimed that disparities didn't exist and then that they do. I showed you to be an idiot and all I had to do was let you talk.
You know the reasoning, but you act ignorant because you can't tell the truth about it all without ruffling your leftist cult's feather's.
You obviously don't know shit and are afraid of trying to make further arguments after your first one was a complete fail. :lmao:
Wait, let's back up, because first you said the wealth disparity between Blacks and whites doesn't exist and now you are arguing it does exist but is due to personal choices. So what is your actual argument?

Then dig down to it with reason. Let's see if you have the capability.
Didn't say wealth disparities didn't exist, but rather I gave a long wording on how disparities differ, and what root causes of those disparities are today. Either read and keep up or go to a topic that suits you better.
Except you didn't trash anything. You first claimed that disparities didn't exist and then that they do. I showed you to be an idiot and all I had to do was let you talk.

You obviously don't know shit and are afraid of trying to make further arguments after your first one was a complete fail. :lmao:
Making yourself out a fool is undoubtedly something you take pride in... LOL

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