White privilege explained


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
White privilege is the privilege of being passed over for admission to college, jobs, opportunities, and promotions in favor of less qualified non-white males.

White privilege is the knowledge that a significant percentage of the population of America hate you because you are a white male, and that this hate is encouraged by one of the most powerful political organizations in the world, the Democratic party.

White privilege is knowing that a significant percentage of the population disregards your personal accomplishments as nothing more than a gift bestowed to you by other white males.

White male privilege is knowing that a black President was given a chance to bring "hope" and "change" to America, but instead has stirred up hatred against you and other white males.

White male privilege is knowing that if you are a police officer, you will be assumed to be a racist who is just looking for an excuse to shoot black people, and even if you are cleared by legal system, you will be a target of hatred and death threats for the rest of your life.
Is like when ya workin' at a good place...

... an' ya help all yer white buddies get on too...

... so alla illegal ferinurs don't take alla good jobs.
Is like when ya workin' at a good place...

... an' ya help all yer white buddies get on too...

... so alla illegal ferinurs don't take alla good jobs.

You mean white people hire their friends??? Wow. No other races do that!!
Where there is no vision the people perish.
April 6, 2017

Danusha V. Goska


In The Atlantic, the most popular comment is from an anonymous "middle-aged white man." He wrote,

"We feel downtrodden, but we don't even get to use the language of the oppressed since we're universally acclaimed as the oppressor. And we don't even get to take on the role of an oppressor since we're powerless. We used to be breadwinners, but now we're not. We used to be fathers, but more and more often our kids aren't with us. We're certainly not the heads of household … We've abandoned religion, so there's no hope of a reward in the next life. We have no faith in a government who doesn't seem to care about us … the world has passed us by and doesn't need or want us anymore."

Responses to this plaintive confession are unsympathetic. Posters allege that poor whites are racist, ignorant, lazy, junk-food eating, beer-swilling opiate addicts who cause their own problems by voting Republican.

One April, 2016 Salon headline reflects the attitude: "We Must Shame Dumb Trump Fans: The White Working Class Are Not Victims."

In December, 2016, after Markos Moulitsas advised his readers to rejoice over coal miners losing health insurance, The New Republic suggested, "Liberals Should Try Not Having So Much Contempt for the Poor."

In October, 2015, In These Times asked "Why The Left Isn't Talking About Rural American Poverty." Their answer: the left assumes "that rural white voters are racist and illiberal and intolerant" and unworthy of concern.


"Deaths of Despair" and Left-Wing Hostility to Poor Whites' Narratives
It is just easier to call white privilege the problem than to investigate real causes. Remember, to sell an idea to a lib you have to take into account their retention span of 15 seconds. Any longer and they get distracted by a shiny object somewhere.

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