‘White Privilege’: Libs Erupt as Tebow Gets Second NFL Chance While Kaepernick Remains Sidelined

Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
No actually Tebow caught hell for giving his thanks to the Lord. By the NFL also, but the NFL gave kaprenick a break.
No he didn't, Kaepernick was the most hated man in America by racist just like you.

Only a race baiting retard would think that people who hate an anti-American shit who kneels during the National Anthem, are wacists.
That is your MO shit head, every black man that has stood up for black folks in this country has been labeled as a commie, race baiter, trouble maker, etc. and Kaepernick is no different. Most of you so called patriots are funny too me, your ass has never even been in the Boy Scouts and yet you are the most patriotic souls in America let you tell it. Now let some shit pop off and they need volunteers you will be the last ones to step up to the plate.
You keep putting thugs as your role models but call Ben Carson an uncle Tom.
Hmmm, my father, grand father and uncles were my role models and NONE of them were thugs...........wait to white racist like you they were because in your little book any black man is a thug. You love black men like Uncle Ben because there isn't a white ass they won't kiss. You can call him the Nword and he will just giggle like you called him your best friend.
Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon. If he could barely speak English and had impregnated 6 different women he'd be a saint in Niggerville.
.....and yet he was put in charge of HUD which has nothing to do with healthcare. Why wasn't he appointed Secretary of HHS? Niggerville, where is that? Oh that's right I keep forgetting how cowards will say anything on a anonymous website.
Because the Sec of HHS doesn't preform brain surgeries...they run an agency.
No shit, but their background is in the medical field. I would be like appointing someone with a background in petroleum as the CDC Director.

Why would a liberal like yourself have a problem with that? Did Hunter Biden have any experience when he took his job at Burisma? Did Hillary Clinton have experience when she took her job as a high mucky muck for Walmart?
Did you apply for that job at Burisma and Hunter got it over you? Why would I give a damn about Hunter Biden getting a job at Burisma, seriously?
Of course you don't give a damn about corruption. As long as you get your plantation gift basket every month you're a loyal step n fetch it.
Please tell me Bullshit Filter what gift basket am I receiving every month. You should know about step and fetching being a ass kissing Trump Humper.

Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
Hearsay and gossip, innuendo, slander. Notice that no names are mentioned. Sick fuck.
How many years did he play in Denver?
Give us the names of the quotes.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
Hearsay and gossip, innuendo, slander. Notice that no names are mentioned. Sick fuck.
How many years did he play in Denver?
Two...there was the 2011-12 season where he was a front runner for the NFL MVP.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
i appreciate his opinion....and the opinion of others, as I have quoted that said he can absolutely do it.

Maybe he can't? I don't really care one way or the other. Why does it bother you so much? Many players, african-american included, have been given a chance after retirement. If they have the desire, and skill, they often get the chance.
Ah, so now you're admitting that he may have been kneeling in gratitude in those situations. And do you honestly think God can't handle more than one priority at a time? You truly are limited.

I don't think God handles anything, because he doesn't exist.

But the idea that your Sky Pixie won't solve hunger in Africa but can take time out of his busy day of running a universe to make sure a mediocre quarterback can complete a play, kind of trivializes your faith.

no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too

Uh, guy, the Klan infiltrated BOTH parties in the 1920's....
Just means He can do more than one thing at a time, silly human.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
i appreciate his opinion....and the opinion of others, as I have quoted that said he can absolutely do it.

Maybe he can't? I don't really care one way or the other. Why does it bother you so much? Many players, african-american included, have been given a chance after retirement. If they have the desire, and skill, they often get the chance.
Name another player that left for 9yrs and then came back in the NFL at a totally different position.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
It's their team. Blah, blah, blah.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
It's their team. Blah, blah, blah.
No shit.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
i appreciate his opinion....and the opinion of others, as I have quoted that said he can absolutely do it.

Maybe he can't? I don't really care one way or the other. Why does it bother you so much? Many players, african-american included, have been given a chance after retirement. If they have the desire, and skill, they often get the chance.
Name another player that left for 9yrs and then came back in the NFL at a totally different position.
Bubba Kowalski .
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
It's their team. Blah, blah, blah.
No shit.
Why the hell do you care?
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
It's their team. Blah, blah, blah.
No shit.
Why the hell do you care?
why the hell do you care?
The only thing you have "sized up" is that infantile penis you have. It's one size up from a thimble no doubt.
I said your post are on the 4th grade level and your come back is a 5th grade penis joke? I underestimated your wit. You’ll kill ‘em at the playground.
That appears to be the only level you understand
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
He's good for the sport. Good role model.
Then become a coach, a player he is not.
It's their team. Blah, blah, blah.
No shit.
Why the hell do you care?
why the hell do you care?
Polly want a cracker ?
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
Tim Tebow never took a knee so he's A OK in my book

As for his athletics if Urban Meyer thinks he can contribute its no business of a TV motormouth like Johnson
The only thing you have "sized up" is that infantile penis you have. It's one size up from a thimble no doubt.
I said your post are on the 4th grade level and your come back is a 5th grade penis joke? I underestimated your wit. You’ll kill ‘em at the playground.
That appears to be the only level you understand
How would you know? You haven’t typed anything remotely intellectual on this thread.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Tebow's is so good he is now trying out as a Tight End.
Good for him, a tough position...frankly the fact that he is able to play a number of positions on the field at such a high level highlight how talented he is.
Really what other positions has he played on a high level? He was garbage as a quarterback and we haven't seen him play ONE down as a tight end.
Huh? He was a front runner for league MVP as QB for Denver.

He's run some plays as TE in the NFL, when he was at the Jets...but here's a great article:

Green Bay Packers tight end Marcedes Lewis said he's confident former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow can successfully transition to tight end and make an impact at his new position.

"He gets it," Lewis told TMZ Sports about Tebow in an interview released Saturday. "With the right coach, in the right system—he's athletic and, if he's willing, he'll be able to get it done."

But the mere fact that he can compete in the NFL, is commmiting at a high level. I get the impression from your post you've never played a sport, so I understand your lack of knowledge"
Bullshit Tebow was never a runner up for NFL MVP, talk about making shit up.

Every QB has leaked out for a pass that is nothing new, but that doesn't qualify you to be a wider receiver or tight end.
So you don't follow sports or read either? I never said he was a runner up....but a front runner...

Tebow was never a front runner for MVP, that's some bullshit.

I never said it did...but he played TE for Jets some...and frankly, tried out for Jacksonville for the position...they thought enough to offer him a one year contract as a backup.

The only reason he is in Jacksonville is because of Urban Meyer.

"The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met," one Broncos staffer said of Tebow in an excerpt provided by the Daily Mail. And while the quarterback reportedly charged $50,000 to speak at churches, he was apparently under the impression that he would also bank the same at Broncos charity events, which angered many inside the Broncos organization — including John Elway's wife. The book also claimed that "Tebowmania" and his "devout group of fans" made it difficult for Elway or any Broncos coach to criticize Tebow publicly. When Elway appeared on a radio show and remained non-committal on Tebow's future with the team, the reaction was "as if he had just burned the American flag at high noon in front of Sunday school class."

However, behind the scenes, the Broncos coaching staff reportedly thought Tebow was "simply awful" and "struggled to understand concepts in reading defenses and executing the offense," so much so they would "shake their head" when asked about Tebow's mental aspect of the game. As one former teammate claimed to Cole, "He has no idea what's going on out there." Yikes.[/b]

Read More: How Tim Tebow Destroyed His Career
1) I literally just posted an article showing he was.
2) I don't disagree...the relationships you build are certainly important in any career. He has shown he is hard working, and a team player...that goes a long way in life. It's the content of character, not the color of ones skin that matters. I have a dream that one day, even you will get that
“It’s like me all of a sudden coming out of retirement and saying, ‘I want to play outside linebacker. I want to play safety.’ Something I’ve never done before. Now, all of a sudden, Bill Belichick signs me, and I’ve never done it before, just because he knows me and I played for him with the New York Jets. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not — and that’s why the stink. It has nothing to do with Tim Tebow being polarizing. I think they would say this to anybody that was removed from the NFL for eight years, sitting on the sidelines that did not have an NFL career, and then all of a sudden, he gets another bite at the apple.

He stunk as a NFL quarterback, then started playing baseball stunk at that, now he is back in the NFL to play tight end. Smfh.
Tim Tebow never took a knee so he's A OK in my book

Ok, whoop dee doo.
As for his athletics if Urban Meyer thinks he can contribute its no business of a TV motormouth like Johnson.

Sure it is, that is what he is paid to do give his opinion.

Tebow's failed at just about everything he's attempted.

If the retard succeeds as an NFL TE I'll be shocked but so fucking what?

Colin K HAS been blackballed. There are many teams that were in dire need of a QB and none had the balls to hire him.

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