White Replacement Theory

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Wrong again. Whites are not being replaced. Whites get in their right mind, reject extremism and leave the right wing.

....Again our whole left wing elite class says the opposite.

I agree with the idea it's simply them not having babies and our elites recognizing we need bodies.

But that is not how it's portrayed in our media. And our plebs have every right to say it.

It's too late to make this argument as a lefty. Irrelevant of what you say they would rightly tell you to fuck off. Same applies to white left wingers
....Again our whole left wing elite class says the opposite.

I agree with the idea it's simply them not having babies and our elites recognizing we need bodies.

But that is not how it's portrayed in our media
No they don't. The replacement theory is rejected by the so-called left.

Not having babies is a CHOICE.

According to the right people like YOU are replacing whites.

Keep on kissing white ass.
No they don't. The replacement theory is rejected by the so-called left.

Not having babies is a CHOICE.

According to the right people like YOU are replacing whites.

Keep on kissing white ass.

No it's not. Demographics is destiny. Whole books have been written on this fucking subject.

"coalition of hte ascendant"

"browning of america'

I could go on

All those ideas fit solidly into replacement theory where some people clearly are supporting this policy for obvious reasons.

Obama embraced this shit openly after he got upset he couldn't win over 100% of white Republicans. 75% of the country wasn't good enough for him as a political figure so he went full race warrior. Fucking sociopath
No it's not. Demographics is destiny. Whole books have been written on this fucking subject.

"coalition of hte ascendant"

"browning of america'

I could go on

All those ideas fit solidly into replacement theory where some people clearly are supporting this policy for obvious reasons.

Obama embraced this shit openly after he got upset he couldn't win over 100% of white Republicans. 75% of the country wasn't good enough for him as a political figure so he went full race warrior. Fucking sociopath
You post more false bullshit.. Like I said, the whites you want to like you, see YOU as the ones replacing them.
You post more false bullshit.. Like I said, the whites you want to like you, see YOU as the ones replacing them.

They don't care about me, I assimilated.

The word for my caste is synonymous with upper class in English...lol

That's all they want. Granted you did assimilate it's just into dumbass southern culture but worse. Useless

Black guy spouting afro pessimism all over now acting like the whites accept him. Hahahahah

Well that's progress I guess. You're like a woman with your constantly shifting bullshit. My god
They don't care about me, I assimilated.

The word for my caste is synonymous with upper class in English...lol

That's all they want. Granted you did assimilate it's just into dumbass southern culture but worse. Useless
They don't give a damn about assimilation coolie. No one cares about your cast. Fix that boken leg.
They don't give a damn about assimilation coolie. No one cares about your cast. Fix that boken leg.

Yea uh huh

*looks at my blonde mother*

Delusional *******, maybe try it eh/

Fucking come from a matriarchy where no one pays you any attention. And as soon as some one like me looks you in the eye and asks you some relevant questions you're a good little porch monkey and I'm the bad immigrant? Hahahaha

Project less and behave better
Only 61%?

A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that more than 6 in 10 Donald Trump voters (61%) agree that ‘a group of people in this country are trying to replace native-born Americans with immigrants and people of color who share their political views’ — a core tenet of the false conspiracy theory known as the ‘great replacement.’

Yea uh huh

*looks at my blonde mother*

Delusional *******, maybe try it eh/

Fucking come from a matriarchy where no one pays you any attention. And as soon as some one like me looks you in the eye and asks you some relevant questions you're a good little porch monkey and I'm the bad immigrant? Hahahaha

Project less and behave better
You're the one projecting H1B visa boy. You have no questions I need to answer. You're a sellout from India who hates your brown skin and wants to be white..
You're the one projecting H1B visa boy. You have no questions I need to answer. You're a sellout from India who hates your brown skin and wants to be white..

One minute you're an afro pessimist the next you think whites only have a problem with immigrants

Pick a narrative you feminine retard
Whites are not being replaced.

The hospital administrators and doctors? Or do you mean the orderly, nurses, janitors and nurses assistants? What's the demographics of the area around these hospitals? They usually put them in low income areas because it's easier to find cheap labor.

Google who's in charge of the VA system

View attachment 646742
VA hospitals are owned and run by the federal government and I dare say I believe most of the federal government as long as it has existed has been white men. They may hire blacks but they become federal employees, and are not the ones running things.
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