White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

Bullying was a part of growing up. Unpleasant for sure but part of the hardening for life,
Feeling freaks safe spacers of the 2000’s feel they are uniquely and specially impacted , precious little snowflakes tantruming for their exemption.
People like you are pathetic.

Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

The champions of every one and everything are Pathetic

Its because of people like you we get this
Illegal to Call an Illegal Alien an “Illegal Alien” in NYC
New York City has an update for the Newspeak Dictionary that is more than a suggestion. It is literally illegal now to call an illegal alien an “illegal alien” in this surreal moonbat dystopia.

Via the New York Post:

It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate.

Whether something is “motivated by hate” will remain subjective until Big Government has the technology to read our minds. In practice, this provision means authorities will prosecute you for it if they don’t like your attitude. This is the purest essence of a thought crime — the sort of crime that would be inconceivable in a free society.

The restrictions — violations of which are punishable by fines of up to $250,000 per offense — are outlined in a 29-page directive released by City Hall’s Commission on Human Rights.

As Canadians can tell you, tyrannical repression as an end in itself finds its purest expression in human rights commissions.

“‘Alien’ — used in many laws to refer to a ‘noncitizen’ person — is a term that may carry negative connotations and dehumanize immigrants, marking them as ‘other,’” reads one passage of the memo. “The use of certain language, including ‘illegal alien’ and ‘illegals,’ with the intent to demean, humiliate, or offend a person or persons constitutes discrimination.”

Of course illegal aliens are the “other,” to use the terminology of Ivory Tower moonbats. That’s why the Cultural Marxist authorities side with them against us, forcing us to turn our country over to them, to pay for their healthcare, to provide them will all manner of services and benefits, to throw our laws and our national integrity out the window on their behalf, and even to sacrifice the core principle of free speech lest they be offended.

Meanwhile, actual crimes like drug use, prostitution, public defecation, turnstile jumping, et cetera are deliberately ignored, and the streets are unsafe for law-abiding citizens. NYC features what they call “anarchotyranny” — the worst of both worlds situation where you have the disadvantages of both too much government and no government at all.

On tips from Sean C, Varla, Dragon’s Lair, and Stormfax.

Bullying was a part of growing up. Unpleasant for sure but part of the hardening for life,
Feeling freaks safe spacers of the 2000’s feel they are uniquely and specially impacted , precious little snowflakes tantruming for their exemption.

Bull crap. Bulling does nothing but make people hate other people, hate society for allowing non-stop injustice, and lead to people saying if life is going to be unfair and miserable, and no one cares, and those in power (the teachers and parents of such disgusting kids) are going to allow it... then I'm going to get a gun, and slaughter as many of these garbage human beings before taking my own life.... because who wants to live in such a terrible world?

That's what bulling leads to. It doesn't make kids tougher, or some such nonsense. What a ridiculous statement.

Bullying was a part of growing up. Unpleasant for sure but part of the hardening for life,
Feeling freaks safe spacers of the 2000’s feel they are uniquely and specially impacted , precious little snowflakes tantruming for their exemption.
Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

Yeah exactly. If this guys daughter, or wife, or anyone in his family was being abused by her husband or someone at work, kicking them around like kids do in high school....

...he most certainly would not be saying "Ah, that'll make my daughter tougher.... yeah might be unpleasant being pushed down the stairs by her husband, but it will prevent her from being a snowflake."

We had that happen. I was attacked by people in high school several times, just for sport. If this guy had any of that crap happen to him at work, he wouldn't be saying "yeah it's unpleasant, but I don't want to be a snowflake...." He'd be contacting management, filing HR reports, and calling the police.
Is it worse to have your hair cut off or be killed as an unwilling participant in the "knockout game"?
Just wondering.
I agree that its worse to be killed, but that still doesn't make other things okay.

God bless you and the girl always!!!

Holly (a Locks Of Love hair donor)

P.S. When I was in the 7th grade, the boy sitting behind me in my history class put gum in my hair. Do you think anything was done to him about it? No.

NO it doesn't make anything OK.....try telling that to a huge population of perpetually aggrieved minorities who think that they are now in the right to take lives on a whim because things have been " SO UNFAIR " for them.
Bullying was a part of growing up. Unpleasant for sure but part of the hardening for life,
Feeling freaks safe spacers of the 2000’s feel they are uniquely and specially impacted , precious little snowflakes tantruming for their exemption.

Bull crap. Bulling does nothing but make people hate other people, hate society for allowing non-stop injustice, and lead to people saying if life is going to be unfair and miserable, and no one cares, and those in power (the teachers and parents of such disgusting kids) are going to allow it... then I'm going to get a gun, and slaughter as many of these garbage human beings before taking my own life.... because who wants to live in such a terrible world?

That's what bulling leads to. It doesn't make kids tougher, or some such nonsense. What a ridiculous statement.

Bullying was a part of growing up. Unpleasant for sure but part of the hardening for life,
Feeling freaks safe spacers of the 2000’s feel they are uniquely and specially impacted , precious little snowflakes tantruming for their exemption.
Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

Yeah exactly. If this guys daughter, or wife, or anyone in his family was being abused by her husband or someone at work, kicking them around like kids do in high school....

...he most certainly would not be saying "Ah, that'll make my daughter tougher.... yeah might be unpleasant being pushed down the stairs by her husband, but it will prevent her from being a snowflake."

We had that happen. I was attacked by people in high school several times, just for sport. If this guy had any of that crap happen to him at work, he wouldn't be saying "yeah it's unpleasant, but I don't want to be a snowflake...." He'd be contacting management, filing HR reports, and calling the police.
Unlike you candyasses , we do not find great personal affront around every corner and shrink into a safe space over life’s challenges.
You can truely see the generational differences between the hard scrabble folks who made America great and the crybabies who complain about it.
People like you are pathetic.

Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

Do you mean like the verbal abuse you just heaped on another poster????
When people excuse VIOLENCE against an innocent person they deserve no respect.

Violent assault is not permissible at any age.

I have low tolerance for anyone who abuses or encourages the abuse of innocent people or animals. I dont plan to change that.


however, bullying IS a part of life,
whether we like it or not, it happens.

You going off on the poster IS a form of bullying.
And you got the Blue Ribbon
They address bullying by verbally abusing anyone who does not share their same feelings.
How liberal of them.
People like you are pathetic.

Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

Do you mean like the verbal abuse you just heaped on another poster????
When people excuse VIOLENCE against an innocent person they deserve no respect.

Violent assault is not permissible at any age.

I have low tolerance for anyone who abuses or encourages the abuse of innocent people or animals. I dont plan to change that.


however, bullying IS a part of life,
whether we like it or not, it happens.

You going off on the poster IS a form of bullying.
And you got the Blue Ribbon
They address bullying by verbally abusing anyone who does not share their same feelings.
How liberal of them.
You dont get to say an innocent person should have to endure ABUSE at the hands of predators.

If you feel that way, dont play the victim when you FEEL you're getting what you advocate
People like you are pathetic.

Adults arent expected to put up with the ABUSE assholes like you think is ok for children.

Why do you think basic rights only apply to adults? Never mind, I dont give a damn about your opinion.

Do you mean like the verbal abuse you just heaped on another poster????
When people excuse VIOLENCE against an innocent person they deserve no respect.

Violent assault is not permissible at any age.

I have low tolerance for anyone who abuses or encourages the abuse of innocent people or animals. I dont plan to change that.


however, bullying IS a part of life,
whether we like it or not, it happens.

You going off on the poster IS a form of bullying.
And you got the Blue Ribbon
They address bullying by verbally abusing anyone who does not share their same feelings.
How liberal of them.
You dont get to say an innocent person should have to endure ABUSE at the hands of predators.

If you feel that way, dont play the victim when you FEEL you're getting what you advocate
As I stated very first sentence of my very first post,bullying is a difficult thing to experience so I never endorsed it. I merely reflected upon it and shared my experiences with it. But, you all like to not read and cherry pick as it allows you to fly off the handle. You safe spacers demand that all challenges and difficulties of life be removed for you si that everything is one smooth homogenized and diversified playground where everybody is equal and equally nice and fair. It’s just not like that in a real world competitive environment.Also, you like to try and pin your own personal shortcomings on things that others “did to you” in the past. No one but you is responsible for how you choose to feel, think and act.
Things like this happen often, and they don't always get reported because of fear.

Sometimes kids get beaten. Police usually doesn't even get involved.

But I'm glad they reported this.

Children do all kinds of crazy shit in school, get into fights and altercations every day of the year.

Most of the time professional educators can and do handle the matter without any interference from the constabulary.
Illegal to Call an Illegal Alien an “Illegal Alien” in NYC
New York City has an update for the Newspeak Dictionary that is more than a suggestion. It is literally illegal now to call an illegal alien an “illegal alien” in this surreal moonbat dystopia.
That's sort of anti Constitutional and an illegal restriction on First Amendment rights, isn't it?

Or is deBlasio's New York not constricted by our US Constitution?
It’s whatever they feel best caters to others feelings.
The Drumpfomaniacs have stooped so low that they need to publicly attack teenage girls, be they black or Swedish.
I already know how this will turn out. Wont stop the riots though.

Another "grandmother." Why is it always "grandmother"

Because black folks never take care of their kids. When the food stamps quit coming they just run off, crap out a tadpole and begin the process all over again.
Well Quelle Surprise: the girl lied.

The incident never happened, so chalk this one up as another Hate Crime Hoax. Kudos to the girl's grandparents for showing integrity and decency by issuing an apology.

The grandparents of the girl, who are her legal guardians, released an apology Monday.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the grandparents wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post by the school. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”

“We understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them,” the statement continued. “We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

Well Quelle Surprise: the girl lied.

The incident never happened, so chalk this one up as another Hate Crime Hoax. Kudos to the girl's grandparents for showing integrity and decency by issuing an apology.

The grandparents of the girl, who are her legal guardians, released an apology Monday.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the grandparents wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post by the school. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”

“We understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them,” the statement continued. “We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

Wow stand up grandparents taking the responsibility, an action utterly lost on 70%+ of blacks under 50.
Well Quelle Surprise: the girl lied.

The incident never happened, so chalk this one up as another Hate Crime Hoax. Kudos to the girl's grandparents for showing integrity and decency by issuing an apology.

The grandparents of the girl, who are her legal guardians, released an apology Monday.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the grandparents wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post by the school. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”

“We understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them,” the statement continued. “We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

Wow stand up grandparents taking the responsibility, an action utterly lost on 70%+ of blacks under 50.

This girl has a chance at a much better life given that her grandparents are decent folks.
Well Quelle Surprise: the girl lied.

The incident never happened, so chalk this one up as another Hate Crime Hoax. Kudos to the girl's grandparents for showing integrity and decency by issuing an apology.

The grandparents of the girl, who are her legal guardians, released an apology Monday.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the grandparents wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post by the school. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”

“We understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them,” the statement continued. “We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

Not too surprised.
Well Quelle Surprise: the girl lied.

The incident never happened, so chalk this one up as another Hate Crime Hoax. Kudos to the girl's grandparents for showing integrity and decency by issuing an apology.

The grandparents of the girl, who are her legal guardians, released an apology Monday.

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the grandparents wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post by the school. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust.”

“We understand there will be consequences and we’re prepared to take responsibility for them,” the statement continued. “We know that it will take time to heal, and we hope and pray that the boys, their families, the school and the broader community will be able to forgive us in time.”

Believe it or not, I tend to respect older black folks. Somehow I doubt th his generation of young blacks will ever live up to the standards of their "grandparents"
This story isn't adding up. The first thing that the police should of had done. Were to questioned the boys separately. To see if their stories matches up. It would of have been a done deal to know if they would of questioned the boys separately. And the girl didn't reported it to no one? And there was no witnesses, and it had happened right in broad daylight? And the boys used a sharp object, which the police have to check the story out quickly and thoroughly. Those scissors are considered as a weapon.
All I do know is, that the governor of that state is trying to start a race war.

Now, her family is calling for the boys to be expelled. They said they had a meeting with school officials Thursday morning, but they didn't feel like the school took them seriously.
White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

If only I had a dollar for every fake hate crime....I'd be richer than joe biden's son....

Amari Allen Says She Made Up Story That White Boys Cut Her Dreadlocks

A sixth-grade student who last week accused three classmates of forcibly cutting her dreadlocks has admitted she made up the allegations, according to her family and the school principal.

Amari Allen, a 12-year-old African-American, had accused three white boys in her grade at Immanuel Christian school, in Springfield, Virginia. She said they held her down on a playground during recess, covered her mouth, called her insulting names and used scissors to cut her hair.

Fairfax police launched an investigation into the incident last week after they were contacted by the girl’s family. Meanwhile, social media erupted in outrage. Commentators made much of Vice President Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, teaching art part part time at the private school.

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