White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,




ANTIFA's message to BLM.


BLM's message to ANTIFA.


Yeah Blacks don't like you very much either, ANTIFA.



What is your point? THat antifa are cowardly shits?

LoL..my point was in opposition to the racist post I answered..simple as that..violence and hate will be answered with violence and hate. He showed someone being stomped--I do not see your dismay at that..you seem to have no issues with that 'cowardly attack'.
Do I approve? No. But given the tone of the memes--it is clear where his head is at...let it be clear where mine is.

In war..cowards run away..what happened to Spencer is called an ambush..and it is a completely legit tactic of war..if it is war people want.
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

who are you kidding? trump embraces fascism. fascism is anti free speech. the extremists use fascism to suppress fascism. ya- that's a weird one. however, i was stating what 'antifa' meant in terms of what they call themselves. doesn't change the fact there was no discrepancy in my post to lenny.


Wrong trump is many things but he is no fascist by any reasonable definition nor does he embrace it creating huge glaring discrepancies in your uninformed statement
I agree..Trump is no Fascist..but he'd be one if our system would let him..you can believe that..He would love to be the Supreme Ruler..but it will never happen.

You do know the Fascism is one person Right wing dictatorship right? Not so stupid as to believe that bullshit about Fascism being left wing, I hope. Only real dupes believe that.


fascism is not one person dictatorship. Fascism is more complicated than that and yes it is considered a right wing ideology but plenty of left wingers would love to be one person dictatorships as well.

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
It’s telling to note the similarities between fascism and conservatism: the propensity for authoritarianism, the unwarranted fear of racial diversity and change, and the “forcible suppression of opposition” in particular.

This is not to say American conservatives are fascists, of course, but both do dwell on the right side of the political spectrum, and share the same political roots of social Darwinism.

And both are just as wrong.

I say put them all in an arena and sell tickets!




It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I say put them all in an arena and sell tickets!




It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
LMAO! You did not read his resume...........he was sent to Lebanon to investigate the bombing of the Marines in Beirut. You are a poseur........sucks for you.

Yes I did read it boy and you just got caught in a lie.

His resume makes no mention of beirut although it does clearly point out he retired in 78 well before the bombing.

General Partin still did work for the state department after he retired from the military, troll. He did consulting work .I sat down and had dinner with General Partin at Fort Belvoir. His lectures are readily available on youtube. He proves scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb.

BTW, learn how to use a "comma".........it will only help you to not look so illiterate. I am just trying to help!

So you admit his resume says nothing about beirut.

And that means you lied.

As you did about all of your so called expertise.

He offers no scientific proof only an opinion and his resume shows it is not an expert one just as yours is not.

here is a hint boy, experts use evidence not opinion and you cannot provide evidence.

Fuck your comma boy I am right and you are proven wrong and you know it.

Punctuation or not I have made you my bitch and you know I have.

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I say put them all in an arena and sell tickets!




It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger that Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.
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Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.

Non Hispanic white people make up 61.3 percent of the population, according to census bureau data. Racially, the next closest demographic is Hispanic/Latino, which comprises 17.8 percent of the population. Essentially, there are over 3x as many white people as any other race in the nation. Muslims, obviously not a race, represent 0.9 percent of the US population.

If the group that makes up 61.3 percent didn't have more instances of ANYTHING than a group that makes up 0.9 percent of the population, that would be fucking miraculous.

Anyway, go back and find those numbers of people killed by white terrorists and people killed by Muslim terrorists in the US. If the number of people killed by white terrorists is about 68 times as high as the number of people killed by Muslim terrorists, then you can rightly say that the white population is statistically as prone to terrorist murder as is the Muslim population.

Also, a lot of mass shooters aren't terrorists. The term, terrorist, only applies to people committing their acts of violence for political reasons.
Mass shooters are terrorists.

Oh look, another leftist big mouth who doesn't understand what the words she uses mean.

No, not all mass shooters are terrorists. Many are just insane and want to kill people.

Murder is not interchangeable with "terrorism" you fucking illiterate ding dong.

Terrorism requires a systematic approach to bringing about a change via the use of terror.

So while jihadists are terrorists, the nutbar who shot up the kindergarten some years ago is not a terrorist. He's just a mentally ill guy who should have been locked up when he hit puberty.

I say put them all in an arena and sell tickets!




It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
As I said previously, most mass shootings are black on black. Explain the political motivation for blacks to kill each other please?
According to your definition, terrorism always is. I'm saying it isn't.

Now you want to get racist. I despise you racist pigs. The stats I included as far as 600 killed by mass shooters since1982 do not include the type of crime you are attributing to blacks. God, people like are sick and pathetic. I'm not going to discuss anything with a racist pig. You're sick, disgusting human beings. You are the dregs of society.
Lmao! I guess you hate facts. Nothing I said was racist, it was all factual.
I learned it's no use to debate much with Sub-Humans who don't think, yes DO NOT THINK about the consequences of Balkanization.

If you're too stupid to get there's a problem after all these years online, you're probably just a Sub-Human.

So, I might as well have fun with memes.

I learned it's no use to debate much with Sub-Humans who don't think, yes DO NOT THINK about the consequences of Balkanization.

If you're too stupid to get there's a problem after all these years online, you're probably just a Sub-Human.

So, I might as well have fun with memes.

It is pointless really. Even if they understand that it is a serious problem, they won't admit it here. Leftists are the most dishonest people on earth.
who are you kidding? trump embraces fascism. fascism is anti free speech. the extremists use fascism to suppress fascism. ya- that's a weird one. however, i was stating what 'antifa' meant in terms of what they call themselves. doesn't change the fact there was no discrepancy in my post to lenny.


Wrong trump is many things but he is no fascist by any reasonable definition nor does he embrace it creating huge glaring discrepancies in your uninformed statement
I agree..Trump is no Fascist..but he'd be one if our system would let him..you can believe that..He would love to be the Supreme Ruler..but it will never happen.

You do know the Fascism is one person Right wing dictatorship right? Not so stupid as to believe that bullshit about Fascism being left wing, I hope. Only real dupes believe that.


fascism is not one person dictatorship. Fascism is more complicated than that and yes it is considered a right wing ideology but plenty of left wingers would love to be one person dictatorships as well.

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
It’s telling to note the similarities between fascism and conservatism: the propensity for authoritarianism, the unwarranted fear of racial diversity and change, and the “forcible suppression of opposition” in particular.

This is not to say American conservatives are fascists, of course, but both do dwell on the right side of the political spectrum, and share the same political roots of social Darwinism.

And both are just as wrong.

It is telling to note the similarities between modern liberalism and fascism.

They often exalts the State and/or the Race or whatever, beyond the individual, supports severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

They certainly love a strong central government, without democratic or legal limits, as seen in their recent actions.

Unwarranted love of racial diversity and change is just as irrational as unwarranted fear of it, and their reactions to any attempt at reasoned discussion of the issue, would be quite familiar to Hitler's brown shirts.
I say put them all in an arena and sell tickets!




It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.
Wrong trump is many things but he is no fascist by any reasonable definition nor does he embrace it creating huge glaring discrepancies in your uninformed statement
I agree..Trump is no Fascist..but he'd be one if our system would let him..you can believe that..He would love to be the Supreme Ruler..but it will never happen.

You do know the Fascism is one person Right wing dictatorship right? Not so stupid as to believe that bullshit about Fascism being left wing, I hope. Only real dupes believe that.


fascism is not one person dictatorship. Fascism is more complicated than that and yes it is considered a right wing ideology but plenty of left wingers would love to be one person dictatorships as well.

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
It’s telling to note the similarities between fascism and conservatism: the propensity for authoritarianism, the unwarranted fear of racial diversity and change, and the “forcible suppression of opposition” in particular.

This is not to say American conservatives are fascists, of course, but both do dwell on the right side of the political spectrum, and share the same political roots of social Darwinism.

And both are just as wrong.

It is telling to note the similarities between modern liberalism and fascism.

They often exalts the State and/or the Race or whatever, beyond the individual, supports severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

They certainly love a strong central government, without democratic or legal limits, as seen in their recent actions.

Unwarranted love of racial diversity and change is just as irrational as unwarranted fear of it, and their reactions to any attempt at reasoned discussion of the issue, would be quite familiar to Hitler's brown shirts.
I'd take fascism over leftism any day. At least fascists off the degenerates instead of promoting their filth.
It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.
Like theyre going to tell you they hate you when they work for or with you.

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