White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

I agree..Trump is no Fascist..but he'd be one if our system would let him..you can believe that..He would love to be the Supreme Ruler..but it will never happen.

You do know the Fascism is one person Right wing dictatorship right? Not so stupid as to believe that bullshit about Fascism being left wing, I hope. Only real dupes believe that.


fascism is not one person dictatorship. Fascism is more complicated than that and yes it is considered a right wing ideology but plenty of left wingers would love to be one person dictatorships as well.

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
It’s telling to note the similarities between fascism and conservatism: the propensity for authoritarianism, the unwarranted fear of racial diversity and change, and the “forcible suppression of opposition” in particular.

This is not to say American conservatives are fascists, of course, but both do dwell on the right side of the political spectrum, and share the same political roots of social Darwinism.

And both are just as wrong.

It is telling to note the similarities between modern liberalism and fascism.

They often exalts the State and/or the Race or whatever, beyond the individual, supports severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

They certainly love a strong central government, without democratic or legal limits, as seen in their recent actions.

Unwarranted love of racial diversity and change is just as irrational as unwarranted fear of it, and their reactions to any attempt at reasoned discussion of the issue, would be quite familiar to Hitler's brown shirts.
I'd take fascism over leftism any day. At least fascists off the degenerates instead of promoting their filth.


I guess you've not read a lot about the Fascist in Germany..the sexual deviancy of many of the leaders...no matter--I note your blatant support of mass murder of anyone you deem to be 'degenerate'.

I appreciate both your post and your nic. The honesty of self-labeling is refreshing..although I expect that you are a cockroach in need of a good stomping--at least you're an honest cockroach.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.
Like theyre going to tell you they hate you when they work for or with you.
Assume much? I guess when you've committed to 'us vs them' there's no more room for nuance.

fascism is not one person dictatorship. Fascism is more complicated than that and yes it is considered a right wing ideology but plenty of left wingers would love to be one person dictatorships as well.

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
It’s telling to note the similarities between fascism and conservatism: the propensity for authoritarianism, the unwarranted fear of racial diversity and change, and the “forcible suppression of opposition” in particular.

This is not to say American conservatives are fascists, of course, but both do dwell on the right side of the political spectrum, and share the same political roots of social Darwinism.

And both are just as wrong.

It is telling to note the similarities between modern liberalism and fascism.

They often exalts the State and/or the Race or whatever, beyond the individual, supports severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

They certainly love a strong central government, without democratic or legal limits, as seen in their recent actions.

Unwarranted love of racial diversity and change is just as irrational as unwarranted fear of it, and their reactions to any attempt at reasoned discussion of the issue, would be quite familiar to Hitler's brown shirts.
I'd take fascism over leftism any day. At least fascists off the degenerates instead of promoting their filth.


I guess you've read a lot about the Fascist in Germany..the sexual deviancy of many of the leaders...no matter--I note your blatant support of mass murder of anyone you deem to be 'degenerate'.

I appreciate both your post and your nic. The honesty of self-labeling is refreshing..although I expect that you are a cockroach in need of a good stomping--at least you're an honest cockroach.
Hitler offed the faggots in his ranks. One of the main reasons the National Socialists came to power was because of how degenerate the Weimar Republic was.
I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.
Like theyre going to tell you they hate you when they work for or with you.
Assume much? I guess when you've committed to 'us vs them' there's no more room for nuance.
Nuance Shmuance....third worlders do not add anything of value to this country.
It's hilarious that you actually think a Polish American from New York will somehow be offended by anti-Redneck memes.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.

Liberals they don't react properly to stimuli.
As I said previously, most mass shootings are black on black. Explain the political motivation for blacks to kill each other please?
According to your definition, terrorism always is. I'm saying it isn't.

Now you want to get racist. I despise you racist pigs. The stats I included as far as 600 killed by mass shooters since1982 do not include the type of crime you are attributing to blacks. God, people like are sick and pathetic. I'm not going to discuss anything with a racist pig. You're sick, disgusting human beings. You are the dregs of society.
Lmao! I guess you hate facts. Nothing I said was racist, it was all factual.
They do hate facts.
That's why racist, ignorant leftists have stopped incorporating facts in public school teachings.
I say we give all the leftists who think there are too many people in the world, and thus don't give a shit if we bring jihadists and MS13 into our neighborhoods and schools..their wish.

They are suicidal as well as homicidal. Get all the ones who have ever carried a sign that says *open borders*, all the ones who maintain that murdering infants is *choice*, every environut who has justified and supported the destruction of rural culture and economy....put them in a pit, and cover it.

They win, we all win.
I say we give all the leftists who think there are too many people in the world, and thus don't give a shit if we bring jihadists and MS13 into our neighborhoods and schools..their wish.

They are suicidal as well as homicidal. Get all the ones who have ever carried a sign that says *open borders*, all the ones who maintain that murdering infants is *choice*, put them in a pit, and cover it.

They win, we all win.
Sounds like a great idea.
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.

Liberals they don't react properly to stimuli.
What does a pic from the UK have to do with the US? How do yhou know that the guy smiling is a lefty? The pic looks a bit fake anyway.

Better memes please
It's kind of funny that you think my goal is to offend..mostly I'm amusing myself--I think your use of multiple memes shows that you have little in the way of intellectual prowess to bring to the table..but I don't mind playing.

I do find some amusement in the fact that someone of Polish descent would ever take the side you have--given the history of the Polish people..in this country. But I guess we live in a time where there are still some who think that the Whiteness of their skins somehow erases history and bonds them.

Besides, you never saw a Polish redneck? He's the one who never quite gets it right...but is very earnest in his attempts. Like he tries to crush the beer bottle on his forehead..forgetting it's not a can.

I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.

Liberals they don't react properly to stimuli.
It has actually been proven that people that are politically liberal/leftist have underdeveloped amygdalas....which makes it difficult for them to assess threats correctly
I learned it's no use to debate much with Sub-Humans who don't think, yes DO NOT THINK about the consequences of Balkanization.

If you're too stupid to get there's a problem after all these years online, you're probably just a Sub-Human.

So, I might as well have fun with memes.

It is pointless really. Even if they understand that it is a serious problem, they won't admit it here. Leftists are the most dishonest people on earth.

Either they are suicidal masochists, or big retards who can't understand proportions, or planning ahead.
Either way, I don't want them in my country.... (Liberals, I mean)
I learned it's no use to debate much with Sub-Humans who don't think, yes DO NOT THINK about the consequences of Balkanization.

If you're too stupid to get there's a problem after all these years online, you're probably just a Sub-Human.

So, I might as well have fun with memes.

It is pointless really. Even if they understand that it is a serious problem, they won't admit it here. Leftists are the most dishonest people on earth.

Either they are suicidal masochists, or big retards who can't understand proportions, or planning ahead.
Either way, I don't want them in my country.... (Liberals, I mean)
They are all of those things you mentioned.
I support what almost all Polish people have supported for over 1,000 years self preservation from invaders.

Today the anti-Racist is our biggest enemy, they're about to collapse the whole of Western Civilization.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.

Liberals they don't react properly to stimuli.
It has actually been proven that people that are politically liberal/leftist have underdeveloped amygdalas....which makes it difficult for them to assess threats correctly
They share that with criminals everywhere.

In layman's terms..they're fucking stupid and can't be taught.
A bit much with the drama. "The whole of Western Civilization"? I think not..our society is a lot more flexible and strong than you give it credit for. Now Europe..well..Europe is in trouble..but a lot of that trouble is of its own making..and I'm not talking about just the influx of migrants. The local divides and the ancient hatreds..like in Poland..the country that used to be a byword for Pogroms---are coming back to eat away at the structure of Europe...they might very well collapse. Along with the existential danger the Putin poses, I see some very hard times, for them.
Our country, the United States, was built for change...and we will continue to do so and we will thrive..despite growing pains, such as the Alt/right.

Anti-racism? It can only be a good thing, in the end..no matter how hyped up and dangerous some of them get..because racism is the way of division..and it is the way of the past. Just because things have been that way for most of history..does not make it 'natural' and it does not make it right.

Take a good look around you..know that life is good..and know..that the high water mark of the alt/right..is right about now..down hill into obscurity and ridicule will be its fate.

You don't bring in hostile immigrants to your culture, it's common sense, but obvious Leftists are taking a nap intellectually.

Anti-Racism (White guilt) is the worst thing to ever happen to White people, it's empowered the most disgusting of society to dominate, and collapse society.
I deal with refugees on a daily basis..I've yet to see a hostile one..most are grateful as hell..and damn hard workers. Most are Nepalese....some are from Eritrea and the Sudan.
Some are Christian and some are Moslem. None of them are threats to Western Civilization. They all seem to be taking the same path that immigrants have taken for over 200 years in this country.

While I'm not a Leftist..although this forum seems to think so---I think your premise to be a lie. I would deport every illegal alien in this country if I had the power. But I would still admit some refugees..it is the American way, IMO.

BTW...given how many refugees that have been admitted to the US...and the total population of the US...how many do you think..as a percentage it would take..to make any real difference at all? We do not adapt their culture..they adapt ours..regardless of skin color.

Anti-racism is not white guilt..you have it completely twisted. White guilt is stupid..a concept of fools--those Progressives on the left who are the counter-part to the alt/right.

I'm white..and an anti-racist...and have not a scintilla of 'white guilt' in my psyche. Those of the present have no responsibility for the attitudes and customs of the past..just a responsibility to change those that need changing. Simple as that.

The concept of white people as 'victims'..is one of the silliest things I know about the alt/right.

Liberals they don't react properly to stimuli.
It has actually been proven that people that are politically liberal/leftist have underdeveloped amygdalas....which makes it difficult for them to assess threats correctly
They share that with criminals everywhere.

In layman's terms..they're fucking stupid and can't be taught.
Indeed. Dumb as they come.
Well...off to breakfast...a balmy 30 degrees here in Idaho---amusing that we're the warm place for a change!

It is interesting to note that this little party has yet to address anything I posted..my take..you're all too stupid...sorry--I could be kinder..but..I choose not to be..bash away, the fact that you cannot effectively argue any of the points I made speak to your weakness--and it is in your intellect. This is why you are losers..and will continue to be losers..unless you wake up----and what are the odds of that eh?

To paraphrase.."In layman's terms..you're too fucking stupid and can't be taught."
Well...off to breakfast...a balmy 30 degrees here in Idaho---amusing that we're the warm place for a change!

It is interesting to note that this little party has yet to address anything I posted..my take..you're all too stupid...sorry--I could be kinder..but..I choose not to be..bash away, the fact that you cannot effectively argue any of the points I made speak to your weakness--and it is in your intellect. This is why you are losers..and will continue to be losers..unless you wake up----and what are the odds of that eh?

To paraphrase.."In layman's terms..you're too fucking stupid and can't be taught."
We have heard everything you said before. Do you actually think what you said was original? Lmao
gotta justify yourself by any means. that's ok, lenny. i expect nothing less from you.

There's a question I like ask you democrats;

If you had a magic button that would instantly kill every white person on the face of the earth, would you:
  1. Have a beer first?
  2. Concentrate on getting your phone ready to caste the joyous event to YouTube so you could live it over and over?
Most Democrats are White..dimwit.

democrats are stupid, fuckwit. Yes, white democrats are in favor of genocide of themselves and their own families.

Oman-Reagan is a Vanier Scholar and Ph.D. candidate in the department of anthropology at MUN.

“White genocide and why it’s a good plan,” tweeted Oman-Reagan, listing his reasons why he thought the elimination of people on racial grounds was “progressive”.

He tweeted that America was a “racist nation” with a constitution that primarily benefited “white supremacists”.}

White Canadian academic calls for white genocide | Free West Media

gotta justify yourself by any means. that's ok, lenny. i expect nothing less from you.

There's a question I like ask you democrats;

If you had a magic button that would instantly kill every white person on the face of the earth, would you:
  1. Have a beer first?
  2. Concentrate on getting your phone ready to caste the joyous event to YouTube so you could live it over and over?
Most Democrats are White..dimwit.

democrats are stupid, fuckwit. Yes, white democrats are in favor of genocide of themselves and their own families.

Oman-Reagan is a Vanier Scholar and Ph.D. candidate in the department of anthropology at MUN.

“White genocide and why it’s a good plan,” tweeted Oman-Reagan, listing his reasons why he thought the elimination of people on racial grounds was “progressive”.

He tweeted that America was a “racist nation” with a constitution that primarily benefited “white supremacists”.}

White Canadian academic calls for white genocide | Free West Media

That guy won't have the guts to be the first white to die either. Fucking punks like that make me sick.
I agree..Trump is no Fascist..but he'd be one if our system would let him..you can believe that..He would love to be the Supreme Ruler..but it will never happen.

You do know the Fascism is one person Right wing dictatorship right? Not so stupid as to believe that bullshit about Fascism being left wing, I hope. Only real dupes believe that.

Like all Maoists, you are an ignorant toad.


This is what fascism is, you drooling retard.

For fun Comrade, tell the class which of the following the founder of fascism, Benito Mussolini was head of prior to forming the Fascisti?

  1. The Italian Republican Party
  2. Donald Trumps presidential campaign
  3. The Italian Bolshevik party
Let the feces between your ears boil for awhile and see if you can come up with an answer..

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