White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

But, but it's horrid monster terrorism when White Supremacists plow through ANTIFA.

But, but when Blacks do it to other Blacks almost no one knows about it, because the media doesn't really care.

only *you* are claiming that. to justify your ilk's own violent racist views & actions. but that's ok... sane, rational, non extremist, normal individuals can recognize who & what you are.

as long as pepe loves you, then you feel good.... right?

Nope.....he's simply pointing out the truth....and you think the truth is violence.

actually i want you to show where i said anything about truth is violence, lenny. know why you won't be able to?

cause you are full of vulcan horseshit.
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.

You can't call this guy a White supremacist for pointing out that Whites aren't responsible for the most heinous terrorist attacks.

oh for the love of god- why don't you enlist & go fight the muzzies then? oh that's right. you're impotent.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?
you must not be able to read!!
the muslims/islamics killed almost 3000 in ONE day!!

please show me when whites have done the same!!!

  1. 1.
    a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.

me thinx that if the KKK had their druthers - then they would return to the good ol' days.

i'm willing to bet that their murder rate far exceeds 3K. oh ya- & the reason 3K were murdered by those monsters in one fell swoop was because of aviation.

Actually about as many people died on 9/11 as Black people died of Lynching's in about 80 years.
More people died on 9/11.

And white people were *lynched* too. Only back then it was called *hanging* and it was how we deal with criminals in the West.

when white people were hung- it was because they were criminals. you think being black should be illegal? how about jews, you little christian wanna be? jesus cries for your soul.

btw- that girl wasn't part of any 'antifa'. they had a permit to protest where they were marching. AND... btw.... as a side note..... 'antifa' = antifascist. violence does not = antifacism.

HOWEVER.... you siding with president tribblehead over his tweet about jailing or stripping American citizenship for those who protest by burning the flag is the epitome of.... dare i say it?......


i do want to thank you though, lenny... for giving the class a great example of irony. :afro:

Why do they look like dictators?
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

who are you kidding? trump embraces fascism. fascism is anti free speech. the extremists use fascism to suppress fascism. ya- that's a weird one. however, i was stating what 'antifa' meant in terms of what they call themselves. doesn't change the fact there was no discrepancy in my post to lenny.


Wrong trump is many things but he is no fascist by any reasonable definition nor does he embrace it creating huge glaring discrepancies in your uninformed statement

CDZ - I want to know something

you too... are welcome.

btw- that girl wasn't part of any 'antifa'. they had a permit to protest where they were marching. AND... btw.... as a side note..... 'antifa' = antifascist. violence does not = antifacism.

HOWEVER.... you siding with president tribblehead over his tweet about jailing or stripping American citizenship for those who protest by burning the flag is the epitome of.... dare i say it?......


i do want to thank you though, lenny... for giving the class a great example of irony. :afro:

Why do they look like dictators?
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

pepe is splashed all over breitbart, but i agree isn't really all that important. it's a great way to point out the childish ridiculousness of the alt right groupthink.
Last edited:
Charlottesville has become a black mark on the anti white agenda. While injustice prevails ; in the true Nathan Forrest tradition White Resistance is in overdrive. Don't think for a minute that the Aryan Warrior has neglected his watch.

The "Aryan Warrior"???? Do you guys have costumes or something?

hmmmm.... doesn't look like jesus at all. i think you follow the wrong type of ideology deep down inside. does your preacher know what's really in your heart?

jesus does.


btw- that girl wasn't part of any 'antifa'. they had a permit to protest where they were marching. AND... btw.... as a side note..... 'antifa' = antifascist. violence does not = antifacism.

HOWEVER.... you siding with president tribblehead over his tweet about jailing or stripping American citizenship for those who protest by burning the flag is the epitome of.... dare i say it?......


i do want to thank you though, lenny... for giving the class a great example of irony. :afro:

Why do they look like dictators?
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

btw- that girl wasn't part of any 'antifa'. they had a permit to protest where they were marching. AND... btw.... as a side note..... 'antifa' = antifascist. violence does not = antifacism.

HOWEVER.... you siding with president tribblehead over his tweet about jailing or stripping American citizenship for those who protest by burning the flag is the epitome of.... dare i say it?......


i do want to thank you though, lenny... for giving the class a great example of irony. :afro:

Why do they look like dictators?
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

pepe is splashed all over breitbart, but i agree isn't really all that important. it's a great way to point out the childish ridiculousness of the alt right groupthink.
Breitbart doesn't moderate comments, that's why the alt-right frequents their comment sections. So just because there are Pepe memes in the comment section, does not mean they endorse using pepe memes or the alt-right.
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc
Blacks are killing each other. It is due to many reasons: gangs, drugs, lack of education, the availability of guns, poverty, lack of fathers in the home, racism--a whole lot of things. They are not terrorists.
Whires are killing each other as well. People commit crime where they live. You're spreading racist propaganda when you say it like it's only blacks.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
out of a population of about 600,000, 2 islamists --not whites--committed the Boston terror Bombing
they are less than 1% of the population !!

You can't educate Esmeralda, she is a demagogue.

What she spews is a matter of malice, not ignorance.

How do Liberals explain how they burrowed from Nazis in the 1960's?





lol... you really think you are coming across as smart.:lmao: so does donny.
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc
Blacks are killing each other. It is due to many reasons: gangs, drugs, lack of education, the availability of guns, poverty, lack of fathers in the home, racism--a whole lot of things. They are not terrorists.
Whires are killing each other as well. People commit crime where they live. You're spreading racist propaganda when you say it like it's only blacks.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Blacks are 13% of the population, 6% of that demographic(young black males) commit half of the murders in this country. So it is not racist to acknowledge that violence is a bigger problem in the black community than the white community.
Seeing is believing. Let Whites live in a self segregated environ. Without non whites or jewish influence. Observe .
Well, go then. There's a place in Guyana that is not well populated from what I hear.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc

How stupid. You neglected to mention whatever the number of murders committed by whites or other races. You also neglected to mention the plots that were foiled by law enforcement. Like the white guys who plotted to blow up an apartment complex in Garden City, Kansas.
The idea of protesting "the blacks" is so woefully ignorant, since only a small minority of African-Americans kill anyone. Should we protest "the whites" when only a small percentage of us kill anyone or try to? Our law-enforcement/justice system exists to deal with murderers and would-be murderers.
wrong--as you can see white extremists are not nearly as dangerous/ a threat as blacks

now--blacks commit murder over 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate
--so the numbers CLEARLY show, you should be worried about blacks more than whites
You refer to white criminals by their racial/political views, but refer to "blacks" only by their race. It's not a valid comparison. How many "blacks" are charged with hate crimes? How many "whites" are charged with hate crimes?
You do know the difference between common crime, committed on the street for purely economic reasons, or associated with domestic disturbances among partners/families, don't you?
It's called white supremacist propaganda.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

pepe is splashed all over breitbart, but i agree isn't really all that important. it's a great way to point out the childish ridiculousness of the alt right groupthink.
Breitbart doesn't moderate comments, that's why the alt-right frequents their comment sections. So just because there are Pepe memes in the comment section, does not mean they endorse using pepe memes or the alt-right.

uh-huh. sorry- but any defense of the altright groupthink just gets thrown to the wayside. this isn't just a mere comment...

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical
And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

pepe is splashed all over breitbart, but i agree isn't really all that important. it's a great way to point out the childish ridiculousness of the alt right groupthink.
Breitbart doesn't moderate comments, that's why the alt-right frequents their comment sections. So just because there are Pepe memes in the comment section, does not mean they endorse using pepe memes or the alt-right.

uh-huh. sorry- but any defense of the altright groupthink just gets thrown to the wasteside. this isn't just a mere comment...

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
An article explaining what the alt-right is(and not even doing it well) does not equate to endorsement. Try harder, little guy.
Seeing is believing. Let Whites live in a self segregated environ. Without non whites or jewish influence. Observe .
Well, go then. There's a place in Guyana that is not well populated from what I hear.
No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc

How stupid. You neglected to mention whatever the number of murders committed by whites or other races. You also neglected to mention the plots that were foiled by law enforcement. Like the white guys who plotted to blow up an apartment complex in Garden City, Kansas.
The idea of protesting "the blacks" is so woefully ignorant, since only a small minority of African-Americans kill anyone. Should we protest "the whites" when only a small percentage of us kill anyone or try to? Our law-enforcement/justice system exists to deal with murderers and would-be murderers.
wrong--as you can see white extremists are not nearly as dangerous/ a threat as blacks

now--blacks commit murder over 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate
--so the numbers CLEARLY show, you should be worried about blacks more than whites
You refer to white criminals by their racial/political views, but refer to "blacks" only by their race. It's not a valid comparison. How many "blacks" are charged with hate crimes? How many "whites" are charged with hate crimes?
You do know the difference between common crime, committed on the street for purely economic reasons, or associated with domestic disturbances among partners/families, don't you?
It's called white supremacist propaganda.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

When Whites live an isolated existence ; whom are we being "superior" to? Centuries of division can be healed with ease. The freedom to choose.
Lysis is a fruitcake. Seriously of the voice-hearing kind.

STill waiting to hear what statement I haven't supported.

everything you said is opinion. based on what you feeeeeeeeel. where are the unbiased credible verifiable sources to back you up faux christian?
Lysis is a fruitcake. Seriously of the voice-hearing kind.

STill waiting to hear what statement I haven't supported.
Honey. You are a really sick creature.
You have never supported any of your complaints. No evidence. No nothing. now there is some post about "Joos."You are just a sick confused individual who apparently follows a cult..
You keep saying that.
Yet you can't list what it is that I've said that I don't support.

Because it didn't happen outside of your noggin.

I have honestly never seen anything as bizarre as your assertion that I'm a racist because I used a puzzled emoji.

what you said. in words says it all.
milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical
milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.
Pepe is not really a political symbol the meme is sometimes used by a few on the right but in reality the symbol is more Apolitical

pepe is splashed all over breitbart, but i agree isn't really all that important. it's a great way to point out the childish ridiculousness of the alt right groupthink.
Breitbart doesn't moderate comments, that's why the alt-right frequents their comment sections. So just because there are Pepe memes in the comment section, does not mean they endorse using pepe memes or the alt-right.

uh-huh. sorry- but any defense of the altright groupthink just gets thrown to the wasteside. this isn't just a mere comment...

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
An article explaining what the alt-right is(and not even doing it well) does not equate to endorsement. Try harder, little guy.

lol... i simply was linking an article on breitbart ( an early one at that) that shows a stupid little frog cartoon that was part of breitbart & not in any comment section like you tried to say. which shows you were wrong.

i am not a' little guy' , btw. guess that made you wrong twice.
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?

let's see.... like obama & hillary smell like sulfur?
or there are lizard people among us?
or a pedophile ring was run outa a pizza parlor?
or mars has child labor camps?
or sandy hook was a hoax?

alex jones is a hero of yours.

'nuff said.

I knew that the OKC Murrah building bombing was a deep state operation long before I knew about Alex Jones and if he has touted the fact that "da gubermint" was behind the bombing? Good on him....I am an expert on the Murrah building bombing and have personally met with those that proved scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb that caused that damage. Challenge me....ask me questions or debate me.

haaaaaaa............. you are supposta be an expert on sandy hook too. i'll pass.

i like to stay in a reality based environment , thank-you very much.
Cody Snodgres whistleblower on the OKC bombing is on Ark To Midnight, Lysistrata.............educate yourself.

Listen to The Weekend with Joe Pags on KMED on TuneIn

I don't do dumb-assed conspiracy theories. I'm sick of them. Let this guy appear before Congress with his "evidence," under oath. So much time has passed that he should be able to name names. Then I might take a listen.

You are the one that chimed in on my conversation with the OP......
All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?

let's see.... like obama & hillary smell like sulfur?
or there are lizard people among us?
or a pedophile ring was run outa a pizza parlor?
or mars has child labor camps?
or sandy hook was a hoax?

alex jones is a hero of yours.

'nuff said.

I knew that the OKC Murrah building bombing was a deep state operation long before I knew about Alex Jones and if he has touted the fact that "da gubermint" was behind the bombing? Good on him....I am an expert on the Murrah building bombing and have personally met with those that proved scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb that caused that damage. Challenge me....ask me questions or debate me.

haaaaaaa............. you are supposta be an expert on sandy hook too. i'll pass.

i like to stay in a reality based environment , thank-you very much.

And reality for a gullible leftard is ANYTHING the lame stream media shoves down your throat....I get.

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