White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
I don't need to quote it, you know what you said. I replied to a comment about a white professor praising the idea of white genocide, saying that the professor wouldn't step up and kill himself basically....then you said you would be the one to kill me. Of course I am paraphrasing ...but you know you said it. Don't know why you won't stand by your threat?

To para phrase..as you say..you were in a convo and the comment was made that some other white guy would be the first to die for my beliefs...and i replied:
"Nope..odds are you will be..I'm be the guy on the other end of the gun...keyboard warrior."

You perceive this as a threat to kill you? Nope..just me telling you..that we are on different sides..and if it come to it...I'd come out on top.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
I don't want you guys dead anyway, you'll learn how wrong you are about everything the hard way and join the team eventually. Reality just needs to mug you.
Never happen....my life experience is so far from yours..that I just don't see it--I hold people individually responsible for their actions..I don't blame groups..even the ones I revile..such as the alt/right--while I hate the rhetoric..you have every right to say what you want..and to act within the law to achieve your ends.
Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
I don't need to quote it, you know what you said. I replied to a comment about a white professor praising the idea of white genocide, saying that the professor wouldn't step up and kill himself basically....then you said you would be the one to kill me. Of course I am paraphrasing ...but you know you said it. Don't know why you won't stand by your threat?

To para phrase..as you say..you were in a convo and the comment was made that some other white guy would be the first to die for my beliefs...and i replied:
"Nope..odds are you will be..I'm be the guy on the other end of the gun...keyboard warrior."

You perceive this as a threat to kill you? Nope..just me telling you..that we are on different sides..and if it come to it...I'd come out on top.
You read my comment wrong. My comment about the Canadian professor had nothing to do with you or your beliefs. I was strictly speaking on that professor only, that he thought the idea of whites being wiped off the planet was a great idea.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
I don't want you guys dead anyway, you'll learn how wrong you are about everything the hard way and join the team eventually. Reality just needs to mug you.
Never happen....my life experience is so far from yours..that I just don't see it--I hold people individually responsible for their actions..I don't blame groups..even the ones I revile..such as the alt/right--while I hate the rhetoric..you have every right to say what you want..and to act within the law to achieve your ends.
You can hate the rhetoric all you want, it is needed. Whites need to become more racially conscious or we will lose the country.
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
I don't need to quote it, you know what you said. I replied to a comment about a white professor praising the idea of white genocide, saying that the professor wouldn't step up and kill himself basically....then you said you would be the one to kill me. Of course I am paraphrasing ...but you know you said it. Don't know why you won't stand by your threat?

To para phrase..as you say..you were in a convo and the comment was made that some other white guy would be the first to die for my beliefs...and i replied:
"Nope..odds are you will be..I'm be the guy on the other end of the gun...keyboard warrior."

You perceive this as a threat to kill you? Nope..just me telling you..that we are on different sides..and if it come to it...I'd come out on top.
You read my comment wrong. My comment about the Canadian professor had nothing to do with you or your beliefs. I was strictly speaking on that professor only, that he thought the idea of whites being wiped off the planet was a great idea.
Fair enough...That professor is a fool..BTW. But the rhetoric of the ivory tower is designed to inflame and provoke--do you really think that it represents the view of the majority of Americans?
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
I don't want you guys dead anyway, you'll learn how wrong you are about everything the hard way and join the team eventually. Reality just needs to mug you.
Never happen....my life experience is so far from yours..that I just don't see it--I hold people individually responsible for their actions..I don't blame groups..even the ones I revile..such as the alt/right--while I hate the rhetoric..you have every right to say what you want..and to act within the law to achieve your ends.
You can hate the rhetoric all you want, it is needed. Whites need to become more racially conscious or we will lose the country.
You see..that's where you lose me..we don't HAVE the country..and never really did. But if we did..that's over now...best get used to it. The true expression of the American ideals..every one...every one....is equal..not only under the law...but in the workplace..and in the home.
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
I don't need to quote it, you know what you said. I replied to a comment about a white professor praising the idea of white genocide, saying that the professor wouldn't step up and kill himself basically....then you said you would be the one to kill me. Of course I am paraphrasing ...but you know you said it. Don't know why you won't stand by your threat?

To para phrase..as you say..you were in a convo and the comment was made that some other white guy would be the first to die for my beliefs...and i replied:
"Nope..odds are you will be..I'm be the guy on the other end of the gun...keyboard warrior."

You perceive this as a threat to kill you? Nope..just me telling you..that we are on different sides..and if it come to it...I'd come out on top.
You read my comment wrong. My comment about the Canadian professor had nothing to do with you or your beliefs. I was strictly speaking on that professor only, that he thought the idea of whites being wiped off the planet was a great idea.
Fair enough...That professor is a fool..BTW. But the rhetoric of the ivory tower is designed to inflame and provoke--do you really think that it represents the view of the majority of Americans?
Not at all. I know I am in the minority opinion, but that's why I visit sites like these and attend local political events. We want to mainstream our movement, and we have been quite successful, particularly with the youth, who deal with the crap multiculturalism does to their communities on a level worse than in my youth.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
I don't want you guys dead anyway, you'll learn how wrong you are about everything the hard way and join the team eventually. Reality just needs to mug you.
Never happen....my life experience is so far from yours..that I just don't see it--I hold people individually responsible for their actions..I don't blame groups..even the ones I revile..such as the alt/right--while I hate the rhetoric..you have every right to say what you want..and to act within the law to achieve your ends.
You can hate the rhetoric all you want, it is needed. Whites need to become more racially conscious or we will lose the country.
You see..that's where you lose me..we don't HAVE the country..and never really did. But if we did..that's over now...best get used to it. The true expression of the American ideals..every one...every one....is equal..not only under the law...but in the workplace..and in the home.
I do not believe in egalitarianism. It is demonstrably false. Equality under the law is one thing, egalitarianism across the board is a whole other thing.
Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.

Non Hispanic white people make up 61.3 percent of the population, according to census bureau data. Racially, the next closest demographic is Hispanic/Latino, which comprises 17.8 percent of the population. Essentially, there are over 3x as many white people as any other race in the nation. Muslims, obviously not a race, represent 0.9 percent of the US population.

If the group that makes up 61.3 percent didn't have more instances of ANYTHING than a group that makes up 0.9 percent of the population, that would be fucking miraculous.

Anyway, go back and find those numbers of people killed by white terrorists and people killed by Muslim terrorists in the US. If the number of people killed by white terrorists is about 68 times as high as the number of people killed by Muslim terrorists, then you can rightly say that the white population is statistically as prone to terrorist murder as is the Muslim population.

Also, a lot of mass shooters aren't terrorists. The term, terrorist, only applies to people committing their acts of violence for political reasons.
Mass shooters are terrorists.

Not necessarily. I get that mass shooters are really bad, and terrorists are really bad, but that doesn't make them both same same. Terrorist has a specific definition.

noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists
  1. 1.
    a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    "four commercial aircraft were hijacked by terrorists"
    synonyms: extremist, fanatic; More
    revolutionary, radical, insurgent, guerrilla, anarchist, freedom fighter;
    bomber, gunman, assassin, hijacker, arsonist, incendiary
    "the detainees are suspected terrorists"
adjective: terrorist
  1. 1.
    unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    "a terrorist organization"

Most of the mass shooters that were majorly publicized in this country made ZERO indication of political aims.

Please, stop using words with specific meanings like they're synonyms for "bad guy". Have a little respect for truth and accuracy.

that is the legal definition. doesn't mean in truth, they aren't terrorists. they strike terror in the very core of those who are unfortunate to be in the midst of the act while it's happening & even the residual effect of those dealing in the aftermath.

It's the English definition, as well. Words have meanings. When you say that they strike terror in the very core of the people in the MIDST of the act while it's happening, you're describing virtually every violent victimization that's ever occurred. If we run with your standard, "terrorist" just means "violent person", and we already have terms for other designations of violent people.

What is this strange fucking obsession with having to attach EVERY negative term, accurate or not, to anything one finds particularly heinous? Using the correct terminology and, more importantly, rejecting inaccurate terminology, is IN NO WAY a marginalization of the heinous act in question. Recognizing that someone who shoots up a class room and then blows their brains out isn't technically a terrorist doesn't mean that you're excusing mass shooters. It doesn't even mean that you're implying that non terrorist mass shooters aren't every bit as heinous and evil as terrorists. All it means is that they are separate things, and the only purpose in recognizing that is so that, when we refer to specific concepts, we know exactly wtf concept is the subject being referenced. Keeping clear avenues open for accurate communication is worth noting these distinctions.
He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
No, you're stupid. They have evidence. You just don't think it proves anything.

Again. .evidence is ANY SET OF FACTS or INFORMATION that convinces ONE SET of the truth of a matter.

Your wrongheaded and stupid interpretation would maintain that evidence is only evidence if everybody agrees on what it means.

In which case the courts wouldn't call it evidence.

Wrong foolish one.

They have no evidence and that is fact which you well know.

Your idiotic claims to the contrary are proven wrong.

Get this straight BOY they have no evidence.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.

Shillian, I make much more than the median income of two people just on my own and have for over two decades. I have forgotten more than you will ever know and that is a fact.

Hope this helps!!!
More grandiose claims.

If that is anything like your self proclaimed expertise you are impoverished.

Present some evidence.

You have never done so.
I have kicked soupnazi's ass so badly and to the point that I am starting to feel sorry for the troll....and I hate that.

I have gone above and beyond in order to validate my contentions as it pertains to the OKC Murrah building bombing. This troll has become nothing but a "time waster"...........you knock his ass out on the cyber canvas and when he comes to? He claims (while on wobbly knees) that he wants to continue the fight.

Watching soupnazi try to post a coherent thought is a bit like coming across a dog licking it's balls......makes everyone else sick and the only one enjoying it is the dog.......SMH.
No you did not boy you lost and got schooled and defeated and made into my bitch.

You got caught in several lies and that is proven fact

You presented no evidence and merely whined about being smarter.

You belong to me boy and you know it.

You never validated a damn thing.
He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
No, you're stupid. They have evidence. You just don't think it proves anything.

Again. .evidence is ANY SET OF FACTS or INFORMATION that convinces ONE SET of the truth of a matter.

Your wrongheaded and stupid interpretation would maintain that evidence is only evidence if everybody agrees on what it means.

In which case the courts wouldn't call it evidence.

Wrong you fool.

Evidence in THIS forum is something used to defend or prove your contention to others.

He made assertions he insisted were true but he did not provide one shred of evidence to back them up. The very fact that he was talking to others proves he needed to provide evidence to others NOT to himself as he already believes his tripe.'

And BTW that is all perfectly consistent with the definitions you posted .

SO this is evidence that you are the fool who is almost as stupid as he is and you are welcome for the correction.
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
No, you're stupid. They have evidence. You just don't think it proves anything.

Again. .evidence is ANY SET OF FACTS or INFORMATION that convinces ONE SET of the truth of a matter.

Your wrongheaded and stupid interpretation would maintain that evidence is only evidence if everybody agrees on what it means.

In which case the courts wouldn't call it evidence.

Wrong you fool.

Evidence in THIS forum is something used to defend or prove your contention to others.

He made assertions he insisted were true but he did not provide one shred of evidence to back them up. The very fact that he was talking to others proves he needed to provide evidence to others NOT to himself as he already believes his tripe.'

And BTW that is all perfectly consistent with the definitions you posted .

SO this is evidence that you are the fool who is almost as stupid as he is and you are welcome for the correction.

Soupy, please accept this constructive criticism in the spirit in which it is intended....but you have a need to incorporate even grade school punctuation skills into your postings. It will only serve you better as you reply on this site. Reading your fool-fueled rants is pathetic enough as it is...... but when you can't even put in a strategic pause with a "comma"? HOLY shit.........you come across as some kind of illiterate moron and it hurts any point that you wish to make. We all make the occasional typos when we are in hurry to reply...and we occasionally forget the rules of punctuation. You abuse it to the tenth degree.

Go back, read your musings and look at it from the point of view of those that you are replying to......you have no clue on where a "comma" should be placed..... but yet you wish to be taken seriously and have your opinions weighed and considered? It's not gonna happen, my friend, unless you start using basic punctuation skills. "Commas" are a HUGE part of writing. Those that are my biggest detractors use basic writing skills when attempting to refute my arguments. I respect their writing abilities even if we have a difference of opinion. This forum has some very good writers regardless of which side one is on...and you are not one of them. This reply isn't intended to hurt your pride, but rather to help you.

Like we say in Texas? "Good on ya"........
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.

Shillian, I make much more than the median income of two people just on my own and have for over two decades. I have forgotten more than you will ever know and that is a fact.

Hope this helps!!!

no one believes that. :rofl:

you are here all day every day.... if you were productive, you wouldn't be. And if you had anything, you wouldn't be the psycho bully that you are. you'd be too comfortable in your own world.

you might find that therapy would assist you so that you don't have to make claims that anyone can tell are lies.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Yes they sure as shit would.

If they weren't killed first. Most other countries are much more hostile to open faggotry than we are. In Mexico, they hang faggots up and wrap their intestines around their heads.

says the broke nutter. :cuckoo:
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Yes they sure as shit would.

If they weren't killed first. Most other countries are much more hostile to open faggotry than we are. In Mexico, they hang faggots up and wrap their intestines around their heads.

says the broke nutter. :cuckoo:
Actually, Mexico does have a lot of violence against homos.

They won't admit it.

They would spin it, but make their positions plain.

Ie, "I'm not anti-semitic, I'n anti-zionist, or I don't want US tax dollars doing this, or it's practical to not piss off arabs or some such shit".

The vast majority of people I've met who could be counted "alt right" did none of that. THey don't give a shit. About jews.

That's why you get shit like the "unite the right" to save the statues.

Because the white supremacist/nazis are a desperate tiny faction, trying so hard to inflate their numbers and importance.

those hate groups are growing in numbers big time.


Hate Map

1. The SPLC is not a reliable source.

2. Tracking numbers of organizations is not the way to track the problem, as most of those are tiny and/or have overlapping memberships. Tracking it this way, gives an appearance of "explosive rise" without in any way really supporting that claim.

if it's acceptable as a credible source for university papers - then it is a credible source. you know what's not?


Funny how you didn't address my actual specific complaint about their method of tracking haters, nor take the obvious step of posting evidence that that number has actually grown.

well now - nothing i post will satisfy you even though that site is a legit means of tracking. because you don't like it, it isn't valid? too bad. how about YOU give me a link saying they haven't grown.

I've looked and have not been able to find anyone actually tracking their actual numbers.

Isn't that strange?
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
No, you're stupid. They have evidence. You just don't think it proves anything.

Again. .evidence is ANY SET OF FACTS or INFORMATION that convinces ONE SET of the truth of a matter.

Your wrongheaded and stupid interpretation would maintain that evidence is only evidence if everybody agrees on what it means.

In which case the courts wouldn't call it evidence.

Wrong you fool.

Evidence in THIS forum is something used to defend or prove your contention to others.

He made assertions he insisted were true but he did not provide one shred of evidence to back them up. The very fact that he was talking to others proves he needed to provide evidence to others NOT to himself as he already believes his tripe.'

And BTW that is all perfectly consistent with the definitions you posted .

SO this is evidence that you are the fool who is almost as stupid as he is and you are welcome for the correction.
He did provide evidence. Now you're just lying.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Yes they sure as shit would.

If they weren't killed first. Most other countries are much more hostile to open faggotry than we are. In Mexico, they hang faggots up and wrap their intestines around their heads.

says the broke nutter. :cuckoo:
Actually, Mexico does have a lot of violence against homos.

She knows that. She is just a hateful whore. Her only purpose here is to harass and lie.

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