White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

If loving my people and my country makes me a bad guy....fuck it, say hello to the bad guy.

The ancestry of most black people go back further than most white folks.

This nation is white AND black. If you love this nation, you love the black folks in it as well. If you don't love the black folks, you don't love this nation. END OF STORY.
Lmao! You are fully cucked, aren't you?

Go read your Edward Bernays, I think you will find that the person the elites have "cucked" is yourself, everyone you know, and those whom you oppose.


I am in no way shape or form cucked in any way.

And are you implying whites are oppressing blacks with your Malcolm X memes?
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
No, he threatned to shoot me.

I wouldn't sweat it.....leftards have a reputation that they have earned for being "wimpish". They are the kind of "men" that would toss a pillow to their women if they were being sexually assaulted so they would be more comfortable. Defending their beloveds by intervening would never enter their minds.
Oh, I'm not sweating it at all. What's funny is he said he was going to shoot me and that I was a keyboard warrior in the same sentence. Like bro, do you even know what "keyboard warrior" means? Lol
How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

Actual television footage of the happenings of that day is immaterial? Do tell??????

Yes especially as none of it proves your claims.

First of all the main claim is by witnesses and witnesses are always the most unreliable form of evidence. There are always witnesses getting things wrong.

Your video shows no proof or evidence.

No evidence that I have seen proves the case of your beloved federal "gubermint".....quite the contrary ............wanna try and convince me that they had it "goin' on"??? And that I should believe them?

Hey, I am open minded.............lay down your case that I should back down from my contention that the OKC bombing was a psy-op.......make your argument. You are now on the offense......what say ye?
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
I would want to hang him just the same! unlike you who eveidently does not care since they are antifa. Of course what do you expect from a winney little fucking narc that tells the mods as soon as your little feelings are hurt.
I don't remember that......and you are incapable of hurting my feelings.
Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

Actual television footage of the happenings of that day is immaterial? Do tell??????

Yes especially as none of it proves your claims.

First of all the main claim is by witnesses and witnesses are always the most unreliable form of evidence. There are always witnesses getting things wrong.

Your video shows no proof or evidence.

No evidence that I have seen proves the case of your beloved federal "gubermint".....quite the contrary ............wanna try and convince me that they had it "goin' on"??? And that I should believe them?

Hey, I am open minded.............lay down your case that I should back down from my contention that the OKC bombing was a psy-op.......make your argument. You are now on the offense......what say ye?

Your contention is unsupported by evidence of any kind making it just a stupid belief. Stupid beliefs which have no evidence may be perfectly dismissed without any alternative because they are stupid.
Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.

Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

You are just being a troll b/c you cannot admit you are wrong, your employers would can your ass.

In fact, in a court of law, archival footage of news casts are evidence, go the fuck away, you have been owned.
Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

You are just being a troll b/c you cannot admit you are wrong, your employers would can your ass.

In fact, in a court of law, archival footage of news casts are evidence, go the fuck away, you have been owned.

I am correct and it is you guys who are proven wrong you have no evidence.
How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

You are just being a troll b/c you cannot admit you are wrong, your employers would can your ass.

In fact, in a court of law, archival footage of news casts are evidence, go the fuck away, you have been owned.

I am correct and it is you guys who are proven wrong you have no evidence.

This is your debate style, you do know that, right?

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

You are just being a troll b/c you cannot admit you are wrong, your employers would can your ass.

In fact, in a court of law, archival footage of news casts are evidence, go the fuck away, you have been owned.

I am correct and it is you guys who are proven wrong you have no evidence.

This is your debate style, you do know that, right?



My debate style is to ask for evidence and proof of extraordinary assertions.

I tell no one to shut up.

I have repeatedly asked Dale Smith for evidence and he never provides any he also lies about many things and I have proven that.

You have no evidence either so go ahead and try.
I personally met Brigadier General Benton Partin in August of 2004 at his home in Alexandria, Virginia......

Maybe you did or you more likely make up such claims but you still have no evidence.

Remember you need extraordinary evidence not just a lame fictional you tube video.

Brigadier General Benton Partin IS an expert of the highest order........

Resume of Benton K. Partin

He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence

No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.

No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.

You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't always prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Last edited:
Maybe you did or you more likely make up such claims but you still have no evidence.

Remember you need extraordinary evidence not just a lame fictional you tube video.

Brigadier General Benton Partin IS an expert of the highest order........

Resume of Benton K. Partin

He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
Brigadier General Benton Partin IS an expert of the highest order........

Resume of Benton K. Partin

He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence
No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.
No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
You seem to think *evidence* means *proof*.

Please. You are embarassing yourself by advertising your stupidity.

"Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened."

"Evidence is the information that is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses."

Evidence = information used to prove something.

That doesn't mean it necessarily does prove something. People present evidence all the time, and the evidence doesn't prove what they say it proves (morons like you pull that crap all the time). But just because it doesn't prove something doesn't mean it suddenly isn't evidence.

Is this too complicated for you?

Evidence is any set of facts or information that convinces one set of the truth of a matter. That isn't to say everybody agrees with them as to the truth of the matter...but evidence is still evidence.

Getting through? Hello?

Evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I understand it perfectly and always have.

What you are too stupid to grasp is I am correct and those conspiracy morons have no evidence.
No, you're stupid. They have evidence. You just don't think it proves anything.

Again. .evidence is ANY SET OF FACTS or INFORMATION that convinces ONE SET of the truth of a matter.

Your wrongheaded and stupid interpretation would maintain that evidence is only evidence if everybody agrees on what it means.

In which case the courts wouldn't call it evidence.

Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.
If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
I have kicked soupnazi's ass so badly and to the point that I am starting to feel sorry for the troll....and I hate that.

I have gone above and beyond in order to validate my contentions as it pertains to the OKC Murrah building bombing. This troll has become nothing but a "time waster"...........you knock his ass out on the cyber canvas and when he comes to? He claims (while on wobbly knees) that he wants to continue the fight.

Watching soupnazi try to post a coherent thought is a bit like coming across a dog licking it's balls......makes everyone else sick and the only one enjoying it is the dog.......SMH.
If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
They call any person who voted for Trump a white supremecist. Anybody who rallies to protest the removal of statues is called a white supremecist. Anybody who objects to gang criminality is a white supremecist. Anybody who doesn't want open borders is a white supremecist.

It's stopped meaning anything. Along with everything else they say.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Yes they sure as shit would.

If they weren't killed first. Most other countries are much more hostile to open faggotry than we are. In Mexico, they hang faggots up and wrap their intestines around their heads.
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.

Shillian, I make much more than the median income of two people just on my own and have for over two decades. I have forgotten more than you will ever know and that is a fact.

Hope this helps!!!

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