White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Sure, chinese also worked on the railroad...but nobody wanted to make them citizens or considered them as such.

Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.
We are not all in this together, the vast majority of minorities vote Demonrat.

They do indeed because they have been programmed to do so.......and the vast majority of white people are programmed to vote "neocon"...........you are on the cusp of figuring it all out, my friend. If I may suggest to you the best documentary of all time? Go to youtube and search for "JFK to 911...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick............I am friends with Francis Richard Conolly. I will be a source of research for his sequel to this.

I only sat through 20 minutes of it, but the Brit behind it is VERY pro-Bolshevik, which in itself makes me doubt his claims.

Most of it is just a rehash of the Illuminati conspiracies, which are mostly fact, but always have that dash of bullshit for flavor.
How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

These bombs were huge and meant to totally implode the building. While those bombs were being removed? ATF agents were stepping over victims to get to files stored there so they could be removed. Remember the ATF agent that said that he was trapped in an elevator that was later to be revealed as total bullshit???

Wrong your affidavit makes no mention of their size or purpose.

In fact they could have been evidence from a police vault.

Nope no one remembers that,.

So you dishonest twit when will you provide evidence?

So? You need me to post their affidavits again???????? NO problem.........

View attachment 170389 View attachment 170390 View attachment 170389 View attachment 170391 View attachment 170392 View attachment 170394

Good glad you posted it again as it makes no mention of the other bombs size or purpose and in fact the only specific description came from an elevator repair guy who claims he saw missiles and handgrenades.

You still have yet to support any of your claims with evidence.

FEMA had the other two bombs removed...........did you miss that?????
Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

These bombs were huge and meant to totally implode the building. While those bombs were being removed? ATF agents were stepping over victims to get to files stored there so they could be removed. Remember the ATF agent that said that he was trapped in an elevator that was later to be revealed as total bullshit???

Wrong your affidavit makes no mention of their size or purpose.

In fact they could have been evidence from a police vault.

Nope no one remembers that,.

So you dishonest twit when will you provide evidence?

So? You need me to post their affidavits again???????? NO problem.........

View attachment 170389 View attachment 170390 View attachment 170389 View attachment 170391 View attachment 170392 View attachment 170394

In fact this entire claim is based on an elevator repair guy who claims he saw a silver canister and that someone told him another bomb was being disarmed.

That is hearsay and not evidence of a damn thing.

You got owned again and have presented no proof of other bombs.

It is not an affidavit from the government and it is proof of nothing.
Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

These bombs were huge and meant to totally implode the building. While those bombs were being removed? ATF agents were stepping over victims to get to files stored there so they could be removed. Remember the ATF agent that said that he was trapped in an elevator that was later to be revealed as total bullshit???

Wrong your affidavit makes no mention of their size or purpose.

In fact they could have been evidence from a police vault.

Nope no one remembers that,.

So you dishonest twit when will you provide evidence?

So? You need me to post their affidavits again???????? NO problem.........

View attachment 170389 View attachment 170390 View attachment 170389 View attachment 170391 View attachment 170392 View attachment 170394

Good glad you posted it again as it makes no mention of the other bombs size or purpose and in fact the only specific description came from an elevator repair guy who claims he saw missiles and handgrenades.

You still have yet to support any of your claims with evidence.

FEMA had the other two bombs removed...........did you miss that?????
So says an elevator repair guy who is passing on hearsay.

No evidence boy.
Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

These bombs were huge and meant to totally implode the building. While those bombs were being removed? ATF agents were stepping over victims to get to files stored there so they could be removed. Remember the ATF agent that said that he was trapped in an elevator that was later to be revealed as total bullshit???

Wrong your affidavit makes no mention of their size or purpose.

In fact they could have been evidence from a police vault.

Nope no one remembers that,.

So you dishonest twit when will you provide evidence?

So? You need me to post their affidavits again???????? NO problem.........

View attachment 170389 View attachment 170390 View attachment 170389 View attachment 170391 View attachment 170392 View attachment 170394

Good glad you posted it again as it makes no mention of the other bombs size or purpose and in fact the only specific description came from an elevator repair guy who claims he saw missiles and handgrenades.

You still have yet to support any of your claims with evidence.

FEMA had the other two bombs removed...........did you miss that?????

According to the affidavit you provided an elevator repair guy HEARD through the grapevine about one being removed and saw a silver canister he ASSUMED was a bomb being removed.

That is not evidence of other bombs.
Sure, chinese also worked on the railroad...but nobody wanted to make them citizens or considered them as such.

Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Revelation 7:9-12
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?
You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
What's wrong with thinking your family and relatives are the best? You pro destroying the family unit or something?

what? now how are you connecting those dots?
You said you hate racists. At it's essence, racism is simply preferring your own people over others.

preferring your 'own' over others is one thing. that's a matter of familiarity or *taste*, if you will.

believing that your *own* is superior based on stereotypes & what is taught from childhood is another matter.

children need to be taught to hate those that don't look like them. it doesn't come naturally.

Actually a lot of data supports that races are different biologically, and which includes a hierarchy.

Wow, who knew you're scum for actually having enough brains to realize there's a racial hierarchy.
Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Revelation 7:9-12

That's after the shit hits the fan. I've never claimed non whites can't be christians either...so what is your point?
Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Revelation 7:9-12

Genesis 38:8

St Onan guide our hands.
You two boys done yet?

Sounds to me like that kid had some real mental issues--not just mental because he wanted to kill blacks, but MENTAL issues. Over and over, these are the people who are swayed by extremist organizations like ISIS and the neo-Nazi's. Fortunately, a lot of them are too fucked up to be effective. Thank God no one was hurt.

The "boy" was on
Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.
We are not all in this together, the vast majority of minorities vote Demonrat.

They do indeed because they have been programmed to do so.......and the vast majority of white people are programmed to vote "neocon"...........you are on the cusp of figuring it all out, my friend. If I may suggest to you the best documentary of all time? Go to youtube and search for "JFK to 911...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick............I am friends with Francis Richard Conolly. I will be a source of research for his sequel to this.

I only sat through 20 minutes of it, but the Brit behind it is VERY pro-Bolshevik, which in itself makes me doubt his claims.

Most of it is just a rehash of the Illuminati conspiracies, which are mostly fact, but always have that dash of bullshit for flavor.

Francis Richard Conolly is anything but a communist and like myself, he knows ALL about which faction funded the Bolshevik revolution. We trade e-mails all the time.You don't believe that there is such a thing as the "Illuminati"? Look on the back of the dollar bill and see the pyramid and the "all seeing eye" that is the capstone. They hide it in plain sight and it is all around us. Watch the entire documentary and try to throw off the programming.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?

Ok little fool you have lied about providing evidence and since we all know that is true go ahead and try to present some evidence.

Your claims are shit and stupid and the ramblings of an imbecile but go ahead and try to prove them.

Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.

Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

Ok little fool you have lied about providing evidence and since we all know that is true go ahead and try to present some evidence.

Your claims are shit and stupid and the ramblings of an imbecile but go ahead and try to prove them.

Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.

Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
No, he threatned to shoot me.
Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.

Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

Actual television footage of the happenings of that day is immaterial? Do tell??????
If loving my people and my country makes me a bad guy....fuck it, say hello to the bad guy.

The ancestry of most black people go back further than most white folks.

This nation is white AND black. If you love this nation, you love the black folks in it as well. If you don't love the black folks, you don't love this nation. END OF STORY.
Lmao! You are fully cucked, aren't you?

Go read your Edward Bernays, I think you will find that the person the elites have "cucked" is yourself, everyone you know, and those whom you oppose.


Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.

How could two bombs be planted in the Murrah building by McVeigh or Nichols? Especially since the official story was that it was an ANFO bomb?????

Why could they not?

Assuming that it was not merely a mistake made in haste in the immediate aftermath.

You tube videos are not evidence boy.

You still have provided no proof or evidence.

Actual television footage of the happenings of that day is immaterial? Do tell??????

Yes especially as none of it proves your claims.

First of all the main claim is by witnesses and witnesses are always the most unreliable form of evidence. There are always witnesses getting things wrong.

Your video shows no proof or evidence.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
No, he threatned to shoot me.

I wouldn't sweat it.....leftards have a reputation that they have earned for being "wimpish". They are the kind of "men" that would toss a pillow to their women if they were being sexually assaulted so they would be more comfortable. Defending their beloveds by intervening would never enter their minds.

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