White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Sure, chinese also worked on the railroad...but nobody wanted to make them citizens or considered them as such.

Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Morality is mostly a 20th century creation, to submit Whites, and only Whites into submission.

Before the 20th century there were two groups winners, and losers, but no real morality.... Now the U.S.A is becoming the latter, the loser factor because of "White guilt"
What's wrong with thinking your family and relatives are the best? You pro destroying the family unit or something?

what? now how are you connecting those dots?
You said you hate racists. At it's essence, racism is simply preferring your own people over others.

preferring your 'own' over others is one thing. that's a matter of familiarity or *taste*, if you will.

believing that your *own* is superior based on stereotypes & what is taught from childhood is another matter.

children need to be taught to hate those that don't look like them. it doesn't come naturally.
That's not so, multiple studies have shown babies are "racist" themselves. And I am not aware of any works produced debunking those studies.

show some credible AMA studies to back that up.
Why does it have to be from any specific association? This is one study done by the University of Toronto:

So you're a coward who can't even outdebate a conspiracy nut is what you're telling us? You're scared of the likes of Alex Jones?

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

Sandy Hoax was a false flag and Alex Jones bailed on Sandy Hoax just like he did on Pizzagate which is BEYOND a fact that Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was a front for pedophilia where their website was hacked. They were selling child porn and snuff films and connected to 8 other servers whose customers were using bitcoin to purchase their wares.......you don't even want to venture down this path. It is a sickening thing to know..........
Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Morality is mostly a 20th century creation, to submit Whites, and only Whites into submission.

Before the 20th century there were two groups winners, and losers, but no real morality.... Now the U.S.A is becoming the latter, the loser factor because of "White guilt"

I don't think I'd go so far as to say there was no morality before the 20th century, but I think I get your point.
The day that I get my ass handed to me by someone that doesn't even have the ability to punctuate? Well, that will be the day that I stop posting here. You have nothing. You wanted proof? I supplied it to you as it pertains to the OKC bombing. You propose nothing here..........get it?
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.

I do not need to refute it.

The burden is on you to provide evidence and you failed massively.

You are a liar and have proven nothing and that is fact boy.

Fuck your punctuation as you are not better,.
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
What are you guys arguing about anyway?
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.

When you realize that we are all in this fight together and that people of every nationality/"color" are working to expose the criminality of those that have made us indentured debt slaves? Only then will you see the magnitude of the problem we are facing.

Then one day we wake up and see the reality of it all.

How many Mexicans with the anti-Illegals, how many Mexicans here against the illegals? ... Yeah... We're all one. LOLOL

It's a bitter , that racial red pill is hard to swallow. I think Dale is just a good dude that means well. He just needs to wake up, and fast.

Morality is mostly a 20th century creation, to submit Whites, and only Whites into submission.

Before the 20th century there were two groups winners, and losers, but no real morality.... Now the U.S.A is becoming the latter, the loser factor because of "White guilt"

I don't think I'd go so far as to say there was no morality before the 20th century, but I think I get your point.

In the Age of Empires you forged out an empire based on do or die winning, or losing it was survival of the fit.

Now there's a bunch of whimpers from the left.
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.

You are lying and you know it.

You have posted no proof or evidence.

You are owned and you are my bitch.
So you're a coward who can't even outdebate a conspiracy nut is what you're telling us? You're scared of the likes of Alex Jones?

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
What are you guys arguing about anyway?

Soupnazi troll claims that I have not produced proof that the OKC bombing was a false flag event..........which I have...in spades. He can't accept his ass-kicking.....
there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

Ok little fool you have lied about providing evidence and since we all know that is true go ahead and try to present some evidence.

Your claims are shit and stupid and the ramblings of an imbecile but go ahead and try to prove them.
What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
What are you guys arguing about anyway?

They're argung over ANTIFA's weapon of choice.

Well one guy says ANTIFA's weapon on choice will be this.


The other guy says ANTIFA's weapon of choice will be this.

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
What are you guys arguing about anyway?

Soupnazi troll claims that I have not produced proof that the OKC bombing was a false flag event..........which I have...in spades. He can't accept his ass-kicking.....

You have not and everyone knows it including you.

Stop lying boy.
What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.

You are lying and you know it.

You have posted no proof or evidence.

You are owned and you are my bitch.

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

Can't lie...he seems like he is acting.
That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.

Nope you are lying and you are quite the coward.
You have not provided any evidence at all for any of those claims much less proven them That is fact you and you know it is fact boy.

You have not linked or shown any science whatsoever for your claims.

The affidavit which mentions two bombs does not prove or support your claim.

Now try and demonstrate some evidence boy you got fisted and have provided none whatsoever.

You must be a "google bot"....because you can't refute anything and you don't know even basic punctuation. I have PROVEN my contentions beyond the shadow of a doubt.
What are you guys arguing about anyway?

Soupnazi troll claims that I have not produced proof that the OKC bombing was a false flag event..........which I have...in spades. He can't accept his ass-kicking.....
I made no claim I stated fact,.

You have presented no evidence or proof for your claim and you know you have not now try again boy.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

Ok little fool you have lied about providing evidence and since we all know that is true go ahead and try to present some evidence.

Your claims are shit and stupid and the ramblings of an imbecile but go ahead and try to prove them.

Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.
alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.


Why do you believe that anyone that defends Trump or defends the organic constitution is an Alex Jones follower? Jones is part of the controlled opposition just like Rush Limbaugh is........COINTELPRO....ever heard of it? Look it up.........get back with me. I am a dogged researcher that has no political affiliation...and that is very frustrating to both sides that are stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

you once said sandy hook was a hoax & that they were actors.. that is a biggie with alex. if you aren't a follower, then i was wrong about that. but that changes nothing in the fact you are a conspiracy whackadoodle.

& i never said that all trump supporters are alex jones' fans. but they are just as crazy.

Ok little fool you have lied about providing evidence and since we all know that is true go ahead and try to present some evidence.

Your claims are shit and stupid and the ramblings of an imbecile but go ahead and try to prove them.

Scroll back through the thread.......documents from those that signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and FEMA documents showing that two bombs were removed...........you lose.

Two bombs is not evidence of the specific claims boy.
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
I would want to hang him just the same! unlike you who eveidently does not care since they are antifa. Of course what do you expect from a winney little fucking narc that tells the mods as soon as your little feelings are hurt.

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