White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
How dare you attack your fellow Americans with this sort of Nazi-style bullshit. Yes. We Americans will take out the trash. You will be in the first bag, with your Nazi helmet, your shield, ad the rest of your crap. We are Americans here! What a shit existence you morons must lead.
You're not American, you stupid bitch. You are an internationalist commie whore. Don't ever pretend you are american in my presence, you piece of human offal.

wow, someone has his confed flagged panties in a bunch.
This guy. You're trying too hard, bud. Might want to go another route.

i'm being amused. you have no clue that i am not a dude? ignoramus' are abundant on this thread. i think you lead the pack.
Ahhh....you're a bed wench. Fetch me a sandwich, bitch.
There is no such thing as a shill and in fact you are not enlightened or better informed.

You did no such thing you got your ass handed to you and you have been schooled.

I got my "ass handed to me" by someone that doesn't even understand basic punctuation? Yeaaaaaaah, you betcha........somehow I don't feel "defeated". Up your game, punkinpuss......
Yes you did.

You got caught in a lie boy.

You have no evidence to support your assertion and your expertise is total horseshit.

You are an uneducated fool.

The day that I get my ass handed to me by someone that doesn't even have the ability to punctuate? Well, that will be the day that I stop posting here. You have nothing. You wanted proof? I supplied it to you as it pertains to the OKC bombing. You propose nothing here..........get it?
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.
Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.

your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

Yeah, the only REAL conspiracies in the minds of leftards like you are those that prevent the leftard clown posse from their rightful place in power....because afterall? The ends justifies the means and the cheating and corruption of the commie agenda is for the good of all humanity....no?

It's not like you will ever admit it. What you don't know or comprehend could fill several libraries.
i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.
So you're a coward who can't even outdebate a conspiracy nut is what you're telling us? You're scared of the likes of Alex Jones?

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
What's wrong with thinking your family and relatives are the best? You pro destroying the family unit or something?
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.
So you're a coward who can't even outdebate a conspiracy nut is what you're telling us? You're scared of the likes of Alex Jones?

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.
i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

Yeah, the only REAL conspiracies in the minds of leftards like you are those that prevent the leftard clown posse from their rightful place in power....because afterall? The ends justifies the means and the cheating and corruption of the commie agenda is for the good of all humanity....no?

It's not like you will ever admit it. What you don't know or comprehend could fill several libraries.

<psssst> pizzagate wasn't real.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
What's wrong with thinking your family and relatives are the best? You pro destroying the family unit or something?

what? now how are you connecting those dots?
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.
So you're a coward who can't even outdebate a conspiracy nut is what you're telling us? You're scared of the likes of Alex Jones?

there's no point in debating someone who thinks the same as alex jones. i don't believe in lizard people. sorry if you can't understand that.
I didn't see Dale mention lizard people.

alex jones believes in them. if he is a fan... then he accepts it as part of the deal.
Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
What's wrong with thinking your family and relatives are the best? You pro destroying the family unit or something?

what? now how are you connecting those dots?
You said you hate racists. At it's essence, racism is simply preferring your own people over others.
The nationalist movement has nothing to do with skin tint............we built it and by "built it" we mean people of all nationalities. We are defending this country against the communists that have been useful idiots complicit in tearing down the nationalism and the very fabric of what is left of our sovereignty.
Lol....people of all nationalities did not build america. This country was built by white men and for white men. It wasn't until '65 that we started getting flooded with nonwhites by the globalist elite in DC. You could say blacks helped build america, but not all nationalities.

I beg to differ............
I'm sure you do. But can you prove me wrong?

So, it was only whites that built the railroads in the late 1800's? Is that your contention? Let's start with that first.......
Sure, chinese also worked on the railroad...but nobody wanted to make them citizens or considered them as such.

Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are some things about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
Last edited:
Lol....people of all nationalities did not build america. This country was built by white men and for white men. It wasn't until '65 that we started getting flooded with nonwhites by the globalist elite in DC. You could say blacks helped build america, but not all nationalities.

I beg to differ............
I'm sure you do. But can you prove me wrong?

So, it was only whites that built the railroads in the late 1800's? Is that your contention? Let's start with that first.......
Sure, chinese also worked on the railroad...but nobody wanted to make them citizens or considered them as such.

Who didn't want to make them citizens? They worked their asses off to help build the railroad tracks and when they insisted on being paid? They were killed and then a new batch of Chinese labor was brought in because they were small in stature but worked hard. The Harriman brothers were funded by the Rothschild bank. I am not "getting you" at all. There are somethings about your postings I agree with as it pertains to "political correctness" but then there are other postings of yours that totally befuddle me as to how you could think that way. We are ALL human beings and we all bleed the same blood. How you can minimize the contributions of those that came here seeking a better life back then utterly confuses me.
I really do wish that I could think like you do again sometimes, But I crossed that line years ago and seen too much to turn back.
I got my "ass handed to me" by someone that doesn't even understand basic punctuation? Yeaaaaaaah, you betcha........somehow I don't feel "defeated". Up your game, punkinpuss......
Yes you did.

You got caught in a lie boy.

You have no evidence to support your assertion and your expertise is total horseshit.

You are an uneducated fool.

The day that I get my ass handed to me by someone that doesn't even have the ability to punctuate? Well, that will be the day that I stop posting here. You have nothing. You wanted proof? I supplied it to you as it pertains to the OKC bombing. You propose nothing here..........get it?
Then do not post again boy.

You got wrecked and you are proven a liar and coward.

Everyone saw it and you know it good bye.

You supplied no proof at all. And you are a massive liar for claiming you did.

What did I "claim" that I did not back up in spades as it pertains to the false flag Murrah building bombing? Be specific.........and I am even willing to overlook your piss poor attempt at punctuation. Let's continue this dialogue.......

That it was a false flag. That it was a government black op. That the bomb could not have done what it did.

You have not backed up any of these claims with any evidence of any kind.

There is no dialogue there is just you being a fool claiming to know better.

This is where you enter the dark web of "trolling". I have by FAR proved my assertions and accusations with preponderance of the evidence backed by science and backed by those who have signed affidavits that two other bombs were removed from the Murrah rubble WITH a FEMA document claiming as such..........,HOLY shit! I know you have a problem with the written word and punctuation, but the information I have provided should be BLATANTLY obvious even to a troll such as yourself.
Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow up in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Social experiment...."let's teach black kids that they don't need two parent families, and pay them for not working."

Status: FAIL
lol.... oh please. are you kidding?

unless they are being an internet warrior, or are among their own ilk - who's gonna admit that they are? how many of those assholes down in charlottesville let on they are the vile creatures that they are? some got fired or even thrown out of families after they were exposed thru social media; which means their families &work environments had no clue what they were.

They won't admit it.

They would spin it, but make their positions plain.

Ie, "I'm not anti-semitic, I'n anti-zionist, or I don't want US tax dollars doing this, or it's practical to not piss off arabs or some such shit".

The vast majority of people I've met who could be counted "alt right" did none of that. THey don't give a shit. About jews.

That's why you get shit like the "unite the right" to save the statues.

Because the white supremacist/nazis are a desperate tiny faction, trying so hard to inflate their numbers and importance.

those hate groups are growing in numbers big time.


Hate Map

1. The SPLC is not a reliable source.

2. Tracking numbers of organizations is not the way to track the problem, as most of those are tiny and/or have overlapping memberships. Tracking it this way, gives an appearance of "explosive rise" without in any way really supporting that claim.

if it's acceptable as a credible source for university papers - then it is a credible source. you know what's not?


Funny how you didn't address my actual specific complaint about their method of tracking haters, nor take the obvious step of posting evidence that that number has actually grown.

well now - nothing i post will satisfy you even though that site is a legit means of tracking. because you don't like it, it isn't valid? too bad. how about YOU give me a link saying they haven't grown.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.
lol... of course you would think that. no one likes it when their dear leader is ridiculed. besides, who cares what you think?
Not true. I can appreciate a good meme regardless of who it is aimed at, even me. Everyone cares what I think, If you knew who I am IRL....you'd shit your pants. Lol

oooOOOOOOooo.... lol......... milo? is that you?
Definitely not Milo, that faggot should only die.[/QUOTE}

daniel 'wake up white people' carver? or some interchangeable self proclaimed grand dragon wizard wanna be?
Nah. Try again.

nah. either you tell the class, or you don't. my curiosity isn't really there.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.

i debate those that aren't nuts, conspiracy nuts & the like. that includes you, sweety.

You spew leftist hate at those who don't challenge you.

uh-huh. i hate racists. that much is true. but dale is an alex jones follower. i don't deal in fantasy. the other one is a freak alt righter. there's not much to really debate here. you aren't much better.

^^^ so all that is hate speech to you? how ironic.


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