White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Links and citations required.

I personally met Brigadier General Benton Partin in August of 2004 at his home in Alexandria, Virginia......

Maybe you did or you more likely make up such claims but you still have no evidence.

Remember you need extraordinary evidence not just a lame fictional you tube video.

Brigadier General Benton Partin IS an expert of the highest order........

Resume of Benton K. Partin

He presents no evidence only opinion and no he is not such an expert as you claim.

Many many others with similar resumes refute him with evidence.

You still have no evidence

No, he provided evidence. Again you don't seem to know what evidence means.

No he did not whatsoever it is you lacking in comprehension.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.

I worked in Detroit, Michigan for two and a half years and now I am back. I purposely lived in a part of Detroit where I was the minority and you know what? Those people you view as "different" could not have been more gracious to me. When I went into a store? They would hold the door open for me....and I would do the same for them. Perhaps they had this sixth sense that I was just like them....trying to eek out an existence. We made conversation while we were waiting in line...we had common ground. The elites (like MisterBeale has said NUMEROUS times) that they are trying to divide us.

What else I have found is that my black bothers and sisters are by FAR more wake than those of my own skin tint. They know about the Illuminati and how the power structure works.....and make NO mistake...the Illuminati is no myth whatsoever or a conspiracy theory. Their symbols are hidden in plain sight and they mock us. I have a real kinship to those that are awake and those that are awake are my brothers and sisters in this fight regardless of their skin color or gender.


It was a black best friend, and a members of our native American community that helped me awaken. I read the Native American prophecy about the hope for this land. . . .

And a few Beatnik professors.

I just don't like the hate that the establishment is generating. It's like they WANT a race war, any excuse to unleash marital law.

Look what happened to our cities last time they were able to do that in the sixties?

They destroyed the minority families.

I'm afraid if they do it again, they will destroy what little is left of the fabric of the America family.

This hate they are generating among all Americans I don't think is any mistake.

We have both read our Albert Pike, and the plans they have in store. This production of hate seems very much in keeping with their plans.

Not a week goes by I don't see Nihilistic threads about the end posted on this forum. It is just disheartening. Folks should be talking about hopeful solutions and working together, instead they talking about genocide and hate. They post about how they are too much unlike one another to live with each other. This is not godly, spiritual, or loving. It is everything that Pike and his sort had planned for the end.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.
Humans are naturally hateful, my friend. Look at the behavior of toddlers. Cute as they are and as sweet as they can be at times...they exhibit all kinds of nastiness at times as well.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.

I worked in Detroit, Michigan for two and a half years and now I am back. I purposely lived in a part of Detroit where I was the minority and you know what? Those people you view as "different" could not have been more gracious to me. When I went into a store? They would hold the door open for me....and I would do the same for them. Perhaps they had this sixth sense that I was just like them....trying to eek out an existence. We made conversation while we were waiting in line...we had common ground. The elites (like MisterBeale has said NUMEROUS times) that they are trying to divide us.

What else I have found is that my black bothers and sisters are by FAR more wake than those of my own skin tint. They know about the Illuminati and how the power structure works.....and make NO mistake...the Illuminati is no myth whatsoever or a conspiracy theory. Their symbols are hidden in plain sight and they mock us. I have a real kinship to those that are awake and those that are awake are my brothers and sisters in this fight regardless of their skin color or gender.
I know about the IllJEWminati.

btw- that girl wasn't part of any 'antifa'. they had a permit to protest where they were marching. AND... btw.... as a side note..... 'antifa' = antifascist. violence does not = antifacism.

HOWEVER.... you siding with president tribblehead over his tweet about jailing or stripping American citizenship for those who protest by burning the flag is the epitome of.... dare i say it?......


i do want to thank you though, lenny... for giving the class a great example of irony. :afro:

Why do they look like dictators?
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.

Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain crazy pants.

1. If you have not seen lefties supporting Antifa on this site, that was Willful Blindness.

2. the rest of your post is the type of marginalization of your enemies that supporters of Antifa do to give them political cover. After all, who can be against being "anti-fascist"?
I wonder if the experience of having the police told to stand down while lefties thugs attacked him, is what radicalized him to the point of violence?

Also, I've never met an alt-rightie who was anti-semitic.

lol.... oh please. are you kidding?

unless they are being an internet warrior, or are among their own ilk - who's gonna admit that they are? how many of those assholes down in charlottesville let on they are the vile creatures that they are? some got fired or even thrown out of families after they were exposed thru social media; which means their families &work environments had no clue what they were.

They won't admit it.

They would spin it, but make their positions plain.

Ie, "I'm not anti-semitic, I'n anti-zionist, or I don't want US tax dollars doing this, or it's practical to not piss off arabs or some such shit".

The vast majority of people I've met who could be counted "alt right" did none of that. THey don't give a shit. About jews.

That's why you get shit like the "unite the right" to save the statues.

Because the white supremacist/nazis are a desperate tiny faction, trying so hard to inflate their numbers and importance.

those hate groups are growing in numbers big time.


Hate Map

1. The SPLC is not a reliable source.

2. Tracking numbers of organizations is not the way to track the problem, as most of those are tiny and/or have overlapping memberships. Tracking it this way, gives an appearance of "explosive rise" without in any way really supporting that claim.

if it's acceptable as a credible source for university papers - then it is a credible source. you know what's not?


Funny how you didn't address my actual specific complaint about their method of tracking haters, nor take the obvious step of posting evidence that that number has actually grown.
Niote you are quite wrong.

Antifa does NOTequal anti fascist.

Charlottesville was the only recent event where antifa opposed nazis and of course nazis and fascists are not the same thing.

Antifa violently attempted to silence Ann Coulter who is not a fascist or nazi by any reasonable definition.
Antifa violently attempted to silence Milo who is no fascist or nazi by an reasonable definition.
Antifa attempted so silence Ben Shapiro who is no nazi or fascist by any stretch of the imagination.

And of course the violently oppose trump who is no nazi or fascist.

antifa = anti first amendment. Essentially if you are slightly to the right of pol pot in your political views antifa wishes to silence you.

This is because antifa overwhelmingly is made up of communists it is a communist group.

None of this of course excuses any violence from right wingers and yes they are just as bad.

However to condemn one of them while ignoring the other is just hypocrisy.

And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.

Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain crazy pants.

1. If you have not seen lefties supporting Antifa on this site, that was Willful Blindness.

2. the rest of your post is the type of marginalization of your enemies that supporters of Antifa do to give them political cover. After all, who can be against being "anti-fascist"?
I'm not even going to lie, I root for the fascists to beat the reds every time I see videos of their brawls. If they lose, oh well. But usually the fash are smashing commies lately. It's kind of entertaining if you ask me.
Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.

I worked in Detroit, Michigan for two and a half years and now I am back. I purposely lived in a part of Detroit where I was the minority and you know what? Those people you view as "different" could not have been more gracious to me. When I went into a store? They would hold the door open for me....and I would do the same for them. Perhaps they had this sixth sense that I was just like them....trying to eek out an existence. We made conversation while we were waiting in line...we had common ground. The elites (like MisterBeale has said NUMEROUS times) that they are trying to divide us.

What else I have found is that my black bothers and sisters are by FAR more wake than those of my own skin tint. They know about the Illuminati and how the power structure works.....and make NO mistake...the Illuminati is no myth whatsoever or a conspiracy theory. Their symbols are hidden in plain sight and they mock us. I have a real kinship to those that are awake and those that are awake are my brothers and sisters in this fight regardless of their skin color or gender.


It was a black best friend, and a members of our native American community that helped me awaken. I read the Native American prophecy about the hope for this land. . . .

And a few Beatnik professors.

I just don't like the hate that the establishment is generating. It's like they WANT a race war, any excuse to unleash marital law.

Look what happened to our cities last time they were able to do that in the sixties?

They destroyed the minority families.

I'm afraid if they do it again, they will destroy what little is left of the fabric of the America family.

This hate they are generating among all Americans I don't think is any mistake.

We have both read our Albert Pike, and the plans they have in store. This production of hate seems very much in keeping with their plans.

Not a week goes by I don't see Nihilistic threads about the end posted on this forum. It is just disheartening. Folks should be talking about hopeful solutions and working together, instead they talking about genocide and hate. They post about how they are too much unlike one another to live with each other. This is not godly, spiritual, or loving. It is everything that Pike and his sort had planned for the end.

Yep, MisterBeale......they are following the Albert Pike's fomented "Three World War" plan down to the last detail.It's so easy to see but yet so hard for most people to see it.
The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.

Okay, in group behavior is done by all Humans.

Then Multiculturalism isn't going to work.

Social scientists have said as much.

This is often why, when you do a search for these types of documents, they will be hard to find.

Or when you do a search for the fact that "IN GROUP" behavior is biologically programed, meaning, that whole liberal line, "racism isn't born, it's leaned," is a B.S. propaganda line.

Every species on that planet has biologically programed innate desire to stick with it's own kind, this is how Speciation happens to begin with. It is due to IN-Group behavior. So of course multi-culturalism is generally, when we are talking about the health of the state, A WEAKNESS. Most scholarly papers admit to this.

The only cases where it is a strength, is when it comes to creativity, and originality. This is an area where the United State excels over every nation on Earth, and in the free market, it is an EXTREME advantage. A large variety of perspectives means more ideas to capitalize from.

OTH, a diverse population means more folks, cultures and ideas to pacify and mollify. Balkanization is a huge problem in this nation.
lol.... oh please. are you kidding?

unless they are being an internet warrior, or are among their own ilk - who's gonna admit that they are? how many of those assholes down in charlottesville let on they are the vile creatures that they are? some got fired or even thrown out of families after they were exposed thru social media; which means their families &work environments had no clue what they were.

They won't admit it.

They would spin it, but make their positions plain.

Ie, "I'm not anti-semitic, I'n anti-zionist, or I don't want US tax dollars doing this, or it's practical to not piss off arabs or some such shit".

The vast majority of people I've met who could be counted "alt right" did none of that. THey don't give a shit. About jews.

That's why you get shit like the "unite the right" to save the statues.

Because the white supremacist/nazis are a desperate tiny faction, trying so hard to inflate their numbers and importance.

those hate groups are growing in numbers big time.


Hate Map

1. The SPLC is not a reliable source.

2. Tracking numbers of organizations is not the way to track the problem, as most of those are tiny and/or have overlapping memberships. Tracking it this way, gives an appearance of "explosive rise" without in any way really supporting that claim.

if it's acceptable as a credible source for university papers - then it is a credible source. you know what's not?


Funny how you didn't address my actual specific complaint about their method of tracking haters, nor take the obvious step of posting evidence that that number has actually grown.
Not to mention that the SPLC is responsible for that homosexual terrorist that shot up the FRC awhile back. And the Scalise shooting.

Support for Southern Poverty Law Center links Scalise, Family Research Council shooters
And anyone that says Ann, or Milo or Trump are Nazis are

a filthy liars


b. makes excuses for violent marxist thugs.

milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.

Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain crazy pants.

1. If you have not seen lefties supporting Antifa on this site, that was Willful Blindness.

2. the rest of your post is the type of marginalization of your enemies that supporters of Antifa do to give them political cover. After all, who can be against being "anti-fascist"?
I'm not even going to lie, I root for the fascists to beat the reds every time I see videos of their brawls. If they lose, oh well. But usually the fash are smashing commies lately. It's kind of entertaining if you ask me.

The folks that control both the Reds and the Fascists are the same people.

If you knew what was really going on, you are basically just rooting for your slave masters.

Your imagined reality is just an illusion.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.

Okay, in group behavior is done by all Humans.

Then Multiculturalism isn't going to work.

Social scientists have said as much.

This is often why, when you do a search for these types of documents, they will be hard to find.

Or when you do a search for the fact that "IN GROUP" behavior is biologically programed, meaning, that whole liberal line, "racism isn't born, it's leaned," is a B.S. propaganda line.

Every species on that planet has biologically programed innate desire to stick with it's own kind, this is how Speciation happens to begin with. It is due to IN-Group behavior. So of course multi-culturalism is generally, when we are talking about the health of the state, A WEAKNESS. Most scholarly papers admit to this.

The only cases where it is a strength, is when it comes to creativity, and originality. This is an area where the United State excels over every nation on Earth, and in the free market, it is an EXTREME advantage. A large variety of perspectives means more ideas to capitalize from.

OTH, a diverse population means more folks, cultures and ideas to pacify and mollify. Balkanization is a huge problem in this nation.
Social science is mostly bullshit.

Yes I did read it boy and you just got caught in a lie.

His resume makes no mention of beirut although it does clearly point out he retired in 78 well before the bombing.

General Partin still did work for the state department after he retired from the military, troll. He did consulting work .I sat down and had dinner with General Partin at Fort Belvoir. His lectures are readily available on youtube. He proves scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb.

BTW, learn how to use a "comma".........it will only help you to not look so illiterate. I am just trying to help!

So you admit his resume says nothing about beirut.

And that means you lied.

As you did about all of your so called expertise.

He offers no scientific proof only an opinion and his resume shows it is not an expert one just as yours is not.

here is a hint boy, experts use evidence not opinion and you cannot provide evidence.

Fuck your comma boy I am right and you are proven wrong and you know it.

Punctuation or not I have made you my bitch and you know I have.

LMAO! I rubbed your nose in your own shit and while you were trying to not inhale it? You claimed that it WASN'T shit!!!!

Hilarious!!!!!! There is nothing about what you claim is "right".......what you are is one of the sheeple or a simply a shill.

There is no such thing as a shill and in fact you are not enlightened or better informed.

You did no such thing you got your ass handed to you and you have been schooled.

I got my "ass handed to me" by someone that doesn't even understand basic punctuation? Yeaaaaaaah, you betcha........somehow I don't feel "defeated". Up your game, punkinpuss......
milo & ann have every right to spew their pablum. those that try to shut it down thru means other than peaceful counter protests are wrong. antifa are extremists. those that embrace pepe have wet dreams about being as extreme & some are ratcheting it up.

Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain crazy pants.

1. If you have not seen lefties supporting Antifa on this site, that was Willful Blindness.

2. the rest of your post is the type of marginalization of your enemies that supporters of Antifa do to give them political cover. After all, who can be against being "anti-fascist"?
I'm not even going to lie, I root for the fascists to beat the reds every time I see videos of their brawls. If they lose, oh well. But usually the fash are smashing commies lately. It's kind of entertaining if you ask me.

The folks that control both the Reds and the Fascists are the same people.

If you knew what was really going on, you are basically just rooting for your slave masters.

Your imagined reality is just an illusion.
The white nationalist movement is mostly organic, it is not controlled by ZOG or Illuminati or whatever group you can come up with to pin it on. We do not want to become minorities in the country our forefathers bled to create and sustain, plain and simple as that. We did not ask for these invasions of foreigners, floods of people who will never assimilate...demanding we accomodate them. It is the natural response to losing your country. Any white man with a shread of integrity would be pro-white these days.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.

Okay, in group behavior is done by all Humans.

Then Multiculturalism isn't going to work.

Social scientists have said as much.

This is often why, when you do a search for these types of documents, they will be hard to find.

Or when you do a search for the fact that "IN GROUP" behavior is biologically programed, meaning, that whole liberal line, "racism isn't born, it's leaned," is a B.S. propaganda line.

Every species on that planet has biologically programed innate desire to stick with it's own kind, this is how Speciation happens to begin with. It is due to IN-Group behavior. So of course multi-culturalism is generally, when we are talking about the health of the state, A WEAKNESS. Most scholarly papers admit to this.

The only cases where it is a strength, is when it comes to creativity, and originality. This is an area where the United State excels over every nation on Earth, and in the free market, it is an EXTREME advantage. A large variety of perspectives means more ideas to capitalize from.

OTH, a diverse population means more folks, cultures and ideas to pacify and mollify. Balkanization is a huge problem in this nation.

Can't add anything more to what you posted because it is "dead on" correct.
Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
Go away with your 'facts'!!!
Yes I did read it boy and you just got caught in a lie.

His resume makes no mention of beirut although it does clearly point out he retired in 78 well before the bombing.

General Partin still did work for the state department after he retired from the military, troll. He did consulting work .I sat down and had dinner with General Partin at Fort Belvoir. His lectures are readily available on youtube. He proves scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb.

BTW, learn how to use a "comma".........it will only help you to not look so illiterate. I am just trying to help!

So you admit his resume says nothing about beirut.

And that means you lied.

As you did about all of your so called expertise.

He offers no scientific proof only an opinion and his resume shows it is not an expert one just as yours is not.

here is a hint boy, experts use evidence not opinion and you cannot provide evidence.

Fuck your comma boy I am right and you are proven wrong and you know it.

Punctuation or not I have made you my bitch and you know I have.

LMAO! I rubbed your nose in your own shit and while you were trying to not inhale it? You claimed that it WASN'T shit!!!!

Hilarious!!!!!! There is nothing about what you claim is "right".......what you are is one of the sheeple or a simply a shill.

There is no such thing as a shill and in fact you are not enlightened or better informed.

You did no such thing you got your ass handed to you and you have been schooled.

I got my "ass handed to me" by someone that doesn't even understand basic punctuation? Yeaaaaaaah, you betcha........somehow I don't feel "defeated". Up your game, punkinpuss......
Yes you did.

You got caught in a lie boy.

You have no evidence to support your assertion and your expertise is total horseshit.

You are an uneducated fool.
Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain crazy pants.

1. If you have not seen lefties supporting Antifa on this site, that was Willful Blindness.

2. the rest of your post is the type of marginalization of your enemies that supporters of Antifa do to give them political cover. After all, who can be against being "anti-fascist"?
I'm not even going to lie, I root for the fascists to beat the reds every time I see videos of their brawls. If they lose, oh well. But usually the fash are smashing commies lately. It's kind of entertaining if you ask me.

The folks that control both the Reds and the Fascists are the same people.

If you knew what was really going on, you are basically just rooting for your slave masters.

Your imagined reality is just an illusion.
The white nationalist movement is mostly organic, it is not controlled by ZOG or Illuminati or whatever group you can come up with to pin it on. We do not want to become minorities in the country our forefathers bled to create and sustain, plain and simple as that. We did not ask for these invasions of foreigners, floods of people who will never assimilate...demanding we accomodate them. It is the natural response to losing your country. Any white man with a shread of integrity would be pro-white these days.

The nationalist movement has nothing to do with skin tint............we built it and by "built it" we mean people of all nationalities. We are defending this country against the communists that have been useful idiots complicit in tearing down the nationalism and the very fabric of what is left of our sovereignty.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.

Okay, in group behavior is done by all Humans.

Then Multiculturalism isn't going to work.

Social scientists have said as much.

This is often why, when you do a search for these types of documents, they will be hard to find.

Or when you do a search for the fact that "IN GROUP" behavior is biologically programed, meaning, that whole liberal line, "racism isn't born, it's leaned," is a B.S. propaganda line.

Every species on that planet has biologically programed innate desire to stick with it's own kind, this is how Speciation happens to begin with. It is due to IN-Group behavior. So of course multi-culturalism is generally, when we are talking about the health of the state, A WEAKNESS. Most scholarly papers admit to this.

The only cases where it is a strength, is when it comes to creativity, and originality. This is an area where the United State excels over every nation on Earth, and in the free market, it is an EXTREME advantage. A large variety of perspectives means more ideas to capitalize from.

OTH, a diverse population means more folks, cultures and ideas to pacify and mollify. Balkanization is a huge problem in this nation.

Multiculturalism is wrong, if it's assimilation it's destroying ones culture by forced oppression, if it's Balkanization is pivots groups away from each other in strife.

Anyone who supports such must have a few screws loose.

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