White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Antifa are extremists, who have denied people their right to speech though violence.

Thank you for admitting that.

Those various administrators and local politicians that enable them by stunts such as ordering the police to stand down, or

who use antifa as an excuse to shut down speech, whatever their rhetoric

are just as extreme.

Those who insist that antifa are good because they are "anti-fascist" are supporting violence as a form of political action, and are quite extreme.

That seems pretty common from the libs on this site.

i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.


your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
i have yet to see posts from anyone that embraces the tactics of antifa. however, i've seen soooooo many rwnjs make excuse after excuse defending the 'fine people' at charlottesville. makes one go 'hmmmm'.... about those gun lovin' god fearin' troglodytes that are in your party & voted for captain carzy pants.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
your memes suck. kinda impotent. like you seem to be.

lol..... :itsok:

It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.
I am not a racist...but I am 100% America first. About 30% of whites, 90% of blacks, and 50% of Hispanics see United States through that racist lense. I served. I fought. I love my country. I am sick of liberals whining and crying, wanting a free hand out, and cheering for America’s enemy’s...while using my tax dollars to pay for your life.
I understand your point of view..and share it..to some degree. Most people..of whatever ethnicity..in this country..work hard and strive for the American dream. There are some losers..on both sides of the political divide..that take advantage--I would like that to stop..just as you do. As for all the whining..I hear it from the Right as well as the Left..whining about their victim hood..and about the loss of their White identity--I have no sympathy..nor do i sympathize with those on the left that want to blame their inadequacies on some purported 'white-male conspiracy'.

All are fools...that buy into the extremist's BS..no matter which side of the aisle they claim.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.
No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc
Blacks are killing each other. It is due to many reasons: gangs, drugs, lack of education, the availability of guns, poverty, lack of fathers in the home, racism--a whole lot of things. They are not terrorists.
Whires are killing each other as well. People commit crime where they live. You're spreading racist propaganda when you say it like it's only blacks.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Blacks are 13% of the population, 6% of that demographic(young black males) commit half of the murders in this country. So it is not racist to acknowledge that violence is a bigger problem in the black community than the white community.
#1 cause of death for black male youths...homicide.
out of a population of about 600,000, 2 islamists --not whites--committed the Boston terror Bombing
they are less than 1% of the population !!

You can't educate Esmeralda, she is a demagogue.

What she spews is a matter of malice, not ignorance.

How do Liberals explain how they burrowed from Nazis in the 1960's?





lol... you really think you are coming across as smart.:lmao: so does donny.


You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

The progressive losers that you mock..are just the froth on the drink..the drink itself..is bitter and strong. You will be crushed..assuming that you could get any real support anyway..which I doubt. My Grandfather killed Nazi's..I'd be proud to follow in his footsteps.

The Alt/right is a small minority of the populace---we'd pop you fools like the infected pimples that you are.

It would not be the Left that crushes you--it will be those that you think you represent--The mainstream Americans.

The Far-Left is worthless.




No one in the crowd this guy plowed into was wearing any sign that they were part of "antifa," whatever the hell this group actually is. I know that they outfit themselves in black and cover their faces. One doesn't have to be part of this black-clad bunch. Normal people from all walks of life can protest the shenanigans of the white supremacists and those scumbags who would install a fascist-style government in the U.S. We Americans have a right to protest trash, to protect ourselves, each other, and our homeland.
white supremacists have murdered 77 people --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
how come no one protests the blacks ?? obviously the blacks are more dangerous/etc
Blacks are killing each other. It is due to many reasons: gangs, drugs, lack of education, the availability of guns, poverty, lack of fathers in the home, racism--a whole lot of things. They are not terrorists.
Whires are killing each other as well. People commit crime where they live. You're spreading racist propaganda when you say it like it's only blacks.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Blacks are 13% of the population, 6% of that demographic(young black males) commit half of the murders in this country. So it is not racist to acknowledge that violence is a bigger problem in the black community than the white community.
#1 cause of death for black male youths...homicide.
True. And the black community as a whole are complicit in all of it. Yet our white leftist retard friends here think they are sooooo noble. They enable the early demise of their youth by denying the truth. A group of people I find hard to respect at all.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
out of a population of about 600,000, 2 islamists --not whites--committed the Boston terror Bombing
they are less than 1% of the population !!

You can't educate Esmeralda, she is a demagogue.

What she spews is a matter of malice, not ignorance.

How do Liberals explain how they burrowed from Nazis in the 1960's?





lol... you really think you are coming across as smart.:lmao: so does donny.


My Grandfather killed Nazi's..I'd be proud to follow in his footsteps.

My Polish American Great Uncle got killed by a Nazi, and I think it's insulting to him to have his heritage he fought for, if it were become Mexico.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow up in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Last edited:
You can't educate Esmeralda, she is a demagogue.

What she spews is a matter of malice, not ignorance.

How do Liberals explain how they burrowed from Nazis in the 1960's?





lol... you really think you are coming across as smart.:lmao: so does donny.


My Grandfather killed Nazi's..I'd be proud to follow in his footsteps.

My Polish American Great Uncle got killed by a Nazi, and I think it's insulting to him to have his heritage he fought for, if it were become Mexico.
Much respect to your uncle, man.
yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Hate crime laws, and Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.
Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.
What a fag. "Captain Crazy Pants"?

yep, haven't used that one in a while. there are others:
president tinkles
fat donny 2 scoops,
donny tic tacs
president reject
mango madman
agent orange.
president dotard

i could go on. it's just so damned easy. & calling me a fag only shows how really REALLY ignorant you are.
but that's ok, it just adds to my amusement of you....by all means, carry on.
It figures you would be offended by anti-Stalin memes.'

Only a Liberal could think Putin's worse than Commies.


you are mistaking my mocking your impotent memes with offense? you took a yellow short bus to school, didn't you? c'mon.... admit it............

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.

I worked in Detroit, Michigan for two and a half years and now I am back. I purposely lived in a part of Detroit where I was the minority and you know what? Those people you view as "different" could not have been more gracious to me. When I went into a store? They would hold the door open for me....and I would do the same for them. Perhaps they had this sixth sense that I was just like them....trying to eek out an existence. We made conversation while we were waiting in line...we had common ground. The elites (like MisterBeale has said NUMEROUS times) that they are trying to divide us.

What else I have found is that my black bothers and sisters are by FAR more wake than those of my own skin tint. They know about the Illuminati and how the power structure works.....and make NO mistake...the Illuminati is no myth whatsoever or a conspiracy theory. Their symbols are hidden in plain sight and they mock us. I have a real kinship to those that are awake and those that are awake are my brothers and sisters in this fight regardless of their skin color or gender.
Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.

NO, the STATE pampers the minority community with these programs to make folks like you resentful.


Divide and conquer by elite rulers and elite media works, and YOU fall for it.

At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.
You didn't grow in the ghetto, I did. Right inbetween two majority black populated public housing projects. It is not entirely the state, though they do have a hand in stirring up shit. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, if you grew up in the ghetto, youd know this. I had to fight my way to school and back practically every single day for most of my childhood....getting chased by mobs of black kids calling out "White Boy!" the whole time.

Sure, there are good blacks. I have known a few in my lifetime, but as a group....they are a rotten bunch imo.
Again, that has nothing to do with white people or black people as a whole, that has to do with bullying.

Every kid experiences bullying.

Do a Google search for In-group behavior in the research of Anthropological papers, and all of this would be explained to you.

This behavior is normal human behavior. All groups of humans do this.

If you were a young couple that moved into a retirement community down in Florida, you probably would not be readily accepted or integrated either.

If you were part of a straight couple that wanted to make nice in a group of gay couples, again, it would be difficult for you. This is human nature.

It doesn't mean humans are naturally "hateful," however, elite media & elite rulers will use this behavior to their advantage if you are ignorant of how it works.

Okay, in group behavior is done by all Humans.

Then Multiculturalism isn't going to work.

Dude, you suck at debate......you suck at making an argument and you suck at discussing issues. You are simply a troll and a racist...the very thing that you claim to be so against.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.
Haha! Spot on. I triggered one of my commie childhood friends when I told him that he isn't the rebellion, he is the status quo...corporations suck up to leftist values...he's just a stupid footsoldier of the globalist agenda....thinking he's a revolutionary.
At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.

NO, the STATE pampers the minority community with these programs to make folks like you resentful.


Divide and conquer by elite rulers and elite media works, and YOU fall for it.


If the State was pro-Racist it wouldn't have Hate crime laws, it would reward those who were Racist.

If the State was pro-Racist it wouldn't indoctrinate us with Black History Month, instead it would indoctrinate us with David Duke.

At least I admit my racism, this playfag dude can't even be honest with himself, he hates white people....and expects us to just go along with his stupidity. He's probably white himself....though he sounds like a hook nose to me.

The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.

NO, the STATE pampers the minority community with these programs to make folks like you resentful.


Divide and conquer by elite rulers and elite media works, and YOU fall for it.

Ahhhh.....I can smell the libertarianism from here. I'm a recovering libertarian myself.
The best friend I have in the world is a black man. He is a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is. He played in the NFL for 11 years and he is a "truther" with a wealth of information that has been a mentor to me and expanded my knowledge base and I have helped to expand his. We compliment each other because we share our research. We couldn't look any different..... but he is my brother and couldn't love him more even if we were kin. He says the same thing about me....the tint of the skin doesn't mean shit.....it's what is inside of you that matters most.
Well you are dealing with a rare breed of black man then. And I honestly don't care if you are friends with him or not, just remember they are not all like him...in fact the vast majority are not.
Bullshit, I lived and worked in the ghetto.

It is the STATE that has us at eachother throats.

Do a little research into IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP favoritism.

Interest group politics and the leaders of different ethnic groups, age groups, sexual grouping etc. will have us all believe that the "other" thinks differently, acts differently, IS somehow inherently different than the in group.

It just isn't so. The needs and desires of all humans are the same, the elites just use divide and conquer tactics to make it seem different.

Dale could talk to his friend, and his friend's experiences with his community are THE SAME as Dale has with his community.

Don't let the elites brainwash you with hate.

Love is the only answer.

We must unite or die.

The state pampers Blacks with welfare, Black history month, Affirmative Action etc.

But, somehow that must be it, the state provokes racism. (Rolls eyes)

If you don't grasp that the status quo is now far Left wing Globalists for Multiculturalism you've lost you're frigging mind.

NO, the STATE pampers the minority community with these programs to make folks like you resentful.


Divide and conquer by elite rulers and elite media works, and YOU fall for it.

Ahhhh.....I can smell the libertarianism from here. I'm a recovering libertarian myself.

MisterBeale knows of what he speaks......I hope to be a peer of his some day. Compared to him? I am still just finding my way. MisterBeale doesn't subscribe to any ideology nor can you put him into any category because he is an entity unto himself. He is jaded to a certain extend because he has tried to do his part to wake people up and has found it a losing proposition........he warned me that what I was wasting my time here because the lines in the sand has been drawn......but still I tarry forth.
LMAO! You did not read his resume...........he was sent to Lebanon to investigate the bombing of the Marines in Beirut. You are a poseur........sucks for you.

Yes I did read it boy and you just got caught in a lie.

His resume makes no mention of beirut although it does clearly point out he retired in 78 well before the bombing.

General Partin still did work for the state department after he retired from the military, troll. He did consulting work .I sat down and had dinner with General Partin at Fort Belvoir. His lectures are readily available on youtube. He proves scientifically that it was not an ANFO bomb.

BTW, learn how to use a "comma".........it will only help you to not look so illiterate. I am just trying to help!

So you admit his resume says nothing about beirut.

And that means you lied.

As you did about all of your so called expertise.

He offers no scientific proof only an opinion and his resume shows it is not an expert one just as yours is not.

here is a hint boy, experts use evidence not opinion and you cannot provide evidence.

Fuck your comma boy I am right and you are proven wrong and you know it.

Punctuation or not I have made you my bitch and you know I have.

LMAO! I rubbed your nose in your own shit and while you were trying to not inhale it? You claimed that it WASN'T shit!!!!

Hilarious!!!!!! There is nothing about what you claim is "right".......what you are is one of the sheeple or a simply a shill.

There is no such thing as a shill and in fact you are not enlightened or better informed.

You did no such thing you got your ass handed to you and you have been schooled.

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