White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
Yes they sure as shit would.

If they weren't killed first. Most other countries are much more hostile to open faggotry than we are. In Mexico, they hang faggots up and wrap their intestines around their heads.
I hate faggots, but holy crap! That's overkill!
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.

The Anthem of Jewish WIggers with mental issues.

If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
They call any person who voted for Trump a white supremecist. Anybody who rallies to protest the removal of statues is called a white supremecist. Anybody who objects to gang criminality is a white supremecist. Anybody who doesn't want open borders is a white supremecist.

It's stopped meaning anything. Along with everything else they say.

According to liberals, EVERY quantum of every atom in the universe is somehow "white supremacist." Did you know that a few months ago, the leftist fish-wrap magazine-like turd, The Atlantic, had an editorial temper tantrum because that recent solar eclipse crossed over the whitest sections of America? Really. Liberals now believe that astronomical bodies out in space are WAAAAAAYYCIST!
Fucking leftards. I can't believe they're even intelligent to feed themselves.

In fact, I know they aren't. My one consolation is the conviction that if central air conditioning and freezers ever become obsolete, they'll all die off.

In any other country? They would starve to death.......
ANd yet we’re more educated than you trump
trash and make more money and pay more taxes.

Delusional. Lol.
First, you may have more schooling, but bragging about how brainwashed you are is not something I would go around being proud of.

Second, it is not something to be proud of to pay more extortion to the government, government is a racket, to be dumb enough that you a proud to support the corruption?

Yeah, that shows how indoctrinated you are.


And finally, the only reason folks on the left make more money is the corporatism and in-elasticity of government interference in the economy.

If they didn't use the government to manipulate the economy, that probably wouldn't happen. Why do you think they hate someone like Trump cutting regs. so much?
If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
They call any person who voted for Trump a white supremecist. Anybody who rallies to protest the removal of statues is called a white supremecist. Anybody who objects to gang criminality is a white supremecist. Anybody who doesn't want open borders is a white supremecist.

It's stopped meaning anything. Along with everything else they say.

According to liberals, EVERY quantum of every atom in the universe is somehow "white supremacist." Did you know that a few months ago, the leftist fish-wrap magazine-like turd, The Atlantic, has an editorial temper tantrum because that recent solar eclipse crossed over the whitest sections of America? Really. Liberals now believe that astronomical bodies out in space are WAAAAAAYYCIST!
They're absolute morons.
If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
They call any person who voted for Trump a white supremecist. Anybody who rallies to protest the removal of statues is called a white supremecist. Anybody who objects to gang criminality is a white supremecist. Anybody who doesn't want open borders is a white supremecist.

It's stopped meaning anything. Along with everything else they say.

According to liberals, EVERY quantum of every atom in the universe is somehow "white supremacist." Did you know that a few months ago, the leftist fish-wrap magazine-like turd, The Atlantic, has an editorial temper tantrum because that recent solar eclipse crossed over the whitest sections of America? Really. Liberals now believe that astronomical bodies out in space are WAAAAAAYYCIST!
They're absolute morons.

Now you know why they kick, and scream about Russia, Russia, Russia.

If I may interject for a moment, the term "white supremacist" is simply one of those liberal, bullshit code-words for any white person who isn't CONSUMED with a masochistic self-hatred of their own race. That's really what PC-feces boils down to.
They call any person who voted for Trump a white supremecist. Anybody who rallies to protest the removal of statues is called a white supremecist. Anybody who objects to gang criminality is a white supremecist. Anybody who doesn't want open borders is a white supremecist.

It's stopped meaning anything. Along with everything else they say.

According to liberals, EVERY quantum of every atom in the universe is somehow "white supremacist." Did you know that a few months ago, the leftist fish-wrap magazine-like turd, The Atlantic, has an editorial temper tantrum because that recent solar eclipse crossed over the whitest sections of America? Really. Liberals now believe that astronomical bodies out in space are WAAAAAAYYCIST!
They're absolute morons.

Now you know why they kick, and scream about Russia, Russia, Russia.

Not surprising at all.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
No, he threatned to shoot me.
You are a liar..not really a surprise...it goes with the territory--but I don't mind if you feel triggered..I'm sure you can find a alt/right safe space you can rant in...LOL.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
No, he threatned to shoot me.
You are a liar..not really a surprise...it goes with the territory--but I don't mind if you feel triggered..I'm sure you can find a alt/right safe space you can rant in...LOL.
You're the liar. You said you'd shoot me. You flat out said you'd be on the other end of the gun that kills me.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
He's definitely a Maoist. Did you happen to see his cute little threat against me?

Must have missed that. Did he swear to call you a racist homophobe?
I would never bother to state what is clearly apparent to all....you guys really have an alternate reality...you could just go back and read the posts in question..but what fun is in that, eh?
Look at this lying tool. Bro, shut up. You said you'd kill me.
quote it, bitch..in context, cum-stain..if you have the skills.
I don't need to quote it, you know what you said. I replied to a comment about a white professor praising the idea of white genocide, saying that the professor wouldn't step up and kill himself basically....then you said you would be the one to kill me. Of course I am paraphrasing ...but you know you said it. Don't know why you won't stand by your threat?
You so wish..but the truth is that you will be up against combat trained vets..who do NOT embrace your philosophy--at all..despite your thinking that they do.

Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
Right, because combat trained vets totally want to help you Maoists put an end to the United States Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yer a right fucking genius.
Stupid...I guess everyone you disagree with is a 'Maoist' Why is you lack wits cannot believe that the people who oppose your views are everyday Americans..capitalists who believe in free markets and the superiority of the American way of life? I guess that you have to believe that the majority of people are on your side, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm a combat-trained vet, fool. My buddies at the American legion and the VFW hate the left--for the most part..and they hate the alt/right---i guess they're all Maoists as well. LOL!

You prattle about the Constitution..do you really think that the Alt/right agenda in any way is in step with the Constitution? It is not.

But enjoy the freedoms that my brothers in arms..and sisters as well..bought for you...with their blood and sacrifice.
Plenty of combat vets in the alt-right, genius. They're probably younger than you too, so I'd calm my old ass down if I were you.. Your buddies probably all have beer guts and health issues.
True that, I guess..of course..some things are never forgotten..and how healthy do you have to be to pull a trigger, anyway? It's irrelevant anyway..we will never come to that..in this country--we fight at the ballot box..and you are quite outnumbered there.
Part of not getting shot involves being able to move quickly, is it not?
At times...shooting first from ambush..would be another way..superior tactics born of experience..etc.--Again..would never happen...
I don't want you guys dead anyway, you'll learn how wrong you are about everything the hard way and join the team eventually. Reality just needs to mug you.

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