White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

The problem with these people is they can't stay non-violent for long. But bigoted ignorance is having it's day isn't it with the orange turd. How long until they start lynching again.
The sooner the better. Round them up and hang them all. Liberals too.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

So only certain people are allowed to protest ‘on the streets’?

Yes Tilly, to the SJW Leftist Maniacs only the below are allowed:











Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.
ANTIFA beat them to it.

Just sayin'.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

^^^^ How does all of that relate to Homosexuality and the LGBTQ thing?
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights
That's right...there is no promise of racial purity...but there is a promise for gays to get their wedding cakes baked by whom they choose. Right?
Tell you what chief...move to those places...move to Central America...Move to Sub Saharan Africa...and live there for six months and tell me what we have here is only feared for because of racists and bigots.
Better yet...go there and examine what is closest to your bum...your sexual pref and how it is viewed in those places where immigrants are flooding in from. How do you think gays and lesbians are treated in the third world? How do you think your people get treated in Uganda? In El Salvadore? How do you honestly think?
Do you think those individual flooding in here are going to culturally, magically change their views?
You and your 'people' had better wake the fck up.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

Your kind is 100% to blame for the rise of so-called "white supremacy" groups who are in reality just white people who are tired of being kicked around and blamed for all the problems affecting the world and those who realize that western civilization is dying and there's probably no political solution. So-called minorites have been taught that whites are evil incarnate and thus unworthy of civil rights and need to be removed by any means necessary.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

The American nation who put a man on the moon fifty plus years ago now cannot even build a bridge without it collapsing within days and killing people, this can be seen as an analogy of how Diversity has caused a diminishing of Social Cohesion in America and why American Society itself is slowly collapsing.

This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

So only certain people are allowed to protest ‘on the streets’?

Yes Tilly, to the SJW Leftist Maniacs only the below are allowed:











Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.
You made the schoolboy error of reading her post rather than scrolling through it. You wont do it twice.

Clayton read the post because unlike you Troll Bot at least Clayton has the IQ in double digits.

So back to the OP Topic, how is it Hate to want to secure your nations borders and not allow unlimited amounts of Third World Street Shitting Savages to all get in for the Gibs Me Dat and to form Kebab Gang Raping Gangs?
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights
Are you ever going to explain why people who want secure borders and to expel illegal immigrants are labelled white supremacists and why they shouldn’t be allowed to ‘take to the streets’ like you whiney leftards do?
Thanx :th_waiting:
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
Well, that isn't nice, is it? Well, the thing about THAT is, well we have this huge Black crime issue, and another involving poor poor Mexican illegal aliens that are displacing our poor Americans at lower level jobs. But, it's OK, when you get past that gag reflex and swallow ANYTHING people tell you because it's politically correct, you will be amazed a what bullocks you will accept.
Stick to the subject or stay out of this thread.

If you want to flame members posting in this thread, take it to the flame zone.
If you want to talk about food, go to a different area of the forum, like the one named 'food & wine'.
Stick to the subject or stay out of this thread.

If you want to flame members posting in this thread, take it to the flame zone.
If you want to talk about food, go to a different area of the forum, like the one named 'food & wine'.
being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights. As the long name guy said.
Another board, another thread opined about what has "America become?". Indeed. We can't question people or groups that have attacked US (Islam, Muslims) or question people that wish us ill, because we step on their ideological toes? Poor babies! Dose'm wanna big hug? Oh, brother, give me a break from this crap already. I might puke or lash out or vote for Trump again.
Another board, another thread opined about what has "America become?". Indeed. We can't question people or groups that have attacked US (Islam, Muslims) or question people that wish us ill, because we step on their ideological toes? Poor babies! Dose'm wanna big hug? Oh, brother, give me a break from this crap already. I might puke or lash out or vote for Trump again.
The latest in liberal chic is for white people to decry themselves. Well, not THEM, but all those other white people who aren't them.
Another board, another thread opined about what has "America become?". Indeed. We can't question people or groups that have attacked US (Islam, Muslims) or question people that wish us ill, because we step on their ideological toes? Poor babies! Dose'm wanna big hug? Oh, brother, give me a break from this crap already. I might puke or lash out or vote for Trump again.
The latest in liberal chic is for white people to decry themselves. Well, not THEM, but all those other white people who aren't them.
This has been going on since the sixties. Poser rich white dream babies, Patty Hearst comes to mind. They hate themselves that much, I can't but help despising them too. But they are so MAD in their self hate, they drag the rest of us into it. And creating say, sanctuary cities NOBODY in their right mind asked for voted on, gay rights which is major "tell" as gamblers say. Gays are human, and they always had the same rights everyone had, but that wasn't enough...Well, I have had enough of the entire charade, enough IS enough.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

^^^^ How does all of that relate to Homosexuality and the LGBTQ thing?
It does not and I did not bring up LGBT issues. It is a false analogy .That was my point.
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