White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

^^^^ How does all of that relate to Homosexuality and the LGBTQ thing?
It does not and I did not bring up LGBT issues. It is a false analogy .That was my point.

Okay, I misinterpreted your below comment:

"On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights"
Are you ever going to explain why people who want secure borders and to expel illegal immigrants are labelled white supremacists
When and where did I say that. I said people who express hate towards those immigrants are white supremacists
They are expressing their opinions on secure borders and illegal immigrants. That you don’t agree with them doesn’t mean it’s hate.
And What hapenned to the rest of my post???
Are you ever going to explain why people who want secure borders and to expel illegal immigrants are labelled white supremacists
When and where did I say that. I said people who express hate towards those immigrants are white supremacists
Do you disagree with them taking their views ‘offline and onto the streets’ too?
Are you ever going to explain why people who want secure borders and to expel illegal immigrants are labelled white supremacists
When and where did I say that. I said people who express hate towards those immigrants are white supremacists

"I said people who express hate towards those immigrants are white supremacists"

How is wanting to secure your nations borders and not wanting unlimited immigration from Third World nations exactly Hate and your insistence that EVERYONE who supports secure borders and is against immigration from Third World nations is a White Supremacist is a completely idiotic philosophy for you to have.

Or is it this you are meaning:

Are you ever going to explain why people who want secure borders and to expel illegal immigrants are labelled white supremacists
When and where did I say that. I said people who express hate towards those immigrants are white supremacists
Where are these white supremacists expressing hate?

Like all Leftists he seems to think that ALL White people who are NOT Leftists are White Supremacists.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

Sticks and stones and Islamic jihadists may break our bones and kill us (and there are hundreds of examples), but names will not hurt us.

I can list hundreds of killings done by Muslim lunatics (thousands if you include 9-11). I can't recall a single person dying from a white supremacist.
Well, the black township of Rosewood, Florida was attacked by white-supremacists and about 150 blacks were killed. Atlanta, 40-50 blacks were killed by white men and boys. Greenwood, Oklahoma, 800 were injured with 300 deaths. Then there's the occasional individual lynching's of blacks. Of course, then there's the native tribes. It was a pretty successful genocide, all in the name of getting rid of "inferior-savages" to take the land and build a nation. So, you might want to return to school on the subject of whites who thought they were superior and killed those that they felt weren't.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
Actually we do. We would have a negative population growth and an aging workforce without immigrants.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
Actually we do. We would have a negative population growth and an aging workforce without immigrants.
You would save $100 billion a year without the illegal kind.
How is wanting to secure your nations borders and not wanting unlimited immigration from Third World nations exactly Hate and your insistence that EVERYONE who supports secure borders and is against immigration from Third World nations is a White Supremacist is a completely idiotic philosophy for you to have.
You're just making shit up, dumbing down my message and misrepresenting me. I guess that's what you have to do in order to score points
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
Actually we do. We would have a negative population growth and an aging workforce without immigrants.

No that is incorrect the solution is to encourage existing families in Western nations to have MORE children, the solution is NOT to Import Third World peoples from Third World Shit Holes to REPLACE your OWN population via their OWN out-breeding your OWN EXISTING population.
How is wanting to secure your nations borders and not wanting unlimited immigration from Third World nations exactly Hate and your insistence that EVERYONE who supports secure borders and is against immigration from Third World nations is a White Supremacist is a completely idiotic philosophy for you to have.
You just making shit up, dumbing down my message and misrepresenting me. I guess that's what you have to do in order to score points

You have REPEATEDLY in THIS thread stated that peoples protesting AGAINST immigration are White Supremacists, I am not misrepresenting what you have repeatedly commented.

"dumbing down my message"

I cannot dumb down your message anymore that it already is, it is already at the Dumb Level of IQ of a Muppet.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
Actually we do. We would have a negative population growth and an aging workforce without immigrants.

No that is incorrect the solution is to encourage existing families in Western nations to have MORE children, the solution is NOT to Import Third World peoples from Third World Shit Holes to REPLACE your OWN population via their OWN out-breeding your OWN EXISTING population.
Really, and how exactly do you do that....Oh right, by encouraging more wealth and income disparity and further undermining the middle class which no doubt you support. Got it!
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

Sure fuckwad, we believe you.

You Stalinist assholes sure would never stage anything....
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

So, you don't like it when people are as far right as you are far left?

Some might take that as a learning experience and do a little soul searching. I imagine that is well beyond your capabilities, however.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

Sticks and stones and Islamic jihadists may break our bones and kill us (and there are hundreds of examples), but names will not hurt us.

I can list hundreds of killings done by Muslim lunatics (thousands if you include 9-11). I can't recall a single person dying from a white supremacist.

Yeah, but white people should die, die, DIE

The Stalinists have an agenda. Progressive fucking traitor has a Genocide to foment....
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

So only certain people are allowed to protest ‘on the streets’?

Yes Tilly, to the SJW Leftist Maniacs only the below are allowed:











Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.
C Clayton -- master of the repetition of extremely simple minded polemics.
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