White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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What? The Right is finally getting vocal ?

About time.
We've been vocal since Nov 8, 2016...and we're still not done.


Seeing Orange County "blue" makes me weep for this nation.
So deporting all "ILLEGAL" immigrants is a bad thing?
Notice it says "End Immigration Now"...where's the "illegal" in that statement?

The Western world does not need any more immigration, we already have enough peoples in each nation.
Actually we do. We would have a negative population growth and an aging workforce without immigrants.

No that is incorrect the solution is to encourage existing families in Western nations to have MORE children, the solution is NOT to Import Third World peoples from Third World Shit Holes to REPLACE your OWN population via their OWN out-breeding your OWN EXISTING population.
Really, and how exactly do you do that....Oh right, by encouraging more wealth and income disparity and further undermining the middle class which no doubt you support. Got it!

"Oh right, by encouraging more wealth and income disparity"

You are totally spewing the Neo-Marxist Talking Points now aren't you? I mean why should anyone even engage you in discussion when you keep parroting such Talking Point Memos that did not even come from your own head.

So Neo-Marxist Logic 101 goes like this:

Encourage own existing population to have more children = that would result in more wealth and income disparity.

Solution of Neo-Marxist Logic 101 goes like this:

I know lets import unlimited amounts of Economic Migrants from Third World Shit Holes and let them breed instead and we'll MAKE Evil Whitey PAY for them, for their healthcare, give them welfare and other free stuff and then what we do is we call EVERYONE who disagrees with this a White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigot in a pathetic attempt to make them STFU and prevent them from stopping their OWN nation being turned into a Third World Shit Hole.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.
What? The Right is finally getting vocal ?

About time.
We've been vocal since Nov 8, 2016...and we're still not done.


Seeing Orange County "blue" makes me weep for this nation.
My mother in law (RIP) used to brag that FDR got 3 votes in OC, and she was one of them. Times have changed.


Santa Ana is indistinguishable from Tijuana. Actually, more people speak English in TJ....
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.
...I can't recall a single person dying from a white supremacist.

There was the asshole in Virginia.

That's about it in the last 50 years.

They have one situation and they use that one situation and in typical fashion blow it all out of proportion in relation to the huge numbers of situations that do NOT involve ANY White peoples at all, those huge numbers of situations also in typical fashion they completely ignore and if ANYONE mentions them yes they get called a White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigot, the entire thing is ridiculous and all this name calling now is reduced to nothing, the terms White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigot are ALL meaningless and only worthy of Memes which with to ridicule and Trigger the SJW Leftists with.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

You have to differentiate between Leftist Jews and Conservative Jews, the Leftist Jews are 110% full on in with the Gun Grabbing/LGBTQ pushing Propaganda/Anti White/Evil Whitey/Hate Whitey/White Guilt Tripping/ Muh Slave Trade/Muh Colonialism and unlimited amounts of Importation of Third World savages etc.

The Conservative Jews to the above are like WTF?! Just like WE are like WTF?!
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

Someone posted a video several weeks ago of Nancy Pelosi basically mourning the situation that her grandson wasn't a Brown Mexican or his skin just was not any variation of Brown, that woman is fucked in the membrane.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

You have to differentiate between Leftist Jews and Conservative Jews, the Leftist Jews are 110% full on in with the Gun Grabbing/LGBTQ pushing Propaganda/Anti White/Evil Whitey/Hate Whitey/White Guilt Tripping/ Muh Slave Trade/Muh Colonialism and unlimited amounts of Importation of Third World savages etc.

The Conservative Jews to the above are like WTF?! Just like WE are like WTF?!

That's just leftist vs. normals in general.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

Someone posted a video several weeks ago of Nancy Pelosi basically mourning the situation that her grandson wasn't a Brown Mexican or his skin just was not any variation of Brown, that woman is fucked in the membrane.


She is a scumbag racist, like most Communist are.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Not to mention that anti-Semitic canards paint Jews as the ultimate "man" -- rich, powerful, sneaky, keeping the proles down.

Plus, any right, proper leftist knows that a Palestinian keffiyah accessorizes so nicely with their Che tee shirt shirt and little Mao hat.
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

Someone posted a video several weeks ago of Nancy Pelosi basically mourning the situation that her grandson wasn't a Brown Mexican or his skin just was not any variation of Brown, that woman is fucked in the membrane.


She is a scumbag racist, like most Communist are.

The Leftists have always been the most racist of racist, they are obsessed with skin colour and they formulate political policy based on skin colour just as long as the skin colour is NOT White which is the EPITOME of Leftist racism at its most naked, because Leftists for some time have been actively discriminating against White skin colour eg. Evil Whitey/White Men/White Privilege/Muh Slave Trade/Muh Colonialism etc and BLAMING White peoples for EVERYTHING that is wrong with this world and EVERYTHING that has EVER been wrong with this world.

They INACCURATELY label ANYONE who is against unlimited immigration into Western First World nations from Third World Shit Holes as being a White Supremacist and a racist, considering most Leftists are devoid of an Independent Thought Process and rely entirely on Group Think they cannot see that WHY we are against unlimited immigration into Western First World nations from Third World Shit Holes has NOTHING to do with skin colour and EVERYTHING to do with that this crowd are from Third World Shit Holes that are completely uncivilised by Western standards and are either always in some insane Civil War or some other crisis mainly of their OWN doing and that it is totally normal and sane NOT to want to import millions of savages from such Third World Shit Holes into Western First World nations and by doing so the logical conclusion to that within approx 20-25 years is that the Western First World nations will have been reduced to Third World Shit Holes.
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