White supremacy and old fashioned fairy tales.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
It's another scare tactic for the left.
This nation is about equality for all Americans, not some Americans.
Seems the left are not getting it.
It's the far left who did not represent conservatives and moderates.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?

Dem's side with illegals who RAPE and KILL Americans, you don't vote for Dem's you send Dem's to prison for treason.
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Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Charlottesville is indeed an example....of a HANDFULL of morons.

Graves being destroyed and mass murders are terrible examples. When you consider that shit happens all the time and also the glaring fact that JEWS ARE FUCKING WHITE
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?

MOST of the white trash, er white power supporters don't sign up for the klan you know. They just chuckle and laugh at racist jokes. They scour job applications to see what zip code a fellow with a "possibly black" name is from or what high school he went to. Stuff like that.

Many around here were empowered after the Michael Brown riots and felt they should speak their mind. I guess to prove the rioters were correct, even if the riots themselves were a mistake.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?

Dem's side with illegals who RAPE and KILL Americans, you don't vote for Dem's you send Dem's to prison for treason.
Ok buddy, thanks for the insightful analysis
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Charlottesville is indeed an example....of a HANDFULL of morons.

Graves being destroyed and mass murders are terrible examples. When you consider that shit happens all the time and also the glaring fact that JEWS ARE FUCKING WHITE
White supremists aka white nationalists aren’t just anti black and brown, they also hate Jews. They are tied in with much of the Nazi ideology. Where do you think blood and soil comes from and who do you think it was aimed at?
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
Wages not cages.
What the middle class is talking about is the fact Republicans want to take away their healthcare and how they got fuked over by the Trump tax cuts which gave their bosses and corporations billions.
Er, I mean trillions.
Can you believe Republicans have the nerve and the sheer gall to run on protecting pre-existing conditions when they’ve already had over 60 votes trying to take that away from the American people?
In fact, Republicans are spending millions of dollars running ads saying they’re protecting pre-existing conditions when dozens of them are cosigners to a brief that’s going to the supreme court to find protecting pre-existing conditions unconstitutional. What a bunch of fuking sh!tty a$$hole liars.
Or as I like to say, typical Republicans. Heartless and as mean as a junkyard dog.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Charlottesville is indeed an example....of a HANDFULL of morons.

Graves being destroyed and mass murders are terrible examples. When you consider that shit happens all the time and also the glaring fact that JEWS ARE FUCKING WHITE

You seem to be ignorant (imagine our shock) of the religious purity the KKK wants to instill in society.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Charlottesville is indeed an example....of a HANDFULL of morons.

Graves being destroyed and mass murders are terrible examples. When you consider that shit happens all the time and also the glaring fact that JEWS ARE FUCKING WHITE
White supremists aka white nationalists aren’t just anti black and brown, they also hate Jews. They are tied in with much of the Nazi ideology. Where do you think blood and soil comes from and who do you think it was aimed at?
Couldn't tell you because IN MY LIFETIME it has been a non issue.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
Wages not cages.
What the middle class is talking about is the fact Republicans want to take away their healthcare and how they got fuked over by the Trump tax cuts which gave their bosses and corporations billions.
Er, I mean trillions.
Can you believe Republicans have the nerve and the sheer gall to run on protecting pre-existing conditions when they’ve already had over 60 votes trying to take that away from the American people?
In fact, Republicans are spending millions of dollars running ads saying they’re protecting pre-existing conditions when dozens of them are cosigners to a brief that’s going to the supreme court to find protecting pre-existing conditions unconstitutional. What a bunch of fuking sh!tty a$$hole liars.
Or as I like to say, typical Republicans. Heartless and as mean as a junkyard dog.
Nice rant bruh! Completely off topic but very thorough!
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
I guess Charlottesville is the biggest example. I don’t suppose the one offs like the destruction of Jewish graves or the recent shooting show what your asking about, do they?
Charlottesville is indeed an example....of a HANDFULL of morons.

Graves being destroyed and mass murders are terrible examples. When you consider that shit happens all the time and also the glaring fact that JEWS ARE FUCKING WHITE

You seem to be ignorant (imagine our shock) of the religious purity the KKK wants to instill in society.

This is not the year 1935 candy...

They are laughed at in 2018..

Why the Ku Klux Klan is delivering bags of candy in South Carolina
Isn't it interesting that in these anti-social Democrats are such cowardly, spineless, wimpy, limp-wristed, Tinkerbell-the-fairy, mincing little sissies, NOT ONE are man enough to take any responsibility for the 2 year, nationwide violent crime epidemic of their own party? According to these tender little male-girls, all their own abhorrent behavior is somehow magically Trump's fault. Why don't you liberals grow up and act like MEN for the first time in your utter wastes of human existence?
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
We live in a midwest utopia. Lol. The race mongering only works with the incredibly stupid. I have 35 temps working for me right now. Every race, religion, and sexual preference is well represented. All of them are trying to earn money and do right for their families. No BS so far. 3 months into a year long project.
Other than this board, CNN and BSNBC I NEVER hear about this mythical nemisis.
Keep in mind i work in a metro of near 2.2 million people. All walks of life. As a contractor I work in all different parts of town and see and talk to all different types of people from every minority group to illegals to the very rich to the poor.
NONE of the people I have talked to in the last few years has ever mentioned white supremacists or anything remotely close to that.
On the contrary I have heard how old children's fairy tales are bad for our children because they promote sexual violence and racism and all other manner of RETARDED accusations about our DISTANT story telling past.
So without citing leftist trash sources can you show me an example of this rise in the KKK?
C'mon now, grand dad... have you missed how the mongrel democrats need to play identity politics? If they don't, they have no victims, no victims, no one to rile up and think they're the saviors, no votes.

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