White supremacy land of make believe

Do you realize people are congregating against "White supremacy" ...and there is none?

People are chanting meaningless slogans.

Enough of the bullsht!

I want names of companies and universities promoting "White supremacy"

...and not just some guy who votes Republican that the left calls a white supremacist

Some guy showed up and said he was racist, and they got him fired from the hot dog stand. (making the world a better place)


Believing in white supremacy and practicing white supremacy are two different things. What's so terrible about believing your race is better than some others? No harm in that. But leftists and the media would make people believe you are the devil incarnate for having pride in your own race.

Practicing white supremacy is different because we have laws against it. You can't refuse to hire somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to rent an apartment or sell your home to somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to serve somebody in your business because they are not white.

That you see no harm in believing white people are better simply because they're white speaks volumes. The harm is that people act on these beliefs. They treat those they feel are "lesser", poorly.

I am better than no one and no one is better than me. I try to treat everyone as I would like to be treated: fairly, and with respect.

Humans are predisposed to racism. We are genetically wired to think our race is better. It's not. Some people are better than others. They're kinder, more honest, and more generous. Some are worse. This applies to every race, every religion. There are good and bad.

No, I totally disagree, especially if you have statistics and facts to prove your point.

First you say that people are predisposed to believing their race is superior, and then say that people will act on that belief by treating others badly. Well, if we are all in the belief our race is superior somehow, then that must mean a lot of people getting treated badly.

Treating people with respect and kindness is different than believing your own race is better than theirs.

Being predisposed to something doesn't mean we have to be racist. Knowing we are predisposed to racism means we can be aware of it's existence and take steps to counter it.

I am predisposed by genetics to certain medical problems but I don't have any of these problems because I know what to do to prevent them from manifesting.

Knowing we are predisposed to like those most like us best doesn't mean it's OK to treat others badly, or to think we're better than blacks or Asians, or that racism and xenophobia are acceptable. And yes, a lot of non-whites in North America are treated badly.

My background is French. The French hated the English and vice versa. In Quebec, the English are looked down on. In Ontario, the French are inferior. My ex-husband's family hated "dirty Italians". In Boston they used to have "No Irish" signs. In Ireland, its Catholics versus Protestants.

There's no end to it. And it doesn't help anything, or improve life for anyone.
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Then, that just means you are an idiot of the highest caliber. If I say that Blacks are better athletes than whites, is that racist if I am white? What if I am Asian? What if there are volumes of scientific research and anecdotal information that it is true?

Thinking there is such a thing as racial superiority is stupid. Thinking your race is superior to another is being a racist asshole. Hope I've cleared that up for you.

Why Are We Divided by Race When There Is No Such Thing?

What many people do not realize is that this racial structure is not based on reality. Anthropologists have shown for many years now that there is no biological reality to human race. There are no major complex behaviors that directly correlate with what might be considered human “racial” characteristics.

There is no inherent relationship between intelligence, law- abidingness, or economic practices and race, just as there is no relationship between nose size, height, blood group, or skin color and any set of complex human behaviors.

And yet, if you were intellectually honest, you would know what I said is true, but since you a liberal and lacking an IQ above room temperature, you will not admit to your own lies.

What you said is not true and is a racist stereotype. It's appalling you don't even realize that.

The scientific fact is that there is not such thing as race, only racism. Take an anthropology class.

Why don't you when you get out of middle school?

I took anthropology in college. You apparently read works of fiction or alternate histories.

Anthropologists have learned a lot in the last 60 years. Brush up.


Why Are We Divided by Race When There Is No Such Thing?

I think my rebuttal was pretty clear. There's no place in America for racist assholes.

You've been given the science. There is no such thing as race. Take an anthropology class.

If there is no such thing as race, how could there be racists?

Please tell me that question was tongue in cheek and you are not that ignorant.

Not at all. How can anybody be anti-unicorn or anti-bigfoot?

Science has proven that race does not exist. That does not mean that the perception of race does not exist. As long as morons continue to disbelieve facts, the perception of race will persist.

Do you believe that you, because of your skin color, are superior to another because of theirs, yes or no?
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Goes into "Chimp panic mode, with arms flailing all over the place"

So you're cool with racists? You know who else thought his race was superior? Wanted to make his country all lily white?

Heil Hitler. The Fourth Reich Rises, mostly due in part to the rampaging of ravenous rapacious leftie loons like you. You people forced the Fourth Reich as a mode of natural self-defense against you savage animals.
Goes into "Chimp panic mode, with arms flailing all over the place"

So you're cool with racists? You know who else thought his race was superior? Wanted to make his country all lily white?

Heil Hitler. The Fourth Reich Rises, mostly due in part to the rampaging of ravenous rapacious leftie loons like you. You people forced the Fourth Reich as a mode of natural self-defense against you savage animals.

Trump has you fools coming out into the light. You will only be put down yet again. You dopes never learn.
Science has proven that race does not exist. That does not mean that the perception of race does not exist. As long morons continue to disbelieve facts, the perception of race will persist.

Do you believe that you, because of your skin color, are superior to another because of theirs, yes or no?

On an individual basis, no, skin color does not determine superiority. I've been outperformed by black musicians, out run in track by black athletes, outsmarted by black chess players multiple times in tournaments, and so on. Skin color does not determine an individual's performance.

However, as a whole, their race (or people with black skin since you don't believe in race) under-performs academically, and has a very low ratio of inventors, discoverers and engineers compared to whites, asians and jews. This is a fact backed by and overwhelming host of statistical data. You need only look at my sig line.

They're also more prone to violence and they can't seem to govern and maintain a first world country on their own. It's not their fault, they're roughly 150,000 years behind on the IQ evolution scale of Whites and Asians.

Thankfully intelligence is a Mean and Standard Deviation variable in genetics, not a hard coded constant, therefore blacks will always have a stellar group of people above 100, 110 and 120 at all times.
Unlike the white haters and reality deniers infesting this thread, I care about the future of the world after I am dead. At the rate things are going, I'll live to see the much-heralded day when we become the minority. It's a sin against humanity what you idiots are doing to the western world with your virtue signaling and moral preening. We invite all of the world's migrants into our homelands to relieve ourselves of this undeserved guilt, and they rape our children and run over us with trucks...that's the thanks we get.
Do you realize people are congregating against "White supremacy" ...and there is none?

People are chanting meaningless slogans.

Enough of the bullsht!

I want names of companies and universities promoting "White supremacy"

...and not just some guy who votes Republican that the left calls a white supremacist

Some guy showed up and said he was racist, and they got him fired from the hot dog stand. (making the world a better place)


Believing in white supremacy and practicing white supremacy are two different things. What's so terrible about believing your race is better than some others? No harm in that. But leftists and the media would make people believe you are the devil incarnate for having pride in your own race.

Practicing white supremacy is different because we have laws against it. You can't refuse to hire somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to rent an apartment or sell your home to somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to serve somebody in your business because they are not white.

That you see no harm in believing white people are better simply because they're white speaks volumes. The harm is that people act on these beliefs. They treat those they feel are "lesser", poorly.

I am better than no one and no one is better than me. I try to treat everyone as I would like to be treated: fairly, and with respect.

Humans are predisposed to racism. We are genetically wired to think our race is better. It's not. Some people are better than others. They're kinder, more honest, and more generous. Some are worse. This applies to every race, every religion. There are good and bad.

No, I totally disagree, especially if you have statistics and facts to prove your point.

First you say that people are predisposed to believing their race is superior, and then say that people will act on that belief by treating others badly. Well, if we are all in the belief our race is superior somehow, then that must mean a lot of people getting treated badly.

Treating people with respect and kindness is different than believing your own race is better than theirs.

Being predisposed to something doesn't mean we have to be racist. Knowing we are predisposed to racism means we can be aware of it's existence and take steps to counter it.

I am predisposed by genetics to certain medical problems but I don't have any of these problems because I know what to do to prevent them from manifesting.

Knowing we are predisposed to like those most like us best doesn't mean it's OK to treat others badly, or to think we're better than blacks or Asians, or that racism and xenophobia are acceptable. And yes, a lot of non-whites in North America are treated badly.

My background is French. The French hated the English and vice versa. In Quebec, the English are looked down on. In Ontario, the French are inferior. My ex-husband's family hated "dirty Italians". In Boston they used to have "No Irish" signs. In Ireland, its Catholics versus Protestants.

There's no end to it. And it doesn't help anything, or improve life for anyone.

So what will you do about it?

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