White supremacy land of make believe

Yes it's supposition because those scientists are giving opinions--not facts. There are no facts to prove man made global warming.
They are providing evidence, you absolute dullard. Just because you cannot does not mean the same applies to them. Science does not do proof, it does evidence.
it provides evidence to do what? Prove a theory!!! holy fk. unbelievable
it provides evidence to do what? Prove a theory!!! holy fk. unbelievable
How many times do you have to be told scientific theories are never proven? Why will it not sink in?

Evidence supports the best explanation until more evidence provides a better explanation.
so you discussing race makes you a racist then.
Only to rightard dullards without an argument.
it doesn't work that way. sorry stupid fk, you don't get to make the rules, we're telling you that in this thread. You and your PC language belongs in the sewer with the rest of the shit. you, you don't have any high horse bubba, you are a loser in a loser position.
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Are there more than a handful of ruins of ancient civilizations among the jungles of Africa? Everday ******* should be required to thank a white person for civilizing them. Failure to do so would result an a 30 day exile to Sub Saharan Africa.

Instead you jungle bunnies envy and hate us for our overt superiority.

What has happened in this country that racist motherfuckers like you feel comfortable spewing racist claptrap in the 21st Century?
and yet here you are posting hate. you sink in your own post------failure.

I'm not ashamed of loathing ignorant racist motherfuckers. You don't?
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Are there more than a handful of ruins of ancient civilizations among the jungles of Africa? Everday ******* should be required to thank a white person for civilizing them. Failure to do so would result an a 30 day exile to Sub Saharan Africa.

Instead you jungle bunnies envy and hate us for our overt superiority.

What has happened in this country that racist motherfuckers like you feel comfortable spewing racist claptrap in the 21st Century?
and yet here you are posting hate. you sink in your own post------failure.

I'm not ashamed of loathing ignorant racist motherfuckers. You don't?

In other words, you have no rebuttal. Please show me evidence of racial equality in the jungles of Africa.
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Are there more than a handful of ruins of ancient civilizations among the jungles of Africa? Everday ******* should be required to thank a white person for civilizing them. Failure to do so would result an a 30 day exile to Sub Saharan Africa.

Instead you jungle bunnies envy and hate us for our overt superiority.

What has happened in this country that racist motherfuckers like you feel comfortable spewing racist claptrap in the 21st Century?
and yet here you are posting hate. you sink in your own post------failure.

I'm not ashamed of loathing ignorant racist motherfuckers. You don't?
so you wish them dead? is that it? I mean what is your choice? you live in a free country where they have the right to believe as they do. why do you feel you are superior to them? that makes you racist.
it provides evidence to do what? Prove a theory!!! holy fk. unbelievable
How many times do you have to be told scientific theories are never proven? Why will it not sink in?

Evidence supports the best explanation until more evidence provides a better explanation.
so why do scientist seek evidence, to do what? Validate a theory? yeppers. proof.
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Then, that just means you are an idiot of the highest caliber. If I say that Blacks are better athletes than whites, is that racist if I am white? What if I am Asian? What if there are volumes of scientific research and anecdotal information that it is true?

Thinking there is such a thing as racial superiority is stupid. Thinking your race is superior to another is being a racist asshole. Hope I've cleared that up for you.

Why Are We Divided by Race When There Is No Such Thing?

What many people do not realize is that this racial structure is not based on reality. Anthropologists have shown for many years now that there is no biological reality to human race. There are no major complex behaviors that directly correlate with what might be considered human “racial” characteristics.

There is no inherent relationship between intelligence, law- abidingness, or economic practices and race, just as there is no relationship between nose size, height, blood group, or skin color and any set of complex human behaviors.

Right. It's just that differences between activities of races are dumb luck, huh?

There is no relationship between law abidingness and race, it's just that statistics show you are six times more likely to be murdered by a black person that a white. I guess that's just a fluke, huh?

More to do with the break down of the family, lack of fathers in the home, generations of depending on democrat welfare, depending on a democrat controlled education system......decades of that and you get violent males......
so the question you must ask is why do the black fathers leave the family?
Crap GOP jobs, crap GOP educational and training systems, crap GOP discrimination and prisondrug war system
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Are there more than a handful of ruins of ancient civilizations among the jungles of Africa? Everday ******* should be required to thank a white person for civilizing them. Failure to do so would result an a 30 day exile to Sub Saharan Africa.

Instead you jungle bunnies envy and hate us for our overt superiority.

What has happened in this country that racist motherfuckers like you feel comfortable spewing racist claptrap in the 21st Century?
and yet here you are posting hate. you sink in your own post------failure.

I'm not ashamed of loathing ignorant racist motherfuckers. You don't?

In other words, you have no rebuttal. Please show me evidence of racial equality in the jungles of Africa.

I think my rebuttal was pretty clear. There's no place in America for racist assholes.

You've been given the science. There is no such thing as race. Take an anthropology class.
Yup..believing there is evidence of racial superiority still makes you an asshole racist and Nazi/KKK sympathizer.

Are there more than a handful of ruins of ancient civilizations among the jungles of Africa? Everday ******* should be required to thank a white person for civilizing them. Failure to do so would result an a 30 day exile to Sub Saharan Africa.

Instead you jungle bunnies envy and hate us for our overt superiority.

What has happened in this country that racist motherfuckers like you feel comfortable spewing racist claptrap in the 21st Century?
and yet here you are posting hate. you sink in your own post------failure.

I'm not ashamed of loathing ignorant racist motherfuckers. You don't?
so you wish them dead? is that it? I mean what is your choice? you live in a free country where they have the right to believe as they do. why do you feel you are superior to them? that makes you racist.

I can call them racist assholes that need to go hide back under their hoods.

You didn't answer as to whether you also loathe racists. The silence is deafening...
Do you realize people are congregating against "White supremacy" ...and there is none?

People are chanting meaningless slogans.

Enough of the bullsht!

I want names of companies and universities promoting "White supremacy"

...and not just some guy who votes Republican that the left calls a white supremacist

Some guy showed up and said he was racist, and they got him fired from the hot dog stand. (making the world a better place)


Believing in white supremacy and practicing white supremacy are two different things. What's so terrible about believing your race is better than some others? No harm in that. But leftists and the media would make people believe you are the devil incarnate for having pride in your own race.

Practicing white supremacy is different because we have laws against it. You can't refuse to hire somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to rent an apartment or sell your home to somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to serve somebody in your business because they are not white.

What's so terrible about believing your race is better than some others? No harm in that.

You're right. None at all.

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      noun: racism

No wonder you people don't believe it exists. You don't believe it's wrong or even recognize it.

Do you realize people are congregating against "White supremacy" ...and there is none?

People are chanting meaningless slogans.

Enough of the bullsht!

I want names of companies and universities promoting "White supremacy"

...and not just some guy who votes Republican that the left calls a white supremacist

Some guy showed up and said he was racist, and they got him fired from the hot dog stand. (making the world a better place)


Believing in white supremacy and practicing white supremacy are two different things. What's so terrible about believing your race is better than some others? No harm in that. But leftists and the media would make people believe you are the devil incarnate for having pride in your own race.

Practicing white supremacy is different because we have laws against it. You can't refuse to hire somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to rent an apartment or sell your home to somebody because they are not white. You can't refuse to serve somebody in your business because they are not white.

Being proud of your heritage is not the same thing as thinking your race is superior to another. Pride in your heritage is not racism. Thinking you're superior to another race is not only stupid it is the dictionary definition of racism.

So in liberal America, you should not even be able to think your race is superior? Is that something the Thought Police should arrest you for?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

^Abjectly retarded.
Are you saying statistics are not proof and are biased? How do you explain our black dominated sports, particularly basketball, football and boxing? Is that bias or is that proof blacks are superior in sports?

Yes indeed. It's amazing how we are allowed to say blacks are superior physically but we can't say whites are superior mentally. Even though the evidence for both is overwhelming.

The same can be said for other races. Asians are exceptionally smart--smarter than most any other race. The Jewish are very successful and able to advance with education. You seldom see people of either of those races involved with crime or poverty. In fact some colleges deduct (or used to deduct) points from Asians when taking college exams to gain entry to the school.

Are you a native speaker? You seem to have trouble with words and their meanings.

  1. 1.
    a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
    "the stereotype of the woman as the carer"
    synonyms: standard/conventional image, received idea, cliché, hackneyed idea, formula
I think my rebuttal was pretty clear. There's no place in America for racist assholes.

You've been given the science. There is no such thing as race. Take an anthropology class.

If there is no such thing as race, how could there be racists?

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