White Supremacy Terror in America

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And the truth....

The Fake News 'Surge' in Hate Crimes | RealClearPolitics

Kentucky State University professor Wilfred Reilly, author of a new book called "Hate Crime Hoax," goes further than mere skepticism about an alleged rise in hate crimes. He says that most of the headline-grabbing "hate crime" stories were fake and calls the 17% uptick an "aberration" due to this increase in agencies' reporting. "Almost all of that surge is due to the simple fact that in 2017 the number of police departments reporting hate crimes to the FBI increased by 1,000," says Reilly, according to a Detroit News opinion piece. "The surge narrative," he insists, "is pretty dishonest." The Jussie Smollett case represents just one recent hate crime hoax. For his book, Reilly examined 409 fake hate crimes that garnered media attention in the last five years. "In major cases, almost all of them have been hoaxes,' he says. 'The number of hate crime hoaxes actually exceeds the number of convictions. The majority of these high-profile incidents never happened.'"
And more truth...

Stop Letting People Lie to You About Hate Crime and Human Trafficking Spikes

In 2017, there were around 1,050 more bias-based incident reports than the previous year—a 17 percent rise. There were also around 1,000 additional agencies reporting. As Robby Soave wrote last fall, "this means it's not obviously the case that hate crimes are more prevalent in 2017. Maybe the government just did a better job of counting them."

In 2016, there were 271 more incidents deemed hate crimes than in 2015, with 257 more law enforcement agencies reporting. As I pointed out when those data came out, "the number of hate crime classifications was higher in 2016 than in any of the four preceding years" but "lower than in 2011 and significantly down from 2006-08." There were also fewer victims in 2016: 7,615, down from 9,652 in 2006.

We saw no significant rise in hate crimes from 2004 and 2015, either. A Bureau of Justice Statistics study found that "the rate of violent hate crime victimization" in 2015 "was not significantly different from the rate in 2004" and that this "held true for violent hate crimes both reported and unreported to police."

Even these numbers are somewhat ambiguous. They represent police investigations opened, not necessarily incidents where a suspect was ever confirmed. So we could be dealing with false positives.
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.
Looks more like socialist europe to me
Many Jews (and others) recognize Trump as a "dehumanizer". He's been crystal clear about who he prefers to share this country with and who he wants to toss into cages. I suspect many Jews regard Trump as a latent Nazi who would have proven useful to Hitler?

Hate on the march: White nationalism in the Trump era | Reveal

Just how stupid are you? Go to Israel and ask how much trump hates Jewish people.
Just how stupid are you? Go to Israel and ask how much trump hates Jewish people
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe all US Jews support the racist, apartheid State of Israel the way Trump does.

Are you?

Thanks for making it clear that YOU are an anti-Semite trying to accuse the president of being one of you. Of course, such vile bigotry has always come from the left.
Why do you think Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

Edmonton newspaper under fire for 'anti-Semitic' cartoon
Why do you never post your own thoughts? Oh yeah because when you do you look stupid.
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.
Just how stupid are you? Go to Israel and ask how much trump hates Jewish people.
Just how stupid are you? Go to Israel and ask how much trump hates Jewish people
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe all US Jews support the racist, apartheid State of Israel the way Trump does.

Are you?

Thanks for making it clear that YOU are an anti-Semite trying to accuse the president of being one of you. Of course, such vile bigotry has always come from the left.
Why do you think Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

Edmonton newspaper under fire for 'anti-Semitic' cartoon
Why do you never post your own thoughts? Oh yeah because when you do you look stupid.
Why do you never post your own thoughts? Oh yeah because when you do you look stupid.
How many key strokes is your ignorance worth?

It's an anti-Semite democrat Christmas! Hateful assholes rejoice!
Get educated.
How Christians co-opted the winter solstice

Get your vile bigotry under control and stop being a slave to your hatred. It's consuming you.
Get your vile bigotry under control and stop being a slave to your hatred. It's consuming you.

Nothing is more vile than supporting apartheid.
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which, I'm not sure the peddlers or such are stupid enough to actually believe themselves, or would bother to if they took a breath for maybe more than one minute at a time, or actually read and / or comprehended any actual serious book on the subject or similar subjets intended for thinking men and thinking women (or at least those who read at more than a 6th grade reading level, and don't think that reading 1 poorly written book maybe once a year at most, likely checked out at the local library, as opposed to online libraries and ebooks, which are becoming the new default format among young people and those who haven't been living in a cave for the last one or two decades, is anything worth bragging about to begin with, contrasted with many of the articulate businessmen and women, such as in the Ted Talks, some of whom read a single, full length book every day of their lives...)
America has a Democrat Hate Group Problem
Nation of Islam
La Raza
Black Panthers
Aztlan Nationalist
Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Hispanic caucus
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe all US Jews support the racist, apartheid State of Israel the way Trump does.

Are you?

Thanks for making it clear that YOU are an anti-Semite trying to accuse the president of being one of you. Of course, such vile bigotry has always come from the left.
Why do you think Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

Edmonton newspaper under fire for 'anti-Semitic' cartoon
Why do you never post your own thoughts? Oh yeah because when you do you look stupid.
Why do you never post your own thoughts? Oh yeah because when you do you look stupid.
How many key strokes is your ignorance worth?

Case in point. Tell me again how genocide is happening in Palestine when the population is actually growing. So glad you don’t have much time left on this Earth. Stupid, racist old man.
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

Yeah....you didn't read the articles.....

Stop Letting People Lie to You About Hate Crime and Human Trafficking Spikes

In 2017, there were around 1,050 more bias-based incident reports than the previous year—a 17 percent rise. There were also around 1,000 additional agencies reporting. As Robby Soave wrote last fall, "this means it's not obviously the case that hate crimes are more prevalent in 2017. Maybe the government just did a better job of counting them."

In 2016, there were 271 more incidents deemed hate crimes than in 2015, with 257 more law enforcement agencies reporting. As I pointed out when those data came out, "the number of hate crime classifications was higher in 2016 than in any of the four preceding years" but "lower than in 2011 and significantly down from 2006-08." There were also fewer victims in 2016: 7,615, down from 9,652 in 2006.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which, I'm not sure the peddlers or such are stupid enough to actually believe themselves, or would bother to if they took a breath for maybe more than one minute at a time, or actually read and / or comprehended any actual serious book on the subject or similar subjets intended for thinking men and thinking women (or at least those who read at more than a 6th grade reading level, and don't think that reading 1 poorly written book maybe once a year at most, likely checked out at the local library, as opposed to online libraries and ebooks, which are becoming the new default format among young people and those who haven't been living in a cave for the last one or two decades, is anything worth bragging about to begin with, contrasted with many of the articulate businessmen and women, such as in the Ted Talks, some of whom read a single, full length book every day of their lives...)
America has a Democrat Hate Group Problem
Nation of Islam
La Raza
Black Panthers
Aztlan Nationalist
Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Hispanic caucus

Yep, the core groups that make up the democrat party are all openly and proudly racist. And obama and clinton are openly racist as well...with both embracing openly racist human beings as friends and supporters....

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
The Dems uses their Klan to frighten Black Voters before every election
It's an anti-Semite democrat Christmas! Hateful assholes rejoice!
Get educated.
How Christians co-opted the winter solstice

Get your vile bigotry under control and stop being a slave to your hatred. It's consuming you.
Get your vile bigotry under control and stop being a slave to your hatred. It's consuming you.

Nothing is more vile than supporting apartheid.

Your personal hatred is as vile as anything, hypocrite.
Looks more like socialist europe to me
Socialist Europe looks considerably less racist than parts of the US to me.

This map shows what white Europeans associate with race – and it makes for uncomfortable reading

"This new map shows how easily white Europeans associate black faces with negative ideas.

"Since 2002, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have logged onto a website run by Harvard University called Project Implicit and taken an 'implicit association test' (IAT), a rapid-response task which measures how easily you can pair items from different categories."

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which, I'm not sure the peddlers or such are stupid enough to actually believe themselves, or would bother to if they took a breath for maybe more than one minute at a time, or actually read and / or comprehended any actual serious book on the subject or similar subjets intended for thinking men and thinking women (or at least those who read at more than a 6th grade reading level, and don't think that reading 1 poorly written book maybe once a year at most, likely checked out at the local library, as opposed to online libraries and ebooks, which are becoming the new default format among young people and those who haven't been living in a cave for the last one or two decades, is anything worth bragging about to begin with, contrasted with many of the articulate businessmen and women, such as in the Ted Talks, some of whom read a single, full length book every day of their lives...)
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which,
Trump's well-documented history of racial discrimination and his flagrant inability to distinguish between victims and perpetrators of racially motivated violence seem like enough evidence to indicate his connection to white supremacist domestic terrorism. Maybe Moscow Mitch'll take that up in his upcome Senate trial?

You're full of pure bullshit. If there are any racially oriented terrorists in this county they're mostly black or latino. Just look at the real statistics and factual evidence. That alone tells the only story that matters. The rest is bullshit.
And you too voted for trump, didn't you?
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