White supremcist with bomb making materials is no threat

Ask Oklahoma City about Neo-Nazis with bomb materials. The dude should get at least 20 years, no parole for the safety of the rest of us.
Yes, he has a framed picture of Timothy McVeigh, the christian right wing terrorist.
1. Wasn't a christian was actually an atheist you would know this if you read ANY of the biographies on McVeigh
2.What exactly constitutes "right wing" Both left and right wing people hate the government so that ain't it,both right and left wing have committed violent attacks against the government. Both right and left wing have used guns to commit acts of violence so what made McVeigh a right wing "terrorist"?
In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[92][93] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic

Lou Michel: McVeigh is agnostic. He doesn't believe in God, but he won't rule out the possibility. I asked him, "What if there is a heaven and hell?"

He said that once he crosses over the line from life to death, if there is something on the other side, he will -- and this is using his military jargon -- "adapt, improvise, and overcome." Death to him is all part of the adventure.

CNN.com Chat Transcript - Authors Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck on their book about Timothy McVeigh - April 4, 2001

There is his religious beliefs if you are talking about something else then let me know.
so what I come away with is..

Muslim roommates are violent and dangerous. Muslim dude shot his roommates, and then based on the murderer's testimony, you want one that escaped to be arrested?

What a douchebag.

"Federal officials found out about Russell after his roommate, a former neo-Nazi who is believed to have converted to Islam, admitted killing two other roommates. Devon Arthurs confessed that he shot his roommates for “disrespecting” his new faith."

He shouldn't even have been arrested. Anybody can build a bomb, and chances are the muslim terrorist is just blaming the poor fool for the bomb making materials that he had stockpiled himself.
I don't care about his politics. But hexamethylene triperoxide diamine is highly unstable and illegal. He should have gone to jail for that, not for his beliefs.
“But, and heres the thing.......he never said "allahu akbar" so he must be ok.”


When a Christian commits an act of terror the individual alone is responsible.

When a Muslim commits an act of terror, however, all Muslims are ‘terrorists’ and Islam a ‘terrorist’ religion.

Such is the bigotry and hypocrisy of most on the reprehensible right.

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