White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

What are you trying to do when you get into a fight with someone?

Have you ever fought someone and then rubbed their hand after the fight was over?

It's amazing how you clowns seem to know the weight of this 15yr old girl. There were kids fighting all around, there was black kids fighting other black kids as well or did you miss that part of the video.

It's a damn shame that these kids were fighting like this, but I have never been in or seen a fight where you try not to hurt someone during a fight.

It is amazing how you had nothing to say when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men, hell they even shot off part of one of the men's tongue. I know the lie will be, "oh I didn't see that".
It is amazing how you had nothing to say when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men, hell they even shot off part of one of the men's tongue. I know the lie will be, "oh I didn't see that".

Dont try to change the subject

The word “savage” has been used

And looking at the video I think it fits

The level of brutality the black girl displayed went way beyond a simple childhood squabble
I think the victim has died

Try the killer as an adult and show her no mercy
I‘m trying to find out if that poor girl has died, but….surprise….the liberal media seems to have buried it. If the races were reversed, it would be the lead story on all the news programs.

Seems like leftists are fine with double standards and racism - as long it’s against whites (and Jews).
What are you trying to do when you get into a fight with someone?
Well, IF I were to get into a fight, I wouldn’t keep bashing their skull into concrete in order to kill them.
Have you ever fought someone and then rubbed their hand after the fight was over?

Ha. I’m a civilized woman and don’t get into brawls with people.
It's amazing how you clowns seem to know the weight of this 15yr old girl. There were kids fighting all around, there was black kids fighting other black kids as well or did you miss that part of the video.

It's a damn shame that these kids were fighting like this, but I have never been in or seen a fight where you try not to hurt someone during a fight.

It is amazing how you had nothing to say when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men, hell they even shot off part of one of the men's tongue. I know the lie will be, "oh I didn't see that".

And what about those five black cops who brutalized and killed a skinny black dude? Why do you always divert to what whites do? Blacks disproptionately are more violent and commit more violence.
Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

The video is on Kaotic -


^^Theres a screenshot of what the poster says about it.
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Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.

If the white girl were twice her weight, sat on her, and REPEATEDLY bashed her head into the pavement until she went into convulsions, then yes there would be people referring to the white girl as a "savage".
Unfortunately, the www being what it is, if you watch one video of something like that, it sends you to more of them.

What I noticed is that the slamming of the head into the pavement is a pretty common means of assault with this modern generation of urban hoodlums.

It's just not like the days when I was young and we duked it out the old fashioned way.

It's a totally different mindset now. It's a different kind of agression. I almost want to refer to it as a brand of aggression.

Seems like they're literally trying to kill their targets.

Knock a guy on his ass, you win that fight. Knock a guy on his ass, then stomp him to a pulp, you have won every fight you may ever have with him.

You racist moron, unlike you I bring links to what I talk about. 6 cops tortured, brutalized, beat, shot off half of one the men's tongue and tried to set up them up a year ago for crimes they didn't commit and why? Because one of them was dating a white woman.

Nail them to crosses, like all bad cops deserve.
Looking at the video, the fight was organized to take place, at a specified time and place, among specified participants, w/o weapons. . .

IE, it was gang related.

The black community is as disgusted with this gang affair, as the white community is. It speaks to the lack of discipline and values we are imparting to our children, and the lack of oversight of our educational institutions.

. . . that you all are letting the establishment turn this tragedy of our youth into a political divide and rule controversy, is shameful.

The white girl knew what she was doing when she got involved in the altercation, it was a one on one fight.

Likewise, she had several black students on her side, so clearly, the issue they were fighting about, was NOT about race, whatever they are fighting about.

This whole thread is dumb as hell, and my determination, especially after reading intel from other forums, is that none of you have a clue about what you are talking about.

In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
SO...do you have any PROOF of this clim?

If you bang a person's head into the concrete several times, and that person dies, you've committed murder. You only don't see it because you're wearing your racist glasses
And that is what the left wingers are ignoring Or they don’t care about it. The fact that the black girl banged the white girls head into the ground. zzz we’re not talking about an old-school fistfight. This was something else.

And the whole black-and-white thing is really a manifestation of the far left. The conversation wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for them, making everything about black versus white in the past 10 years.

There is obviously a cultural problem among the black youth . It’s kind of spilled over to some of the white youth who have become wiggers. The Ghetto attitude is really an abomination and it’s something that needs to be fixed. Curried Goats IM2

What is the ghetto latitude. Well it is the youth using foul language, all the time, wearing baggy pants. Not caring about how they present themselves even if they go to work. And the media doesn’t help the media and Hollywood is providing protection to young kids who dress like slobs, and who complain about how “there culture is being insulted” if they’re told to change their hairstyle, or how they dress.

The truth will set us free and I already provided my opinion countless times with regards to the cultural problem among the white youth and black youth and it’s a problem for the country. It’s a different culture problem but both of them have tragic consequences.
And that is what the left wingers are ignoring. Or they should we don’t care about it. The fact that the black girl banged the white girls head into the ground.

And the whole black-and-white thing is really a manifestation of the far left. The conversation wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for them, making everything about black versus white in the past 10 years.

There is obviously a cultural problem among the black youth . It’s kind of spilled over to some of the white youth who have become wiggers. The Ghetto attitude is really an abomination and it’s something that needs to be fixed. Curried Goats IM2

What is the ghetto latitude. Well it is the youth using foul language, all the time, wearing baggy pants. Not caring about how they present themselves even if they go to work. And the media doesn’t help the media and Hollywood is providing protection to young kids who dress like slobs, and who complain about how “there culture is being insulted” if they’re told to change their hairstyle, or how they dress.

The truth will set us free and I already provided my opinion countless times with regards to the cultural problem among the white youth and black youth and it’s a problem for the country. It’s a different culture problem but both of them have tragic consequences.
Don't worry, we'll fix your cuckolded culture. Someone has to relieve white women of white male incelation. :laugh:
Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

It almost seems the liberal media feels black lives matter but white lives don’t.
And that is what the left wingers are ignoring Or they don’t care about it. The fact that the black girl banged the white girls head into the ground. zzz we’re not talking about an old-school fistfight. This was something else.
There are no rules in street fights. You do whatever you need to do to stop the other person from being a threat. If it is decided that this is a mutual combat situation - where both parties agreed to fight - you take your chances and death is always a possible consequence of a street fight. Sure it's disgusting and sad that this is two young girls but here we are.

Street fights in the real world are not like this -
It is amazing how you had nothing to say when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men, hell they even shot off part of one of the men's tongue. I know the lie will be, "oh I didn't see that".

Dont try to change the subject

The word “savage” has been used

And looking at the video I think it fits

The level of brutality the black girl displayed went way beyond a simple childhood squabble
The only time white racist use the word savage is when they ate speaking of someone black.

Who said anything about a childhood squabble? I said fight.
Well, IF I were to get into a fight, I wouldn’t keep bashing their skull into concrete in order to kill them.
Have you ever been in a fight?
Ha. I’m a civilized woman and don’t get into brawls with people.
I am pretty sure your scary ass doesn't, you just spew that racist BS from behind a computer screen.
And what about those five black cops who brutalized and killed a skinny black dude? Why do you always divert to what whites do? Blacks disproptionately are more violent and commit more violence.
I called for those cops to be punished to the fullest extent of the Law, pull up the threads you can see what I had to say about those cowards.

Whites are the most violent folks the world has ever seen. According to the DOJ you commit more violent crimes than anyone in this country.

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