White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Yeah, but the term "white supremacy" is a hammer the demented LEFT use to bludgeon their perceived enemies; that labels every white person in that category as belonging to a group of white supremacists.
In other words, it's just as stupid and misleading as the QAnon crap.
It's not true.
IN this case, it applies.

Or if you prefer, KKK supporters, or racists, or race agitators.. or whatever. . would you have preferred white nationalist? Or fascist?

What name would you prefer for someone who wants to create tension between ethnic groups and create a foul picture of all black Americans?

You choose. I don't care, you pick.

It is disinformation that is weaponized to cause harm.

You can call the nefarious bigots whatever you want. I, frankly, don't give a shit. Only hateful bigots that would do such a thing, and divide my American brothers and sisters from each other. . . .

We have serious problems as a nation in the near future, and if it isn't racist white nationalists/supremacists, then it has to be foreign subversives infiltrating and getting us to tear each other apart.


That you would defend purveyors of toxic misinformation, or stand with white supremacists? Is equally disturbing. I don't care.
IN this case, it applies.

Or if you prefer, KKK supporters, or racists, or race agitators.. or whatever. . would you have preferred white nationalist? Or fascist?

What name would you prefer for someone who wants to create tension between ethnic groups and create a foul picture of all black Americans?

You choose. I don't care, you pick.

It is disinformation that is weaponized to cause harm.

You can call the nefarious bigots whatever you want. I, frankly, don't give a shit. Only hateful bigots that would do such a thing, and divide my American brothers and sisters from each other. . . .

We have serious problems as a nation in the near future, and if it isn't racist white nationalists/supremacists, then it has to be foreign subversives infiltrating and getting us to tear each other apart.


That you would defend purveyors of toxic misinformation, or stand with white supremacists? Is equally disturbing. I don't care.
I'm NOT defending ANYTHING!
I am, however, dismissing the notion that MOST white people have the "supremacist" chip on their shoulders. That's ridiculous!
I'm off to work, later...

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I'm NOT defending ANYTHING!
I am, however, dismissing the notion that MOST white people have the "supremacist" chip on their shoulders. That's ridiculous!
I'm off to work, later...
I didn't say that though.

You were triggered by something I didn't write then.

What I wrote, specifically, WAS THIS;
In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
This fact is being rumored on twitter.

There is no media which is substantiating this.

SO? It gets folks blood boiling, based on WHAT?!

Most of this thread has made this assumption that the beating and death, is a targeting racial thing.. . . and if anyone denies that ASSUMPTION. . . they are a leftist shill.

But observation of the video disputes that.

This is all I am saying.
Looking at the video, the fight was organized to take place, at a specified time and place, among specified participants, w/o weapons. . .

IE, it was gang related.

The black community is as disgusted with this gang affair, as the white community is. It speaks to the lack of discipline and values we are imparting to our children, and the lack of oversight of our educational institutions.

. . . that you all are letting the establishment turn this tragedy of our youth into a political divide and rule controversy, is shameful.

The white girl knew what she was doing when she got involved in the altercation, it was a one on one fight.

Likewise, she had several black students on her side, so clearly, the issue they were fighting about, was NOT about race, whatever they are fighting about.

This whole thread is dumb as hell, and my determination, especially after reading intel from other forums, is that none of you have a clue about what you are talking about.

In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
Meet me at the park after class is gang activity now? :dunno::laugh:
Looking at the video, the fight was organized to take place, at a specified time and place, among specified participants, w/o weapons. . .

IE, it was gang related.

The black community is as disgusted with this gang affair, as the white community is. It speaks to the lack of discipline and values we are imparting to our children, and the lack of oversight of our educational institutions.

. . . that you all are letting the establishment turn this tragedy of our youth into a political divide and rule controversy, is shameful.

The white girl knew what she was doing when she got involved in the altercation, it was a one on one fight.

Likewise, she had several black students on her side, so clearly, the issue they were fighting about, was NOT about race, whatever they are fighting about.

This whole thread is dumb as hell, and my determination, especially after reading intel from other forums, is that none of you have a clue about what you are talking about.

In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
Nice, well thought out, perfect points. Except for one, the story is completely ignored by the mainstream media because it is black on white crime.

Sure, people here are adding their prejudice. But, the story is about how this is not a story, while the media hypes white on black crime.
Well if the white girl would have had a gun and shot the black girl...would we have Fergosun riots times 2???

Because its a white girl having her skull cracked by concrete and not a black girl the city will not get burned.

Bashing someones head into concrete, mad or not, is a basic Im going to kill you situation.

Enjoy life behind bars
To me, it looks like 2nd-degree murder. If the poor girl dies, the penalty can be as high as life without parole. (Missouri.) I’d like to see the savage tried as an adult.
Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.
Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.

Oh, was I being disrepectful to a monster who savagely tried to murder someone? Maybe I should call her “undocumented” or whatever?

Sorry, but a person who is slamming a defenseless girl’s head into the cement - repeatedly - is behaving savagely. Hence, a savage.

Show me a video of a 100-pound white girl beating the head of a 180-pound black girl into the cement - repeatedly - while her whote friends gather around her and cheer it on, and I’ll call her a savage too.
Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.
If the white girl had bashed the black girl into the concrete my opinion would be the same.

This is Ferguson without a gun
Yup. As usual, we are not permitted to criticize a black, no matter how violent and savage the behavior - or we’re called racist.
It's the way you criticize a black that gets you labeled a racist, Lisa. You're not above criticism, Princess.
Oh, was I being disrepectful to a monster who savagely tried to murder someone? Maybe I should call her “undocumented” or whatever?
What are you trying to do when you get into a fight with someone?
Sorry, but a person who is slamming a defenseless girl’s head into the cement - repeatedly - is behaving savagely. Hence, a savage.
Have you ever fought someone and then rubbed their hand after the fight was over?
Show me a video of a 100-pound white girl beating the head of a 180-pound black girl into the cement - repeatedly - while her whote friends gather around her and cheer it on, and I’ll call her a savage too.
It's amazing how you clowns seem to know the weight of this 15yr old girl. There were kids fighting all around, there was black kids fighting other black kids as well or did you miss that part of the video.

It's a damn shame that these kids were fighting like this, but I have never been in or seen a fight where you try not to hurt someone during a fight.

It is amazing how you had nothing to say when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men, hell they even shot off part of one of the men's tongue. I know the lie will be, "oh I didn't see that".
To me, it looks like 2nd-degree murder. If the poor girl dies, the penalty can be as high as life without parole. (Missouri.) I’d like to see the savage tried as an adult.
I think the victim has died

Try the killer as an adult and show her no mercy

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