White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

250 yr old stories, fool we are speaking of things that happened this year or last. She was not 2x bigger. Of course you don't smash her head into concrete, you don't need to be fighting in the first place.

Sure it matters.

Marine had no business grabbing that man in the first place, he hadn't harmed him or anyone else on that subway.

How do you know what she was or wasn't doing?

That's what most racist say, could it be because they are on the giving side of the name calling.

Spin away. We saw the video. The NY black nut was a massive threat, stopped in advance of murder. Get lost, your tiring. I dont read ir watch the rest of your BS. Yes she was huge, little girl was 1/2 her size in bulk. 75-150? 90-180? 6” taller min. You don’t do that!!! Have some decency! For Christs’ sake! Im not watching it agiain (if it still exists) once was enough. Sickening again from the violent thugs without any control.
rare occurence dont interest me 100 years ago. Ther is a crisis of Black unprovoked violent mayhem all over the USA. Live today…..not before anyone today was even born. And stuff your bogus stories. That does not justify pounding a living head into cement….when they are no threat to you.
You racist moron, unlike you I bring links to what I talk about. 6 cops tortured, brutalized, beat, shot off half of one the men's tongue and tried to set up them up a year ago for crimes they didn't commit and why? Because one of them was dating a white woman.
Hmmm, how many black men and women were murdered in the 60s and early 70s. I came along at that time as well and I remember 4 or 5 white boys would try to jump one black kid. They weren't trying to kill in those days, they were killing.

So, then, do you feel that the rather consistent incidents like this that we're seeing from this modern era of urban hoodlums serve as some semblance of vindication or as retribution for history's travesties in some way?
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So if you and I get into a fight and I kill you during the fight, how is that 1st degree murder? Has anyone posted how this conflict started?
You sure are looking for a way to excuse this savage behavior. It doesn’t matter how the conflict started.

And yes, if you are so violent as to slam a defenseless person’s head into the concrete 3 times, and he or she dies as a result, it’s murder. Probably 2nd degree.
You racist moron, unlike you I bring links to what I talk about. 6 cops tortured, brutalized, beat, shot off half of one the men's tongue and tried to set up them up a year ago for crimes they didn't commit and why? Because one of them was dating a white woman.

I won’t or don’t believe it. The courts, MSM are stacked. Didn’t read it. I don’t do MSMor Deep state fantasy BS. i do here, I do finance on occasion. I do GP only since the stolen 2020. This one was on brand new video For all to see. Not a jailhouse story by lawyers, blacks or MSM.
So if you and I get into a fight and I kill you during the fight, how is that 1st degree murder? Has anyone posted how this conflict started?
My eyes tell me that black girl was trying to kill the white student

and in my simple layman’s mind thats murder
So if you and I get into a fight and I kill you during the fight, how is that 1st degree murder? Has anyone posted how this conflict started?
If you bang a person's head into the concrete several times, and that person dies, you've committed murder. You only don't see it because you're wearing your racist glasses
So, then, do you feel that the rather consistent incidents like this that we're seeing from this modern era of urban hoodlums serve as some semblance of vindication or as retribution for history's travesties in some way?
It is just an extension of the hoodlums we have always seen, it's amazing how you are in denial of those white hoodlums.
You sure are looking for a way to excuse this savage behavior. It doesn’t matter how the conflict started.

And yes, if you are so violent as to slam a defenseless person’s head into the concrete 3 times, and he or she dies as a result, it’s murder. Probably 2nd degree.
No dumbass, I am not making an excuse for this behavior. I just find it ironic that fools like you were quiet as a church mouse when 6 white cops beat and brutalized to black men last year for dating a white woman. You were quiet as hell, this thread started out that a group of black kids beat up this white kid. Well we see that was a lie, none of you spoke on that you just took the narrative and ran with it. Now what this girl did was brutal and she will definitely pay a price for it, my problem is your white racist attitudes change when the players change.
I won’t or don’t believe it. The courts, MSM are stacked. Didn’t read it. I don’t do MSMor Deep state fantasy BS. i do here, I do finance on occasion. I do GP only since the stolen 2020. This one was on brand new video For all to see. Not a jailhouse story by lawyers, blacks or MSM.
All you do is racist fantasy, if it fits your racist beliefs you take it and run with it. GFY.

If you bang a person's head into the concrete several times, and that person dies, you've committed murder. You only don't see it because you're wearing your racist glasses
If you kill someone during a fight and we don't know how it started, how is that first degree murder?
Looking at the video, the fight was organized to take place, at a specified time and place, among specified participants, w/o weapons. . .

IE, it was gang related.

The black community is as disgusted with this gang affair, as the white community is. It speaks to the lack of discipline and values we are imparting to our children, and the lack of oversight of our educational institutions.

. . . that you all are letting the establishment turn this tragedy of our youth into a political divide and rule controversy, is shameful.

The white girl knew what she was doing when she got involved in the altercation, it was a one on one fight.

Likewise, she had several black students on her side, so clearly, the issue they were fighting about, was NOT about race, whatever they are fighting about.

This whole thread is dumb as hell, and my determination, especially after reading intel from other forums, is that none of you have a clue about what you are talking about.

In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
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Looking at the video, the fight was organized to take place, at a specified time an place, among specified participants, w/o weapons. . .

IE, it was gang related.

The black community is as disgusted with this gang affair, as the white community is. It speaks to the lack of discipline and values we are imparting to our children, and the lack of oversight of our educational institutions.

. . . that you all are letting the establishment turn this tragedy of our youth into a political divide and rule controversy, is shameful.

The white girl knew what she was doing when she got involved in the altercation, it was a one on one fight.

Likewise, she had several black students on her side, so clearly, the issue they were fighting about, was NOT about race, whatever they are fighting about.

This whole thread is dumb as hell, and my determination, especially after reading intel from other forums, is that none of you have a clue about what you are talking about.

In fact, I don't really even believe the girl is dead. I am nearly certain that is also white supremacist propaganda.
"white supremacist propaganda."

Damn dude, I thought you were better than that. :rolleyes:
"white supremacist propaganda."

Damn dude, I thought you were better than that. :rolleyes:
Well? Why else would folks go around saying she is dead without any official confirmation?

To create racial tension? . . . and since this controversy has not a thing to do with race. . . .

Well? Why else would folks go around saying she is dead without any official confirmation?

To create racial tension? . . . and since this controversy has not a thing to do with race. . . .

Yeah, but the term "white supremacy" is a hammer the demented LEFT use to bludgeon their perceived enemies; that labels every white person in that category as belonging to a group of white supremacists.
In other words, it's just as stupid and misleading as the QAnon crap.
It's not true.

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