White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Do you know what the circumstances are around this altercation? Or do you do as racist usually do and just convict the black girl because she is black.

Like I said before....

From the OP' link

"Graphic video shows another female student picking up the girl's head and repeatedly bashing her head into the concrete after throwing multiple punches. The victim's body was left motionless on the ground."

Only savages behave like that....not human beings :(
Do you know what the circumstances are around this altercation? Or do you do as racist usually do and just convict the black girl because she is black.

Unfortunately, the www being what it is, if you watch one video of something like that, it sends you to more of them.

What I noticed is that the slamming of the head into the pavement is a pretty common means of assault with this modern generation of urban hoodlums.

It's just not like the days when I was young and we duked it out the old fashioned way.

It's a totally different mindset now. It's a different kind of agression. I almost want to refer to it as a brand of aggression.

Seems like they're literally trying to kill their targets.
Like I said before....

From the OP' link

"Graphic video shows another female student picking up the girl's head and repeatedly bashing her head into the concrete after throwing multiple punches. The victim's body was left motionless on the ground."

Only savages behave like that....not human beings :(
White female student in critical condition after suffering significant traumatic brain injury during a fight with a black female student at Hazelwood East High School in Missouri.

It's unclear what led up to the fight.

This also came from the OP link.

Are you saying that whites in this country before 1970 were savages?
Unfortunately, the www being what it is, if you watch one video of something like that, it sends you to more of them.

What I noticed is that the slamming of the head into the pavement is a pretty common means of assault with this modern generation of urban hoodlums.

It's just not like the days when I was young and we duked it out the old fashioned way.

It's a totally different mindset now. It's a different kind of agression. I almost want to refer to it as a brand of aggression.

Seems like they're literally trying to kill their targets.
What days was that?

When about 14 white men would attack 1 black man, what was that called?
White female student in critical condition after suffering significant traumatic brain injury during a fight with a black female student at Hazelwood East High School in Missouri.

It's unclear what led up to the fight.

This also came from the OP link.

Are you saying that whites in this country before 1970 were savages?

I'm only saying that in this particular case the creature who committed this atrocity is a savage (worse than that even) and should spend the rest of her life in jail.

That's exactly what I'm saying.
What days was that?

I'm talking about when I was a kid and how kids settled their differences with duking it out. That was in the '70s.

As I said, it was different than what we're seing with this new generation of urban hoodlums.

Now they're literally trying to kill their opponents.

I remember once this kid kept talking crap to me in school all day. He wante to fight me on the playground after school.

I do not know why, to this day. I was a new student though. Maybe that was why. I dunno.

We were only around eight or nine.

But we just rassled around basically.

Unfortunately, my grandma saw it because for whatever reason she walked up to the school to walk me home.

I got my ass whipped nice and good when I got home for fighting, though. lol.

Tht;s back whe nwe had to go find our own switch, too.

It certainly was not something that was encouraged.

When about 14 white men would attack 1 black man, what was that called?

Well you're talking about adults here. And at a time when they were lynching people and hanging them from trees and burning them. I don't think that any reasonable person condones that.

Interestingly, though, the way you've kind of tried to flip the script here could very well be a part of why this new generation of urban hoodlums are not discouraged from fighting in this way. And that's actually an interesting conversation in itself.

I suppose that there could be outliers in their upbringing that might more resemble some kind of taught/learned cause for retribution for something that their parents are angry about and that these youth more than likely do not even understand.
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I'm only saying that in this particular case the creature who committed this atrocity is a savage (worse than that even) and should spend the rest of her life in jail.

That's exactly what I'm saying.
Do you consider these 6 white officers savages?

I am just trying to get an understanding of what you call savage.
I'm talking about when I was a kid and how kids settled their differences with duking it out. That was in the '70s.

As I said, it was different than what we're seing with this new generation of urban hoodlums.

Now they're literally tryign to kil their opponents.

Well you're talking about adults here. And at a time when they were lynching people and hanging them from trees and burning them. I don't think that any reasonable person condones that.
Hmmm, how many black men and women were murdered in the 60s and early 70s. I came along at that time as well and I remember 4 or 5 white boys would try to jump one black kid. They weren't trying to kill in those days, they were killing.
What days was that?

When about 14 white men would attack 1 black man, what was that called?

This is today. 250 year old stories dredged up evertime some Black commits an un-proved act of violens helps no one. Yes, 2X bigger gal pined her down. It was over. You dont smash a 15 yr old soft head into cement. Case closed.//

matters not what happened prior. Crazed black unleashing mayhem in NY subway. Marine holds the lunatic down in struggle. He goes Floyd and dies. They are charging the Marine. This young girl was just walking behind the pack. No harm or violence from her until the big one squared off. No i dont care if she yelled KnneeeGar or whatever you dream up,

Words don’t bother me or should not any other person.
Maybe we should construct walls to contain all the MAGAts so the rest of us can work out our problems. Also we would have to remove all internet and online contact except for TicToc.
Do that and we will have to mount machine guns and razor wire on the walls to keep you and your friends OUT of our peaceful, prosperous ghettos after a year or two,
Of course you are, because you will never label whites who murder black folks as savages.

rare occurence dont interest me 100 years ago. Ther is a crisis of Black unprovoked violent mayhem all over the USA. Live today…..not before anyone today was even born. And stuff your bogus stories. That does not justify pounding a living head into cement….when they are no threat to you.
This is today. 250 year old stories dredged up evertime some Black commits an un-proved act of violens helps no one. Yes, 2X bigger gal pined her down. It was over. You dont smash a 15 yr old soft head into cement. Case closed.//
250 yr old stories, fool we are speaking of things that happened this year or last. She was not 2x bigger. Of course you don't smash her head into concrete, you don't need to be fighting in the first place.
matters not what happened prior.
Sure it matters.
Crazed black unleashing mayhem in NY subway. Marine holds the lunatic down in struggle. He goes Floyd and dies. They are charging the Marine.
Marine had no business grabbing that man in the first place, he hadn't harmed him or anyone else on that subway.
This young girl was just walking behind the pack. No harm or violence from her until the big one squared off. No i dont care if she yelled KnneeeGar or whatever you dream up,
How do you know what she was or wasn't doing?
Words don’t bother me or should not any other person.
That's what most racist say, could it be because they are on the giving side of the name calling.


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