White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

That was nothing like a mob lynching and she wasn't beaten by a mob (deceptive link). Looked like mutual combat between consenting individuals. In fact, it looks like the white girl threw the first punch. Not sure what the legality of that situation is, particularly with minors. In a street fight, you should keep going until you are sure the opponent can't attack anymore. I doubt the charges will stick.
Actually, more than one girl attacked her. It happened quickly. Also, had she just slapped her back, she would be just fine. That isnt what she did though. You cant respond to a slap by shooting, stabbing, choking or repeatedly smashing someones head into the pavement. Thats attempted murder, and in this case its actual murder.

She is going to prison for a VERY long time.
Actually, more than one girl attacked her. It happened quickly. Also, had she just slapped her back, she would be just fine. That isnt what she did though. You cant respond to a slap by shooting, stabbing, choking or repeatedly smashing someones head into the pavement. Thats attempted murder, and in this case its actual murder.

She is going to prison for a VERY long time.
Not long enough.
I assume this one is a retired magaturd bomb thrower with nothing else of value to do all day. I don't believe this is the only message board it darkens either.
It takes no responsibility for posting false stories. It's a troll that yes loves to try to create chaos. Of course USMB will do nothing about it.
BS supe. Stltoday.com and FOX2newsnow.com are burying it as ”one injured in after school fight near Hazelwood. You should know what the filthy commee anti-USA MSM does by now. Are you a spinner too?
Show us where this was much more than that. You claim your don't get your news from the MSM.
And you always make excuses or even justify Black violence against whites. At a minimum, you deflect to the comparatively rarer instance of white on black crime.

I’ll bet you laugh your ass off watching videos of Black youths doing the knockout game against whites or flash mob the Walgreens for loot and then cry “racism” like a bitch when whites see this shit and stay out of the city,
So admit you were wrong, are you man enough to do that?

What excuse have I made?

I asked why don't you talk about white on white crime.
When there is a retort "when white people do it", it is because the people who turned everything into race caused it as a response over the years. What else are they going to say? You got white people kneeling to you. And even licking your feets. You did good.
I notice you run from criticizing the OP for lying about this incident.
According to the DOJ whites commit the most violent crimes.
Not the case brother

black people
were overrepresented among persons arrested for
nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal
violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation
in the U.S. population (13%) (table 1).
1 White people
were underrepresented.

There are very impoverished communities here in Southeast Asia but there is not a violent crime problem. So you can’t blame it on poverty. You can’t blame it on racism. That’s insane. It’s an attack on our fellow Americans. You have got to call out black criminals man. I’m a white man and I hold white criminals accountable.

I do believe though that the American media and Hollywood is making things all for the worse. With their race baiting with their attack on masculinity. And some roll, they play into the school shootings committed by lonely whites and the black violent crime. When we have left-wing teachers, a left-wing, media, and Hollywood, instilling this propaganda idea that America is evil, that men should not be masculine. It is going to have a negative effect on our society, and that’s why in part we’re seeing the crime surges.

But the ultimate responsibility comes down to the criminal. Whether it’s some young black person robbing an old lady, or punching a white woman in the face. Whether it is a young white man going to a school and shooting it up. The responsibility ultimately lays with them.

And I’ve made a number of threads about the problem among white young men who are committing most of the mass school shootings in American history. All the recently some transgender have engaged in these diabolical activities. I’ve even had a conversation with you in different threads about this where I brought it up numerous times. But you jump right to the black stuff.
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Curried Goats

The point is that there is no white supremacy in America. And I’m providing my opinion that there is no problem with most white or black folks in America. …the facts do show us that there are many companies in America and sports organizations which have discriminatory hiring practices against white Christian men. That’s simply a fact. doesn’t matter if you watch CNN or Fox News that is life. That is the reality on the ground.

What more do you guys have to see to show you guys the proof that the BLM arguments are not only wrong but they are dangerous for Americans society. They’re wrong at every step of the way whether it’s the propaganda idea that white folks are privileged or that America has some kind of an evil history.

police officers are our friends and family and they are black They are white from all different backgrounds. You realize that black kids and white kids have the same access to smart phones. Do you realize what people could do with the smart phone and how much it could advance their abilities. About 85% of white kids and 85% of black kids have access to smart phones in the USA

But the critical point is, if you guys keep claiming that there’s racism against black you cannot back it up with any data. You can say it, but you can’t back it up with any data

Let’s look at facts….what are the hiring processes in America. How do universities give scholarships to people. Of course many universities don’t give scholarships out based on accolade. They are giving a break to so-called minorities. And that is dangerous for society. It’s not right…. lets have a meritocracy.
Curried Goats

The point is that there is no white supremacy in America. And I’m providing my opinion that there is no problem with most white or black folks in America. …the facts do show us that there are many companies in America and sports organizations which have discriminatory hiring practices against white Christian men. That’s simply a fact. doesn’t matter if you watch CNN or Fox News that is life. That is the reality on the ground.
Who asked you your opinion? :dunno: We don't care about your opinion. Honestly, who do you think cares if some random white guy on the internet is of the opinion that white supremacy isn't a thing? :dunno::laugh:
You're the one who cares about our opinion which is why you keep calling on us to listen to you.
What more do you guys have to see to show you guys the proof that the BLM arguments are not only wrong but they are dangerous for Americans society. They’re wrong at every step of the way whether it’s the propaganda idea that white folks are privileged or that America has some kind of an evil history.
It requires you making a rational argument. I don't thinking America's Founders were evil. That's religion and emotion. I think they were Tyrants which is an objective fact.
police officers are our friends and family and they are black They are white from all different backgrounds. You realize that black kids and white kids have the same access to smart phones. Do you realize what people could do with the smart phone and how much it could advance their abilities. About 85% of white kids and 85% of black kids have access to smart phones in the USA
That kind of answers your own question right there don't you fucking moron? If smart phones were the answer and 85% of black kids have smart phones then the problem should be solved. Is it?
But the critical point is, if you guys keep claiming that there’s racism against black you cannot back it up with any data. You can say it, but you can’t back it up with any data
Of course we can. I did in the last post and your ignored it like the fucktard coward that you are. Whites and Blacks use drugs at the same rate and yet one group is arrested more frequently and given harsher sentences, even when accounting for circumstances during arrest like resistance.
Let’s look at facts….what are the hiring processes in America. How do universities give scholarships to people. Of course many universities don’t give scholarships out based on accolade. They are giving a break to so-called minorities. And that is dangerous for society. It’s not right…. lets have a meritocracy.
Wealthy kids benefit from legacy admission more than anyone. You're a fucking clown. Cry to stupier people like MAGAts. They might actually believe the shit you're selling.
Who asked you your opinion? :dunno: We don't care about your opinion. Honestly, who do you think cares if some random white guy on the internet is of the opinion that white supremacy isn't a thing? :dunno::laugh:
You're the one who cares about our opinion which is why you keep calling on us to listen to you.

It requires you making a rational argument. I don't thinking America's Founders were evil. That's religion and emotion. I think they were Tyrants which is an objective fact.

That kind of answers your own question right there don't you fucking moron? If smart phones were the answer and 85% of black kids have smart phones then the problem should be solved. Is it?

Of course we can. I did in the last post and your ignored it like the fucktard coward that you are. Whites and Blacks use drugs at the same rate and yet one group is arrested more frequently and given harsher sentences, even when accounting for circumstances during arrest like resistance.

Wealthy kids benefit from legacy admission more than anyone. You're a fucking clown. Cry to stupier people like MAGAts. They might actually believe the shit you're selling.


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