White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

That was nothing like a mob lynching and she wasn't beaten by a mob (deceptive link). Looked like mutual combat between consenting individuals. In fact, it looks like the white girl threw the first punch. Not sure what the legality of that situation is, particularly with minors. In a street fight, you should keep going until you are sure the opponent can't attack anymore. I doubt the charges will stick.
The second part of this story will be the “Justice”, or lack thereof, when it comes to punishing the attacker. Because the attacker is non-white, the school will see what the numbers are regarding suspensions and expulsions are among Blacks and Latinos. If those numbers are outpacing suspensions and expulsions of white students, the Black attacker in this incident will get off because of an Obama Administration Policy called “Restorative Justice.”
Well don't expect much. The story u posted said," SHE hit her head on the 'ground' 3 times.". Not that her head was SLAMMED AGAINST THE PAVEMENT
I watched the video. This was a fight between several individuals of different races, but that girl who is hospitalized was beaten by one person only, and another black kid was trying to stop her.

I suspect the 15 year old will be charged with assault, but do juvi time.
“ You “. Yet again, engaging in that type of hyperbole for no reason brother

I challenge you or im2 or John doe to show one case of 30 white people beating up a young black girl. You can’t show it because it doesn’t exist man. Now again, I’ve said before that there’s a problem with young white men who commit the mass school shootings. It’s different types of problems. You’re only Complaining about when I criticize poor behavior of blacks
I can show where plenty of white men beat, raped and lynched black men, black women and black children.

i can show you were white police officers have beat and murdered black women.
You’re not complaining when I criticize the bad behavior of whites.
When did you start doing that?
It’s blatantly obvious that the left-wing media, and even Fox News caters to BLM. With terms like “white on black crime.” or “white supremacy, or police brutality against blacks”. They never talk about these types of crime from the angle of black on white.
Have you ever heard the term white on white crime?

Most crime against whites is committed by someone white, why is it we don't see it on the news every night or morning?
I can show where plenty of white men beat, raped and lynched black men, black women and black children.

i can show you were white police officers have beat and murdered black women.

When did you start doing that?

Have you ever heard the term white on white crime?

Most crime against whites is committed by someone white, why is it we don't see it on the news every night or morning?
You complaining about reporting in crimes by the news over racial preference? What we do see on the news is when a white police officer shoots a black suspect; statistically speaking, a less likely scenario of a white suspect being shot by police. What we also see in the news is when blacks commit crimes, news will go out of its way to avoid mentioning race.
You complaining about reporting in crimes by the news over racial preference? What we do see on the news is when a white police officer shoots a black suspect; statistically speaking, a less likely scenario of a white suspect being shot by police. What we also see in the news is when blacks commit crimes, news will go out of its way to avoid mentioning race.
How often do we see someone white shot by a black police officer?

Since they plaster the black person's face on TV do they really need to mention what race they are?
I have noticed the usual racist are quick to make their racist statements on this case.

How did this fight start?

I can't find were a mob of black kids attacked this young white kid, all I can find is where this young white female and a black female were in a fight and the black female got the advantage in the fight.
How often do we see someone white shot by a black police officer?

Since they plaster the black person's face on TV do they really need to mention what race they are?
Read any article today where a mob of black teens engage in knockout game and flash mob shooting and you will see the the news simply refer to them as “youths” or “teens”. Not sure what or why you are complaining.
You done today posting false stories or you still got more to post? She's alive. Your IP should be perma banned from this site for the amount of false news stories you post.
I assume this one is a retired magaturd bomb thrower with nothing else of value to do all day. I don't believe this is the only message board it darkens either.
Read any article today where a mob of black teens engage in knockout game and flash mob shooting and you will see the the news simply refer to them as “youths” or “teens”. Not sure what or why you are complaining.
Post the last story where we have seen the KO game, come to think of it there was cases where whites were involved in the KO game as well.
I watched it blow by blow and saw a two sided confrontation that got out of hand. Like I said, there is a huge difference between the winner and the loser. Had the "Victim" figured that out and followed it, she would not be THE Victim.

you stupid OX. The 200lb Black got on top the 90lber. It was over. A child street fight dies not always have to end in murder just because an out of control Black is involved. No thought process? No control? WTH? Pin her down and hold on till she cries uncle like an honorable person.//
How did you find out about it?

The folks involved have been arrested and charged or is that false reporting as well.

No, we can only show the police beating or murdering innocent black women.

WTF is the propaganda?

You created the media, you control the media, hell if you watch the local news you would think white folks never commit a crime because all they show on the news is someone black committing one.

BS supe. Stltoday.com and FOX2newsnow.com are burying it as ”one injured in after school fight near Hazelwood. You should know what the filthy commee anti-USA MSM does by now. Are you a spinner too?
Damn son, do you ever stop kissing white folks asses.

And you always make excuses or even justify Black violence against whites. At a minimum, you deflect to the comparatively rarer instance of white on black crime.

I’ll bet you laugh your ass off watching videos of Black youths doing the knockout game against whites or flash mob the Walgreens for loot and then cry “racism” like a bitch when whites see this shit and stay out of the city,
How did you find out about it?

The folks involved have been arrested and charged or is that false reporting as well.

No, we can only show the police beating or murdering innocent black women.

WTF is the propaganda?

You created the media, you control the media, hell if you watch the local news you would think white folks never commit a crime because all they show on the news is someone black committing one.
When there is a retort "when white people do it", it is because the people who turned everything into race caused it as a response over the years. What else are they going to say? You got white people kneeling to you. And even licking your feets. You did good.
I had thought both Halezlwood East & West HS were in safer St. Charles county? Out of massively violent North STL city areas. Good chance what Blacks moved over there were more affluent (pro ballplayers, working folks). Maybe the school district crosses over I-70? I‘m not on any PC to look it up? Maybe West Hazelwood HS is the safer one? I had thought that the Lake STL area was one of the more affluent at one time…..far less crime & killings?

this out of control kid made a serious murderous mistake, 3 times. You don’t do that to any defenseless victim. Even jungle animals don’t kill from emotion…only to eat.
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