White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Something tells me her life is over even if she doesn't die from this horrific act. Granted, that is a layman's assessment, but it doesn't take an MD to foresee her future. You can kill a person even if they don't actually die.
Nobody knows her exact condition. Critical can mean a lot of things. The perp is in custody and will be held accountable. Of course none of the cowards in this thread will follow up with the perps punishment but will continue to spout their lies.
You dumb fuck Shiavo had a cardiac arrest brought on by an eating disorder. You're fucking stupid.
She was a vegetable. She was basically dead. After what this negress did to this prescious White angel's skull, she will either die or be declared brain dead. You really need to be racially aware.
Nobody knows her exact condition. Critical can mean a lot of things. The perp is in custody and will be held accountable. Of course none of the cowards in this thread will follow up with the perps punishment but will continue to spout their lies.
I am basing my opinion on the sickening level forced that girl's skull was subjected to. I served in combat and saw soldiers die, or permanently maimed, after being subjected to a fraction of the force on display in that video. As for the perpetrator, no one who commits an act that barbaric is capable of feeling remorse -- and is likely unapologetic. And I have to wonder how many more times that girl's skull would have met the pavement had the "teenager" committing the act hadn't been knocked off the victim.
She was a vegetable. She was basically dead. After what this negress did to this prescious White angel's skull, she will either die or be declared brain dead. You really need to be racially aware.
I am aware that you are an embarrassment to the white race.

Black 'students' 1,211, white 18.
(1) Thank you for being such a good reporter.

(2) Apparently, those 18 Caucasian students have parents who cannot afford a private school.

(3) I am sad to say that Senator Biden was right when he used a very unkind word to describe integrated schools.

(4) By the way, we should always remember that there are many nice students of that ethnicity, but the violent ones intimidate them, too.
Black males are 6.3% of the population and do 52.5% of the murder, 62% of the robbery and 56% of the carjacking in the USA.
Thank you for these statistics.

I understand that many of these crimes are committed by repeat offenders.

Some people feel that there should be more incarceration, not less.

Apparently, some offenders will never change, so they should be isolated from society.
Superbadbrutha Synthaholic Curried Goats

What you folks must address is why isn’t this being covered on the mass media. Has CNN covered the story.?

You guys constantly go along with whatever the fanatical media says about when a white cop gets involved in an altercation with a black, even if the white cop is justified. Or even when a black police officer gets involved in an altercation with a black person… somehow the police are “white supremacist”

I mean that’s how evil this type of media coverages. … we saw in Chicago last summer 30 blacks beating a white woman. You can’t show one video of a group of white men beating a black woman.

It’s always the same propaganda from your folks. “what about when whites do it.” “Racist”

Back up for a moment and address why we have such a hypocritical and corrupt media. I don’t think that blacks or whites in general are a problem, but it is clearly the case that our media does not cover stories appropriately.
Thank you for these statistics.

I understand that many of these crimes are committed by repeat offenders.

Some people feel that there should be more incarceration, not less.

Apparently, some offenders will never change, so they should be isolated from society.
If you exclude the very young and very old, that 6.3% drops to about 3.5%.

Jaw dropping.
Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

It looks to me like it was a group V group and not just one mob assaulting the girl. And since it had both White and Black Students involved attacking sometimes black on black, it appears that it was actually one "Gang" V "Gang". Looks like to me, she bit the bear and the bear bit back. She got her ass kicked when she tried to kick the other girls ass.

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