White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

The OP has a pattern of doing so on a daily basis. But I guess this site wants to promote that kind of shit.
You have zero credibility if you believe white poor people are privileged wishes the hallmark of BLM and Democrats today. You have zero credibility. If you cannot call out the media which only covers cases of perceived, white and black violence, like police officers, dealing with black victims even if the cop is black, and even if the police officer was justified.

The mass media does not cover stories like this one in the op . … in Chicago last summer, 30 blacks beat the up a white woman. If that ever happened with the race rolls reversed people like you would be talking about it nonstop and complaining about racism. You are one of the biggest hypocrites in this country man.

It’s across-the-board, you’re wrong almost every step of the way. Praising Joe Biden, when our economy is in the gutter. The average price of a home has doubled under Joe Biden the interest rates of tripled for a home loan. Grocery prices are higher. And when confronted with a peaceful post like this, I’ve seen you lash out like a beast at people using personal attacks constantly.
White people must NOT live, work, or travel through areas with more than 15% black population. Also, white people must stay out of Democratic jurisdictions.

Maybe we should construct walls to contain all the MAGAts so the rest of us can work out our problems. Also we would have to remove all internet and online contact except for TicToc.
Superbadbrutha Synthaholic Curried Goats

What you folks must address is why isn’t this being covered on the mass media. Has CNN covered the story.?
I don't even watch CNN you clown. I'm not responsible for what they show or don't show.
You guys constantly go along with whatever the fanatical media says about when a white cop gets involved in an altercation with a black, even if the white cop is justified.
Again, what media? You just made an assumption about us and now we're supposed to address your assumption? Is that how the fuck you think this works?
Or even when a black police officer gets involved in an altercation with a black person… somehow the police are “white supremacist”
The police are certainly biased, but that's born out by facts, like the fact that white and black people use drugs at the same rate but blacks get arrested two to three times as much for drug possession and use.
I mean that’s how evil this type of media coverages. … we saw in Chicago last summer 30 blacks beating a white woman. You can’t show one video of a group of white men beating a black woman.
Well I'm not scouring the internet looking for them. That's what you folks do.....
It’s always the same propaganda from your folks. “what about when whites do it.” “Racist”
It's always pure crying from you folks whenever you think society is treating whites unfair. That isn't born out by any facts or data.
Back up for a moment and address why we have such a hypocritical and corrupt media.
You back up one step further and prove there's a bias.
I don’t think that blacks or whites in general are a problem, but it is clearly the case that our media does not cover stories appropriately.
That's not clear at all. The only thing clear to me from this post is that you're a whiney bitch.
It looks to me like it was a group V group and not just one mob assaulting the girl. And since it had both White and Black Students involved attacking sometimes black on black, it appears that it was actually one "Gang" V "Gang". Looks like to me, she bit the bear and the bear bit back. She got her ass kicked when she tried to kick the other girls ass.
She didn't get "her ass kicked". She had her skull crushed in a gut wrenching act of brutality.
She didn't get "her ass kicked". She had her skull crushed in a gut wrenching act of brutality.

If she were winning the ass kicking, there is no doubt in my mind that the ass kicker would had here head bashed as well. She took her own head in her own hands when she decided to join in on the "Fight".

At my age, if I need to put a person down attacking me by bashing their head to the cement, then that's the way it's going to be. I am too old to do anything else. And if you are aware of this then I suggest you behave yourself. There is a huge difference between a Winner and a Loser when both sides are threatening each others lives.
If she were winning the ass kicking, there is no doubt in my mind that the ass kicker would had here head bashed as well. She took her own head in her own hands when she decided to join in on the "Fight".
No doubt? Based on what? I based my comment on what I saw. Blaming the victim is grossly inappropriate considering the disproportionate response to anything she did.
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Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

All this goes to show is that just because individuals involved in an attack are of different ethnic backgrounds does not make the violence racial motivated no matter how hard the talking heads in the media and "activists" try to push that notion. It also speaks of the cherry-picking of violent incidents by the media and that BLM really doesn't have much of a case to make.
No doubt? Based on what? I based my comment on what I saw. Blaming the victim is grossly inappropriate considering the disproportionate response to anything she did.

I watched it blow by blow and saw a two sided confrontation that got out of hand. Like I said, there is a huge difference between the winner and the loser. Had the "Victim" figured that out and followed it, she would not be THE Victim.
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Yeah strict gun laws and all and you feel safer in Europe. Who would have thought?
Switzerland has some of the lowest gun regs in Europe. She would have to go to a blue city, with all of THEIR anti gun, pro criminal bullshit. So yeah, Switzerland is better than a blue shithole.
Superbadbrutha Synthaholic Curried Goats

What you folks must address is why isn’t this being covered on the mass media. Has CNN covered the story.?

You guys constantly go along with whatever the fanatical media says about when a white cop gets involved in an altercation with a black, even if the white cop is justified. Or even when a black police officer gets involved in an altercation with a black person… somehow the police are “white supremacist”

I mean that’s how evil this type of media coverages. … we saw in Chicago last summer 30 blacks beating a white woman. You can’t show one video of a group of white men beating a black woman.

It’s always the same propaganda from your folks. “what about when whites do it.” “Racist”

Back up for a moment and address why we have such a hypocritical and corrupt media. I don’t think that blacks or whites in general are a problem, but it is clearly the case that our media does not cover stories appropriately.
How did you find out about it?

The folks involved have been arrested and charged or is that false reporting as well.

No, we can only show the police beating or murdering innocent black women.

WTF is the propaganda?

You created the media, you control the media, hell if you watch the local news you would think white folks never commit a crime because all they show on the news is someone black committing one.
I don't even watch CNN you clown. I'm not responsible for what they show or don't show.

Again, what media? You just made an assumption about us and now we're supposed to address your assumption? Is that how the fuck you think this works?

The police are certainly biased, but that's born out by facts, like the fact that white and black people use drugs at the same rate but blacks get arrested two to three times as much for drug possession and use.

Well I'm not scouring the internet looking for them. That's what you folks do.....

It's always pure crying from you folks whenever you think society is treating whites unfair. That isn't born out by any facts or data.

You back up one step further and prove there's a bias.

That's not clear at all. The only thing clear to me from this post is that you're a whiney bitch.
No need for the personal attacks . The problem isn’t the American people. I am providing my opinion that it is the media and Hollywood. And that is blatantly obvious with things like hiring quotes for minorities. Whether it’s the NFL, the Oscars forcing minorities to be nominated. Major companies having hiring quotes for minorities. You are then taking everything I say out of context or straight up inventing what I’m saying.

You’re inventing what I’m saying.

And I’ve spoken many times about the poor culture about young white people. So you only choose to concentrate on what I’m saying about the bad culture among the black youth. That’s your problem.

More personal attacks from you brother. Relax a bit.
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How did you find out about it?

The folks involved have been arrested and charged or is that false reporting as well.

No, we can only show the police beating or murdering innocent black women.

WTF is the propaganda?

You created the media, you control the media, hell if you watch the local news you would think white folks never commit a crime because all they show on the news is someone black committing one.
“ You “. Yet again, engaging in that type of hyperbole for no reason brother

I challenge you or im2 or John doe to show one case of 30 white people beating up a young black girl. You can’t show it because it doesn’t exist man. Now again, I’ve said before that there’s a problem with young white men who commit the mass school shootings. It’s different types of problems. You’re only Complaining about when I criticize poor behavior of blacks

You’re not complaining when I criticize the bad behavior of whites.

It’s blatantly obvious that the left-wing media, and even Fox News caters to BLM. With terms like “white on black crime.” or “white supremacy, or police brutality against blacks”. They never talk about these types of crime from the angle of black on white.
No need for the personal Tafts. The problem isn’t the American people. I am providing my opinion that it is the media and Hollywood.
I get that and I'm telling you that your opinion, to me, is one that that a little bitch would have. Why they fuck do you all spend so much time crying about the media? :laugh: What's obvious from that is that you care more about their opinions than I do. A lot more.
And that is blatantly obvious with things like hiring quotes for minorities. Whether it’s the NFL, the Oscars forcing minorities to be nominated. Major companies having hiring quotes for minorities. You are then taking everything I say out of context or straight up inventing what I’m saying.
What do hiring quotas have to do with your crying over the media? Your culture has hiring quotas because it was cuckolded and made to feel ashamed for segregation. If you want to end it uncuck yourselves. What the fuck are crying to me about it for? :dunno:
You’re inventing what I’m saying.
I'm responding to what you're saying you stupid clown. If you don't like my responses then stop calling me to respond to you.
And I’ve spoken many times about the poor culture about young white people. So you only choose to concentrate on what I’m saying about the bad culture among the black youth. That’s your problem.
I'll respond to whatever you want to talk about. You called me here the floor is yours.
More personal attacks from you brother. Relax a bit.
Not only am I relaxed but I'm also pretty fucking stoned. Vulgarity is a personality trait rather than a sign of hightened emotions. Other than laughter. That one I experience frequently around here though I'm not sure what percentage is you or.... "cake face", which is what's currently in my pipe.
I get that and I'm telling you that your opinion, to me, is one that that a little bitch would have. Why they fuck do you all spend so much time crying about the media? :laugh: What's obvious from that is that you care more about their opinions than I do. A lot more.

What do hiring quotas have to do with your crying over the media? Your culture has hiring quotas because it was cuckolded and made to feel ashamed for segregation. If you want to end it uncuck yourselves. What the fuck are crying to me about it for? :dunno:

I'm responding to what you're saying you stupid clown. If you don't like my responses then stop calling me to respond to you.

I'll respond to whatever you want to talk about. You called me here the floor is yours.

Not only am I relaxed but I'm also pretty fucking stoned. Vulgarity is a personality trait rather than a sign of hightened emotions. Other than laughter. That one I experience frequently around here though I'm not sure what percentage is you or.... "cake face", which is what's currently in my pipe.
The media is propaganda that masses listen to and then are influenced from it. None of the Progressive Socialist White propagandists who have a good life will venture into inner city ghettos in the middle of the night. They need to prove it. They do not even think of things like that.
The media is propaganda that masses listen to and then are influenced from it. None of the Progressive Socialist White propagandists who have a good life will venture into inner city ghettos in the middle of the night. They need to prove it. They do not even think of things like that.

My family is from Jamaica. Go look up what the murder rate is there. I don't know anyone from there who hasn't lost a loved due to violence. Compared to Jamaica this country seems like fucking Disneyland. That you believe there are places in America where white people can't go least the feral blacks in the inner city murder them is part and parcel of the fearful media you've been fed. For the record there isn't a space in America where white liberals don't feel entitled to enter. Whether or not anyone pays them any mind is another matter.

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