White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Not the case brother

black people
were overrepresented among persons arrested for
nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal
violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation
in the U.S. population (13%) (table 1).
1 White people
were underrepresented.

Last I checked 55% is greater than 33%.
There are very impoverished communities here in Southeast Asia but there is not a violent crime problem. So you can’t blame it on poverty. You can’t blame it on racism. That’s insane. It’s an attack on our fellow Americans. You have got to call out black criminals man. I’m a white man and I hold white criminals accountable.
In middle class or upper class black or brown communities why is crime low? In communities where folks lack opportunities and are held back why is crime high?
I do believe though that the American media and Hollywood is making things all for the worse. With their race baiting with their attack on masculinity. And some roll, they play into the school shootings committed by lonely whites and the black violent crime. When we have left-wing teachers, a left-wing, media, and Hollywood, instilling this propaganda idea that America is evil, that men should not be masculine. It is going to have a negative effect on our society, and that’s why in part we’re seeing the crime surges.
The media has always been the media, to try and blame the ills of the world on Hollywood and the media is asinine.
But the ultimate responsibility comes down to the criminal. Whether it’s some young black person robbing an old lady, or punching a white woman in the face. Whether it is a young white man going to a school and shooting it up. The responsibility ultimately lays with them.
So the only crime whites commit is shooting up a school. Whites don't steal, rob, rape, murder, etc. Thats a joke.
And I’ve made a number of threads about the problem among white young men who are committing most of the mass school shootings in American history. All the recently some transgender have engaged in these diabolical activities. I’ve even had a conversation with you in different threads about this where I brought it up numerous times. But you jump right to the black stuff.
I don't know what world you are living in, but it is obvious you don't have a clue and you need to pull your head out your 4th POC.

Bro Malcolm summed the Hood up years ago.
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It's bad to hate someone to where you would want to harm or injure them. You have to live with yourself and all that evil in you. God tells us to love one another as I have loved you.
Show us where this was much more than that. You claim your don't get your news from the MSM.

my headline: defenseless 90lb girl overpowered by 200lb HS student who viciously bashes her head into cement 3 times……into Intensive care.
Truth of the matter is 1950’s black America was extremely civilized. The 1960’s and LBJ - I’ll have them voting democrat for the next 200 years, is the rocket fuel that started this societal break down. Obama kicked it back into high gear when racial tensions were quite tame circa 2008.

How old were you in the 1950s? What was your experience of black America?
Maybe we should construct walls to contain all the MAGAts so the rest of us can work out our problems. Also we would have to remove all internet and online contact except for TicToc.

The Democratic Party owns black America and the ghettos in which they suffer and die. Congratulations! Now, leave me out of your plans. I don't want you fucking up my life the way you did theirs.
If she were winning the ass kicking, there is no doubt in my mind that the ass kicker would had here head bashed as well. She took her own head in her own hands when she decided to join in on the "Fight".

At my age, if I need to put a person down attacking me by bashing their head to the cement, then that's the way it's going to be. I am too old to do anything else. And if you are aware of this then I suggest you behave yourself. There is a huge difference between a Winner and a Loser when both sides are threatening each others lives.

I agree. Once the winner has knocked their opponent unconscious they absolutely have the legal right to repeatedly smash the loser's head into the pavement until the loser's brains are all over the road.
She is in critical condition. :(

Give life behind bars to the one who did that to her!

Otherwise there is no more justice in the banana Republic USA
She is in critical condition. :(

Give life behind bars to the one who did that to her!

Otherwise there is no more justice in the banana Republic USA
Do you know what the circumstances are around this altercation? Or do you do as racist usually do and just convict the black girl because she is black.

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