White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete


Incel white men. Everyone else is in America is at least maintaining their population numbers.

How does someone talk improperly? Do you imagine there is some objectively proper way to speak? :dunno::laugh:

You live in Cambodia my guy, no one entertains the fantasy that you have some great insight into American culture. Yo it's my birthday give me two dollars.... wtf guy? :lmao:What is that? Is that you're impression of a black person?

No, what I act like is that the notion of honest discussion about those problems and their solutions is possible with fuckwit who describes American culture as Yo its my birthday, give me two dollars.... :laugh:

No one is coming to you to safe shit. Feel free to stay your ass in Cambodia. :laugh:
Relax. . Actually your acting very childish and for absolutely no reason I’ve said nothing negative about you.

It was posted in another thread, young black men have a higher rate of being single compared to young white man. Now in general, we have a terrible dating culture in America. It has been poisoned by radical feminism by weak feminist men. More young men in America are single than ever before in American history.

No need for you to be using this foul language

OK in Buffalo New York, which is where I’m from I live my whole life. I’ve had numerous examples of blacks going up to me, saying yo dog it’s my birthday. Give me a dollar. That’s what the truth is. I don’t know if you live somewhere in the protected suburbs or something that is the 100% truth especially for people who have worked in or lived in the inner cities across America.

“ it’s my birthday my man give me a few dollars. Hook me up playa “

I literally have that on video.!!


I wonder if I should post that video ….I put it on YouTube about five years ago when I was by the City Hall in Buffalo. I did a video and as soon as I walked into a bus station I had two young blacks approach me they were probably in their early 20s, and one of them said

“yo dog it’s my birthday. Give me a few dollars man I need to get a beer. “

Separately about a year ago, I was walking around downtown Buffalo, which has been poisoned by BLM and radical LGBT flags and a bunch of flags of Ukraine. It’s a disaster. Anyways, I’m walking down the street and I can see about five black folks sitting on a porch, one of them says to me,

I“it’s my birthday man help me out a little bit. Give me a few dollars for a beer.”

This type of culture is an absolute disgrace to the great history history of Africa. Do you just realize what I said I praised the history of Africa while you pretty much do nothing but lie about the glorious history of Europe. Talking about “white people living in caves” you’re just lying to try and make yourself feel better. Whereas I am paying homage to and respecting black history. You lie about white history almost every day it seems like.

I hope you take nothing personally, because it’s blatantly obvious that you are because you’re attempting to personally insult me and it really means nothing man. Let’s try to have a more friendly conversation.
Hmmm, how many black men and women were murdered in the 60s and early 70s. I came along at that time as well and I remember 4 or 5 white boys would try to jump one black kid. They weren't trying to kill in those days, they were killing.

And they were savages. Difference is that you condone it and want to make excuses when it's the other way around. Blacks deserve to beat the shit out of and kill whites, right? That's what they deserve.
So, then, do you feel that the rather consistent incidents like this that we're seeing from this modern era of urban hoodlums serve as some semblance of vindication or as retribution for history's travesties in some way?

That's exactly it.
Black men are overwhelmingly killed by other Black men.
100% the case. And working class black men cannot stand the black youth to dress in baggy clothes and talk like they’re a bunch of cartoon characters.

Curried Goats

This guy curried apparently doesn’t even live in America. Because he is acting like the hood doesn’t exist

“Yo dawg it’s my birthday come on Playa give me a few dollars for a beer”

That is literally what a young black man told me a few years ago. It’s happened to me a few times here in Buffalo. Whatever it is what it is but it’s a problem. And for this guy, Currie goats to act like it doesn’t exist. I mean wow that just goes to show us that this guy either is blatantly ignoring it or he doesn’t know what’s going on across communities in America.
Have you ever been in a fight?

I am pretty sure your scary ass doesn't, you just spew that racist BS from behind a computer screen.

I called for those cops to be punished to the fullest extent of the Law, pull up the threads you can see what I had to say about those cowards.

Whites are the most violent folks the world has ever seen. According to the DOJ you commit more violent crimes than anyone in this country.
Now you’re just blatantly lying the link was already posted. Blacks are 13% of the population, but commit 33% of the non-fatal violent crimes in this country. When it comes to violent crimes, blacks are over represented by quite a wide margin in prison.

So you and the other guy curried goats are simply lying or you don’t care about the truth. Im2 has done same thing as well. It’s an embarrassment man.

Me and plenty of other white folks have readily criticized young whites when they commit crimes. Every time somebody seems to post a thread about black gang bangers or something similar …you guys complain about racism and start talking nonstop about white people this white people that.
Those are one of the great crises facing this country.
No, they really arent.
Do you know that there’s more young black men who are single compared to young white men?
Unmarried isnt the same as not being in a sexual relationship.
I haven’t personally attacked you once in this thread. And yet you continue to engage in this poor behavior. Whatever brother say whatever you want. But try and be more amicable. 😀
Then we disagree on what constitutes poor behavior. Making fun of you appears to be to be good and proper.
And there is already a massive number of young whites who are single. Many of them men in their 20s haven’t even had sex once. That’s an abomination man. It is something that is a net negative for America. If we continue down this trajectory we’re going to have even less children being born.
Fewer white children which isn't a problem at all as far as I'm concerned.
Our families are getting smaller and smaller in America. The rise radical feminism is terrible for this country.
Speak for yourself. I had around 30 first cousins living in South Florida at one point in time. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many second or third cousins. I went to high-school with 7 or 8 of them and three brothers. Now I have a few first cousins who have 7 or 8 kids themselves. Funnily enough one of them living in Georgia has about the whitest pickney you'll ever see in your life with bonde hair and blue eyes and everything but they're white and Chinese ethnically and Jamarican culturally.
100% the case. And working class black men cannot stand the black youth to dress in baggy clothes and talk like they’re a bunch of cartoon characters.

Curried Goats

This guy curried apparently doesn’t even live in America. Because he is acting like the hood doesn’t exist

“Yo dawg it’s my birthday come on Playa give me a few dollars for a beer”

That is literally what a young black man told me a few years ago. It’s happened to me a few times here in Buffalo. Whatever it is what it is but it’s a problem. And for this guy, Currie goats to act like it doesn’t exist. I mean wow that just goes to show us that this guy either is blatantly ignoring it or he doesn’t know what’s going on across communities in America.
He's stupid and a liar. Hard to overcome those things.
No, they really arent.

Unmarried isnt the same as not being in a sexual relationship.

Then we disagree on what constitutes poor behavior. Making fun of you appears to be to be good and proper.

Fewer white children which isn't a problem at all as far as I'm concerned.

Speak for yourself. I had around 30 first cousins living in South Florida at one point in time. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many second or third cousins. I went to high-school with 7 or 8 of them and three brothers. Now I have a few first cousins who have 7 or 8 kids themselves. Funnily enough one of them living in Georgia has about the whitest pickney you'll ever see in your life with bonde hair and blue eyes and everything but they're white and Chinese ethnically and Jamarican culturally.
“No they really aren’t.”

What kind of counterpoint is that. That’s not a counterpoint at all. You do realize more young single men means less families. You got any kidding me man it’s one of the greatest crisis facing this country. You have the audacity to say this, and you have a kid.

OK you realize that a man can impregnate multiple women at the same time. That is actually happening among both white and black men. There’s tons of cases of white men and black men having five girlfriends or more. Don’t you realize that is leaving out a lot of young men black-and-white to be single.

don’t you think that other young men should be able to have the happiness that you do. Yeah come on.

It is blatantly obvious that the mass media and Hollywood are instilling feminization among young white and black men. Now that is just obvious the only question is, how do we react to it. We must criticize it. And we must have a reversal.

Among those ages 25 to 54, 59% of Black adults were unpartnered in 2019. This is higher than the shares among Hispanic (38%), White (33%) and Asian (29%) adults. For most racial and ethnic groups, men are more likely than women to be unpartnered.

No, they really arent.

Unmarried isnt the same as not being in a sexual relationship.

Then we disagree on what constitutes poor behavior. Making fun of you appears to be to be good and proper.

Fewer white children which isn't a problem at all as far as I'm concerned.

Speak for yourself. I had around 30 first cousins living in South Florida at one point in time. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many second or third cousins. I went to high-school with 7 or 8 of them and three brothers. Now I have a few first cousins who have 7 or 8 kids themselves. Funnily enough one of them living in Georgia has about the whitest pickney you'll ever see in your life with bonde hair and blue eyes and everything but they're white and Chinese ethnically and Jamarican culturally.
By the way, I wish the best for you and your family. And let’s work together toward having a stronger country …a more masculine population when it comes to men. These these are great challenges we face

Let’s get the kids off the computers + the video games and into exercising and other positive activities. Let’s get the kids off the dope.
“No they really aren’t.”

What kind of counterpoint is that.
One that is incredulous to the scourge of porn and video games.
That’s not a counterpoint at all.
Do I have to really counter something you havent proven to be scourge in the first place? :dunno:
You do realize more young single men means less families. You got any kidding me man it’s one of the greatest crisis facing this country. You have the audacity to say this, and you have a kid.
Because I don't know what you mean by single men or what problem you're actually referring to. Unmarried isnt the same as not in a committed relationship. My brother was in a 15 year relationship and had three kids with my sister in law before they eventually got married.
OK you realize that a man can impregnate multiple women at the same time. That is actually happening Mom, both white and black men. There’s tons of cases of white men and black men having five girlfriends or more. Don’t you realize that is leaving out a lot of young men black-and-white to be single.
Not at all. I'm pointing out the only people unable to keep up with population numbers are the pure whites. The white on whites. That's simply a fact.
don’t you think that other young men should be able to have the happiness that you do. Yeah come on.
No. :laugh:

You don't have a right to a mate. You have a right to pursue happiness, moron, you don't have a right to have it provided for you.
It is blatantly obvious that the mass media and Hollywood are instilling feminization among young white and black men. Now that is just obvious the only question is, how do we react to it. We must criticize it. And we must have a reversal.
It's not obvious at all. You sound like a bigger cuckold and bitch then most liberals I've met.
Among those ages 25 to 54, 59% of Black adults were unpartnered in 2019. This is higher than the shares among Hispanic (38%), White (33%) and Asian (29%) adults. For most racial and ethnic groups, men are more likely than women to be unpartnered.

There could be another explanation to that data. They aren't living with a single partner because they have multiple partners.
By the way, I wish the best for you and your family. And let’s work together toward having a stronger country …a more masculine population when it comes to men. These these are great challenges we face
That's the thing. I don't want to work with you. From your comments I want to work against you. Sometimes conflict and disagreement is just inevitable and you have to fight it out. In this case I mean politically.
Let’s get the kids off the computers + the video games and into exercising and other positive activities. Let’s get the kids off the dope.
The kids in my family now go to private schools. There's a preschool my daughter wants to send my grandson to that's going to cost me (and by me and mean my wife who's the undisputed bread winner in our household) two grand a month but oh well, it's only money.
Yet in the history of this country, it has been black folks, brown folks and Asian folks who have been on the receiving side of violence from white folks.
You have to go back pretty far to find many examples of that

But libs covered that base starting with obama's war on the police because its alleged that cops are ant black racists

Even black cops to hear some libs tell it
Except for one, the story is completely ignored by the mainstream media because it is black on white crime.
No, it is ignored by the media, because it is just teen/school violence.

IT happens hundreds of times every day across the nation.
No, it is ignored by the media, because it is just teen/school violence.

IT happens hundreds of times every day across the nation.
This killing is much more disturbing than typical school bullying

The manor of the white girl’s death was extremely primative

Which makes her killer more notable than most

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