White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

No, it is ignored by the media, because it is just teen/school violence.

IT happens hundreds of times every day across the nation.
Hundreds of times,everyday, a white girl gets her head bashed in by a gang black people

Good to know

So because black people kill white girls 100's of times a day it is not news to you and the democrats
Meet me at the park after class is gang activity now? :dunno::laugh:
No, you bring up a good point.

But if that were the case? It would not have broken down in to a general melee after that initial fight. :rolleyes:
You are either stoopid, or trying to hold up the race baiting narrative. Nice try Felicia.

What most folks say about you? Is mostly true. You are dumb as a stump, and an agitator. . a bomb thrower.

keep throwin dem bombs'. . . sorry charlie, yer frontin so fake. :cool:

Most folks recognize gang activity when they see it.
No, it is ignored by the media, because it is just teen/school violence.

IT happens hundreds of times every day across the nation.

Hundreds of teen girls heads are bashed into concrete every day? School bullying happens every day but not to this extent.

It's serious business and the media ignores it for one reason. We both know what the reason is
Well folks her you go, another ignorant, stupid ass racist.
Talk about asinine, do you realize how many innocent black men and women that were lynched in this country? A clown face is appropriate for you.

How many? How many black on white lynchings until it's all 'even'?

What's even sadder is that you can't even address my question, it didn't matter what that 1 black man did, right? Those whites were savages. You're nothing but a racist. :rolleyes:
No, you bring up a good point.

But if that were the case? It would not have broken down in to a general melee after that initial fight. :rolleyes:
You are either stoopid, or trying to hold up the race baiting narrative. Nice try Felicia.
Why not? Looked like every fight in high-school I've ever seen. Not the head bashing specifically but the lack of presence of mind for consequences from all parties, certainly.
What most folks say about you? Is mostly true. You are dumb as a stump, and an agitator. . a bomb thrower.
Ok. And? :dunno:

Your emotional opinions mean less to me than your admission that this incident isn't gang related. Ridicule and shame only work when the person thinks there's something to be ashamed of.
keep throwin dem bombs'. . . sorry charlie, yer frontin so fake. :cool:

Most folks recognize gang activity when they see it.
If that were true this society wouldn't let corporate gangsters and their pet politicians rummage in their pockets on behalf of the wealthy.
That's the thing. I don't want to work with you. From your comments I want to work against you. Sometimes conflict and disagreement is just inevitable and you have to fight it out. In this case I mean politically.

The kids in my family now go to private schools. There's a preschool my daughter wants to send my grandson to that's going to cost me (and by me and mean my wife who's the undisputed bread winner in our household) two grand a month but oh well, it's only money.
There ought to be unity in America. At least there should be unity in terms of common sense. Like rejecting these insane radical left-wing idea such as that white poor folks are privileged. A poor homeless, white guy somehow being privileged.

The entire white supremacy angle, or the idea that the black man is held down by the white man is pure propaganda. And it is meant to distract us middle-class folks from a dwindling economy.

Democrats used to talk about and worked toward a better healthcare system, maintaining or creating a stronger middle-class. Those things have seemingly been totally forgotten about and we have the poisonous left-wing division.

Rejecting the idea that it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom or play on a woman’s sports team

Supporting traditional masculinity. Whatever the case might be for you or other people we have a lot of problems in this country. One of them is the astronomical portion of single and depressed to young men. At least all sorts of tragic consequences.

I’ve seen a number of Biden’s borders brag about how great their stocks are doing or whatever. Meanwhile, over half of this country can’t afford a $1000 emergency.

When you look back at the American past when we had the strongest middle-class in the world, and everybody wanted to come to this country from all over the world. You will notice that the school celebrated and urged youngsters to become police officers and firefighters. Now with those types of professions are spit on by the mass media and Hollywood.
Remember the 280lb Black raining down 125 blows to a 70 yr old asian lady as she tried to open the entry door coming back from shopping in NY? Beat her in the face over and over and I believe even kicked her when he ran out of gas? Now the filthy MSM has hid the video.

These clowns don't even condem that. And that is not an isolated case. That is almost common if you include robberies, subway mayhem, shool bullying etc.
One that is incredulous to the scourge of porn and video games.

Do I have to really counter something you havent proven to be scourge in the first place? :dunno:

Because I don't know what you mean by single men or what problem you're actually referring to. Unmarried isnt the same as not in a committed relationship. My brother was in a 15 year relationship and had three kids with my sister in law before they eventually got married.

Not at all. I'm pointing out the only people unable to keep up with population numbers are the pure whites. The white on whites. That's simply a fact.

No. :laugh:

You don't have a right to a mate. You have a right to pursue happiness, moron, you don't have a right to have it provided for you.

It's not obvious at all. You sound like a bigger cuckold and bitch then most liberals I've met.

There could be another explanation to that data. They aren't living with a single partner because they have multiple partners.
Again, with the personal attacks from you. Just relax man calm down. a tough guy on the Internet.^

Among those ages 25 to 54, 59% of Black adults were unpartnered in 2019. This is higher than the shares among Hispanic (38%), White (33%) and Asian (29%) adults. For most racial and ethnic groups, men are more likely than women to be unpartnered.

It is young black men who are single, and alone. It’s not that they are living with a partner. No sir it’s not that they have a girlfriend or multiple girlfriends not living with them… sir they don’t have anybody.

This is a part of result of poisonous BLM feminist culture telling men to be like women. “Oh, it’s OK to cry. It’s OK to be at 15-year-old and get a sex change.”

Time for men to be tough in this country. And to embrace their ancestors and stop whining and moaning about this false idea that America has this racist evil history. Start believing in America. Be proud of American history.

I’ve seen this before brother, other Biden, BLM Democrats when confronted with a well thought out post backed with fax will say “nah it ain’t true” IM2 often engages in this type of trolling.

that’s not how life works. America is in a crisis and a number of ways. A dwindling middle class. A serious addiction to pornography and drugs among the youth. 100,000 Americans dying each year alone from fentanyl abuse. That’s not including other hard-core drugs. The alarming number of single young men in this country. And even a growing number of single young women, who have no interest in starting a family there on Instagram all day their brains are fried.
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SO...do you have any PROOF of this clim?
Does anyone in this thread have any proof that the beating is race based?

Does anyone have any proof that the reason the media did not cover it simple because black people hate whites? Or because the girl beaten was white, and the girl doing the beating was black?


Kids beat each other every day in America, no, seriously, they do. They send each other to the hospital every month.

THIS SHIT IS ROUTINE. We all were bullied as kids. GET REAL!

No one gave a damn.

Bullying and school violence happens every damn month, week and day. And there are teen gangs all throughout this nation.
Kids really don't give a shit about race like you boomers do, they really don't. STOP PROJECTING!

I had made friends with some of them many many years ago. They tend to come from broken homes.

This shit ain't new. It is like you folks live in some bubble or alternate universe. :rolleyes:

. . either that, or you WANT to beleev this toxic narrative by these foreign/foundation agitators that WANT to tear us apart as a nation. Yoar first clue you are being duped? You are agreeing/on the some side of this false narrative as agitator Curried Goats. :lol:

Meet me at the park after class is gang activity now? :dunno::laugh:

Why Do They Join?

". . . Reasons cited by experts as to why young people join gangs include love, money, respect, discipline, belonging, identity and recognition. Rudinski says these factors are important, but he believes the main reason is bullying.

“The more I am in schools the more I think everything revolves around bullying. They join for protection,” he says.

Gangs use violence to create fear. For young people, fear means respect. Gangs recruit through subterfuge, such as countering their criminal activities with good works in the community; seduction of a glamorous lifestyle; obligation and coercion. Some teens will seek out a gang on their own.

Rudinski notes that prejudice and misunderstanding and distrust of other cultures foster gang development. Young people come into schools from various neighborhoods, communities or countries. They are picked on because of race, material possessions and language.

He says mass media and pervasive violent images have a powerful influence on teens. Music, television, movies, magazines, video games and Internet sites are full of violent messages. Often parents have no idea what their children are listening to, viewing or reading.. . . "

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This killing is much more disturbing than typical school bullying

The manor of the white girl’s death was extremely primative

Which makes her killer more notable than most
Find me a newspaper or corner report. . . otherwise, you are repeating disinformation for an agenda.
I have noticed the usual racist are quick to make their racist statements on this case.

How did this fight start?

I can't find were a mob of black kids attacked this young white kid, all I can find is where this young white female and a black female were in a fight and the black female got the advantage in the fight.
Does that matter? I’ll say it.. the white girl appeared to attack first according to the video, that doesnt give you the right to attempt to kill that person though
Her head was bashed into concrete. Good grief
Thanks for your expert medical examination Sassy.

If she had died? Why has Fox News not updated the story to tell us that? Hmmmm?

They have already updated it once, it would be no trouble to do so again if she died. THUS? SHE IS NOT DEAD! :rolleyes:


One hospitalized after fight near Hazelwood East High School

Thanks for your expert medical examination Sassy.

If she had died? Why has Fox News not updated the story to tell us that? Hmmmm?

They have already updated it once, it would be no trouble to do so again if she died. THUS? SHE IS NOT DEAD! :rolleyes:

View attachment 916210

One hospitalized after fight near Hazelwood East High School

View attachment 916211

You're trying desperately to seem neutral. Keep trying, I know better

The thug needs to be held accountable. Racist or not. You know it and I know it so stop
You're trying desperately to seem neutral. Keep trying, I know better

The thug needs to be held accountable. Racist or not. You know it and I know it so stop
Well, I agree with that.

. . . and you know who else does? Every decent black mother in this nation. I have read their comments, and they think this is as disgusting as you do.

And you know who else we need to hold accountable? The public schools and the community, that is imparting our children these types of moral and ethics.

Do you think any of these kids go to church on Sunday?

The parents of these kids need to be outed and shamed as well.

What we DON'T need to do? Is make this about race, that does not help us as a nation.
I can see the video for myself
Agreed. The victim is still alive in the video.

So you know you are lying. . . interesting. :eusa_think:

. . and here I thought you have always been, generally one of the good ones who doesn't lie on purpose.


So? You and Curried Goats? Liars working together to make America awful! Noice. :113:
I have noticed the usual racist are quick to make their racist statements on this case.

How did this fight start?

I can't find were a mob of black kids attacked this young white kid, all I can find is where this young white female and a black female were in a fight and the black female got the advantage in the fight.

. . . and if you are unbiased and watch carefully, the young white female clearly had lot of black friends on her side.

After she was incapacitated, it became a free for all between the two sides.

The logical conclusion? This has nothing to do with race. It is a gang fight between two opposing factions.

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