White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

You are

you are ad-libbing about the white cops, but that doesent mean there are no bad cops

The problem is that when we get both sides of the story its often much different than what the black race baiters are telling us
You just can't let that racist attitude go, can you.

Please by all means point out the part of the story where the 2 black man were breaking the Law. Oh wait to white racist like you a black man dating a white woman is breaking the Law.

Hmmm, the slave master went to church on Sundays.

The white men who implemented Jim Crow Laws went to church on Sunday.

Many of the white men who were raping, beating, lynching and murdering black folks went to church on Sunday.

What does going to church on Sunday have to do with anything?
If you have to reach back two centuries to keep the divide & rule narrative going. . . . :rolleyes:

I don't wish to stand now with you.. Sorry.

I'm not saying those kids necessarily need to be going to church, but one of the ladies on that black women's forum I read, said they sure as hell weren't watching Disney or Nick like we ALL did, together.

These kids, today? Are downloading shit like that rapper's streaming platform Zeus. . . this is imparting on them toxicity.

. . . and some parents? Just aren't watching what their kids are doing, nor do they give a shit.

The folks in charge want to separate everyone by gender, sex, politics, race, economics, etc. They want absolute chaos.

. . . and all of you seem moar than happy to no longer identify as American, but see each other as the "enemy."

^ Exactly right. That's pretty much what I was thinking too.

Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) is an age-old tactic and another of the favorite tools used by the powers-that-shouldn't-be, to achieve their agendas.

That's not to say that there aren't major problems in certain communities, obviously there are, but at the same time I think the PTSB / media have the power to amplify things in the public eye in order to incite rage, hate and division. They are really, really good at pitting groups against eachother. And instead of always knee-jerkingly reacting in the way they want us to react.... as you wisely stated, I think the question that should always be asked is who benefits? Cui bono?
You just can't let that racist attitude go, can you.

Please by all means point out the part of the story where the 2 black man were breaking the Law. Oh wait to white racist like you a black man dating a white woman is breaking the Law.

And here you go putting words in peoples mouths that they didnt say. In your RACIST example were these police tried for killing that black man???

I sure I can find examples of white men killed by dirty cops too. Law prosecutes murders even for police when they do these things, but your side hypes it up.

In this case the black girl went to far. Slamming the head into concrete was way beyond a simple fight. That girl may die, and she will do time as a result.

Diffence between me and you is id say the same if the white girl slammed the black girls head into the concrete.

HAZELWOOD, Mo. — A Hazelwood East High School student was hospitalized following a gruesome altercation that unfolded near the campus.
The incident, captured in a harrowing video that has since gone viral on social media, underscored the growing concern over teen violence in the area.
James Clark, vice president of Public Safety and Community Response at the Urban League, expressed deep concern upon reviewing the footage."
That's a glimpse into the mentality and the culture of our young people," Clark said, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention.
The fight prompted a swift response from the St. Louis County Police Department after happening last Friday. Officers arrived at the scene to find a student with critical injuries and immediately transported her to a nearby hospital.
The Hazelwood School District released a statement, referencing the tragedy and calling for community-wide responsibility in addressing the root causes of bullying and violence among youth.
This incident is part of a disturbing trend, with nearly half of American schools witnessing a rise in violent episodes, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. This epidemic of aggression among teens has community leaders searching for solutions.
Clark shed light on the societal pressures fueling these confrontations.

Notice that there are not any allegations of hate or racism.
They don't even mention the poor girl's name.
Maybe Joe Biden will say something about this hate crime....... just kidding
And people wonder why my daughter became a marksman at 12 years of age.

Shoulda been 11, but I was traveling overseas that week.
^ Exactly right. That's pretty much what I was thinking too.

Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) is an age-old tactic and another of the favorite tools used by the powers-that-shouldn't-be, to achieve their agendas.

That's not to say that there aren't major problems in certain communities, obviously there are, but at the same time I think the PTSB / media have the power to amplify things in the public eye in order to incite rage, hate and division. They are really, really good at pitting groups against eachother. And instead of always knee-jerkingly reacting in the way they want us to react.... as you wisely stated, I think the question that should always be asked is who benefits? Cui bono?
It's still a thing.

Asians, especially women, are prime targets for the vermin.
My half Asian daughter will change their minds in a few seconds.

Her sensei doesn't fuck around. He teaches her to win. (Not talking about trophies).
I have studied the martial arts extensively. Therefore I will comment. This person had every opportunity to just beat feet and get out of the area. No matter how righteous you are, leaving the area is often advisable. Unfortunately we live with people that will crush your skull into the pavement.
Crush into others before they crush you.
Those cowards will be armed up ( Small Arms ) ( High End Pyrotechnics ) ( ( low end IED ) and training when the Summer of Love 2.0 kicks off
So what. They can't hit the broad side of a barn. (Except when they're aiming the other way).

Whereas my computer controlled Barrett can pinpoint the O in a coke can from half a mile out.
Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.
"Won the fight"?????
What's wrong with you?
Beating someone's head on the pavement and putting them in a coma then death ISN'T "winning a fight." It's straight up MURDER
If you have to reach back two centuries to keep the divide & rule narrative going. . . . :rolleyes:
2 centuries, hell I can go back to last week.
I don't wish to stand now with you.. Sorry.
When have you ever stood with me?
I'm not saying those kids necessarily need to be going to church, but one of the ladies on that black women's forum I read, said they sure as hell weren't watching Disney or Nick like we ALL did, together.
Did you ever get into any fights in school?
These kids, today? Are downloading shit like that rapper's streaming platform Zeus. . . this is imparting on them toxicity.

. . . and some parents? Just aren't watching what their kids are doing, nor do they give a shit.

I advocate hard for rap to change it's lyrics, I am old school rap ie., Public Enemy, BDP, X Clan, those cats were dropping knowledge. The problem is many rappers say that Sony and others won't produce their music if it is positive.

Parents have to teach their children that it is entertainment and nothing more, not something you try to emulate.
Have you ever cared about the person you were fighting during a fight.
I have never wanted to kill someone with my fists
You just can't let that racist attitude go, can you.

Please by all means point out the part of the story where the 2 black man were breaking the Law. Oh wait to white racist like you a black man dating a white woman is breaking the Law.

i have already agreed/conceded/admitted - call it whst you will - that there are bad cops

But they are few and far between

Assuming the cops you mention are guilty as charged - and it appears they are - throw the book at them
So you don't think that matters. What person could see a child being harmed and condone it, but what is the goal when you are in a fight with someone?

You linked to another response other than mine, FYI

You asked “who started the fight” my response to that was, why does it matter.

What person could see a child being harmed and condone it

I agree, yet here we are, several of the lefties in this very thread have tried to justify the actions of the assailant.

but what is the goal when you are in a fight with someone?

The goal when you are in a fight should be to remove yourself from the fight, first and foremost. Run away, whatever you can do to get out of the situation.

If that is not possible and you HAVE to fight, then your goal should be to defend yourself and subdue and cause the other person to submit. The goal should never be to the attempt to maim or kill the other person.

I’m sure many here are going to disagree with me and say “no, the purpose of a fight is to win and beat the shit out of the other guy”, but that would be the wrong answer. When two people fight, nobody wins.

. . . and if you are unbiased and watch carefully, the young white female clearly had lot of black friends on her side.

After she was incapacitated, it became a free for all between the two sides.

The logical conclusion? This has nothing to do with race. It is a gang fight between two opposing factions.
I agree, we shouldn’t make any assumptions until we get the facts of how this all came about.

I would, however, love to get a glimpse of the psychological evaluation that is more than likely going to happen. It would certainly give some insight into her mindset.
I disagree with your stance on this, if the races were reversed and it was a black girl that was beaten to death, it would be on every 'news' outlet across the country and the reason would be 'racism' before any details came out. And if details came out proving it definitively was not racism, they'd all drop the story as if it never happened. We see it all the time in this country, our 'media' is corrupt and part of the cabal trying to create racial tension. The 'racial tension' that they want to propagate is that of blacks hating whites and thinking all whites are 'racist'.

Someone posted a link earlier to a local news station that claimed the girl died. not sure why a local new station would report that if it wasn't true.
This is all true. We know it is because…history.
If the roles were reversed, it would be a MUCH bigger story, every media outlet would be trying to say it was “the racist maga republicans who foster this racism because of trump”. But it was a white girl who was the one on the bottom this time, so….silence….
I agree, we shouldn’t make any assumptions until we get the facts of how this all came about
There is no "assumption." A person beat the head of another into the pavement. That person went into a coma and DIED. The aggressor made the that choice. Killing another has consequences.

She died because some can't control their rage. Now th res a pric to be paid. I call it MURDER

Some out the border on the dead victim. I say she was murdered because the aggressor lacks basic self control

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