White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

How is she?

Is she still alive? brain dead? poor girl:confused:
No. She died soon after

I was wrong. As of today she still clings to life. I was going by an earlier report that she died

The teenage victim is fighting for life in critical condition after her head was repeatedly smashed into the ground during a brawl near a Missouri high school
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So what. They can't hit the broad side of a barn. (Except when they're aiming the other way).

Whereas my computer controlled Barrett can pinpoint the O in a coke can from half a mile out.
They have numbers ( And they think the MIL / NG & LEOs will side with them when it all goes down
I have never wanted to kill someone with my fists.
How do you know she wanted to kill someone?
i have already agreed/conceded/admitted - call it whst you will - that there are bad cops

But they are few and far between

Assuming the cops you mention are guilty as charged - and it appears they are - throw the book at them.
Hmmm, would you label them as savages or thugs?
There is no "assumption." A person beat the head of another into the pavement. That person went into a coma and DIED. The aggressor made the that choice. Killing another has consequences.

She died because some can't control their rage. Now th res a pric to be paid. I call it MURDER

Some out the border on the dead victim. I say she was murdered because the aggressor lacks basic self control
She's still alive dummy. Nobody cares what you call it.
You linked to another response other than mine, FYI

You asked “who started the fight” my response to that was, why does it matter.
So if you punch me in the face what is my reaction supposed to be?
I agree, yet here we are, several of the lefties in this very thread have tried to justify the actions of the assailant.
Who has done that? By all means point out their posts trying to justify her actions.
The goal when you are in a fight should be to remove yourself from the fight, first and foremost. Run away, whatever you can do to get out of the situation.
If the goal is to run away, you wouldn't be in the fight in the first place. The goal in a fight is to hurt the person you are fighting.
If that is not possible and you HAVE to fight, then your goal should be to defend yourself and subdue and cause the other person to submit. The goal should never be to the attempt to maim or kill the other person.
You are not a cop when you are in a fight.
I’m sure many here are going to disagree with me and say “no, the purpose of a fight is to win and beat the shit out of the other guy”, but that would be the wrong answer. When two people fight, nobody wins.
When you get into a fight, you are trying to hurt the person you are fighting.

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