White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

So if you punch me in the face what is my reaction supposed to be?

Who has done that? By all means point out their posts trying to justify her actions.

If the goal is to run away, you wouldn't be in the fight in the first place. The goal in a fight is to hurt the person you are fighting.

You are not a cop when you are in a fight.

When you get into a fight, you are trying to hurt the person you are fighting.

So if you punch me in the face what is my reaction supposed to be?

Defend yourself? But hopefully not to kill them.

When you get into a fight, you are trying to hurt the person you are fighting

Maybe for you, but most people would think the goal is to defend yourself first and get out of the situation. If that has to come from injury to the other person because they persist, then so be it, but that should not be the goal.
Defend yourself? But hopefully not to kill them.
That's just it, you don't know what is going to happen when you are striking someone.
Maybe for you, but most people would think the goal is to defend yourself first and get out of the situation.
That is only if you are attacked.
If that has to come from injury to the other person because they persist, then so be it, but that should not be the goal.
So why are you fighting if you are not trying to hurt someone?
So if you punch me in the face what is my reaction supposed to be?

Who has done that? By all means point out their posts trying to justify her actions.

If the goal is to run away, you wouldn't be in the fight in the first place. The goal in a fight is to hurt the person you are fighting.

You are not a cop when you are in a fight.

When you get into a fight, you are trying to hurt the person you are fighting.

Who has done that? By all means point out their posts trying to justify her actions.

Welll, there’s Winco, trying to place the blame on trump, there’s Johndoe tryingn to downplay it as “it’s just a childhood fight”, and there’s you, who says “who started the fight”

These are examples of trying to downplay what happened.
Welll, there’s Winco, trying to place the blame on trump, there’s Johndoe tryingn to downplay it as “it’s just a childhood fight”, and there’s you, who says “who started the fight”

These are examples of trying to downplay what happened.
So if you walk up and punch me in the face and then I turn around and punch you in the face and you die, are you saying it doesn't matter that you punched me in the face first.
What I meant was, let’s not jump to the conclusion that the fight was about race

Where did anyone say it was "over race"? The only link to race is that this kind of behavior and inability to control rage, to the point of killing someone (or attempted murder) is COMMON behavior among blacks. Nobody's saying the fight was racially motivated
So if you walk up and punch me in the face and then I turn around and punch you in the face and you die, are you saying it doesn't matter that you punched me in the face first.
That's not what happened and you know it..
She took her head and SMASHED IT INTO THE PAVEMENT and put her in a coma.

Nobody's buying your games
Where did anyone say it was "over race"? The only link to race is that this kind of behavior and inability to control rage, to the point of killing someone (or attempted murder) is COMMON behavior among blacks. Nobody's saying the fight was racially motivated
You trying to tell us you've hung around blacks to tell anyone what common behavior is?
STFU you ignorant, racist POS. THIS thread is about a thug black girl who MURDERED an innocent white girl. An adult trial with the death penalty offered is fully appropriate. Take your rantings about crap that has zero to do with this and hit the bricks.
LOL thinking this will involve the death penalty. Open a book, Red Hat.
100% the case. And working class black men cannot stand the black youth to dress in baggy clothes and talk like they’re a bunch of cartoon characters.

Curried Goats

This guy curried apparently doesn’t even live in America. Because he is acting like the hood doesn’t exist

“Yo dawg it’s my birthday come on Playa give me a few dollars for a beer”

That is literally what a young black man told me a few years ago. It’s happened to me a few times here in Buffalo. Whatever it is what it is but it’s a problem. And for this guy, Currie goats to act like it doesn’t exist. I mean wow that just goes to show us that this guy either is blatantly ignoring it or he doesn’t know what’s going on across communities in America.
Older blacks are also unhappy with young black men and women constantly using the word n****r. Their explanation being that they (and likely those young people's parents or grandparents) fought, were often beaten, and some did in fact die in the efforts to get people to stop using that word. Now younger blacks throw it around constantly.

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